Saturday, December 28, 2019
Intellectual Theft Understanding Intellectual Property
Intellectual Theft Understanding Intellectual Property Historic Perspective Before understanding the impact that cyberspace and technology as a whole has made on the concept of intellectual property there must first be some understanding of the need for such laws. There must also be some understanding of how societies around the globe have come to fundamentally address, apply, and enforce the laws of intellectual property. What is now known as trademark and copyright laws make up the bulk of the intellectual property frame work in most legislative and judicial systems around the world today. The laws used in such cases are now common place, but the road to getting things where they are today was long and hard. The ideas of man have†¦show more content†¦The Statute of Anne was a monumental win for intellectual property laws. â€Å"This (The Statute of Anne) provided authors and proprietors of â€Å"copies†(or manuscripts) with the right to print and reprint copies of their works (Sherman Bently, 1999). The authors go on to add the fact that the rights of the author lasted an initial fourteen years with an additional fourteen years if the author is still alive at the end of the initial period, and twenty years for â€Å"old books†(Sherman Bently, 1999). The enactment of The Statute of Anne was unquestionably something that changed how courts and the world viewed intellectual property, and paved the way for what intellectual property laws are today. Early U.S. Legislation The intellectual property battle in the United States is first addressed in the supreme law of the land, the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution states that (the copyright clauses inclusion is) â€Å"To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries†(U.S. Const. art. I,  § 8, cl. 8). This once again points at the fact that while human beings may feel that they have ideas that can better society, they may be reluctant to do so if they are not rewarded for these ideas in some form or fashion. The aforementionedShow MoreRelatedStudents Face A Different Education System983 Words  | 4 Pagesplagiarism by understanding their outlook towards intellectual property, the implications of committing plagiarism and its consequences. To understand the idea that American institutes have about plagiarism, we need to first understand the American perspective about intellectual property. In America, every person’s intellectual work is their own property. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Rationale For Considering Values And Preferences - 1447 Words
How the guideline panels use the information: rationale for considering values and preferences Values and preferences impact the strength of recommendations, together with other factors. If the variability exists for patient values, the strength of recommendation is weak, indicating recommendations may not apply to specific patient subgroup. Guideline readers and clinical practitioners need to pay special attention to weak recommendations and accompanying values and preferences under these scenarios.2 The systematic review on utilities suggested major bleeding equivalent to nonfatal pulmonary embolism; while intracranial bleed overall was 2 to 3 times worse than major bleed or pulmonary embolism. This relative importance helps guideline panels to weigh the balance of benefits and risks and make the decision accordingly. 16 Considered as significant factors in producing recommendations, the extent to which the values and preferences vary and the extent to which the panellists are confident about the estimates and their variation can influence the strength of the recommendation. If the patient values and preferences are uncertain, or vary across different patient subgroups, the strength of recommendation should be weak. Was there any recommendations influenced by local values and preferences The local values and preferences contributed to the formulating of recommendations. Since â€Å"there is an important variability about how much people value its (sublingual immunotherapy)Show MoreRelatedPhysical Order Produces Healthy Choices, Generosity, And Conventionality, Whereas Disorder Produces Creativity Essay994 Words  | 4 PagesIn the first experiment, 34 Dutch students were tested as to whether being in an organized setting can influence preferences of food choices and donating money to a charity, in comparison to a messy environment. The second experiment measured the influence of the environmental order concerning creativity in 48 American students. In the third experiment, the authors measured the preference for a new or a classic option in 188 American adults. As regards the outcomes of the experiments, the participantsRead MoreTraditional Methods For Evaluating The Capital Investments Essay1020 Words  | 5 PagesProvide a rationale for your suggested method ology. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Theories of Social Science Lacan
Question: Discuss about theTheories of Social Sciencefor Lacan. Answer: Lacan(psychoanalysis) In view of Lacan and Miller (2013), lacanianism is a study and development of the theories as well as the ideas of nonconformist French psychoanalyst. Lacan developed the lacnianism into tnew psychioanalytic theory that is of humankind. However, Muller (2014) argued that the lacnianism presupposed the content of the classicall Freudianism. It can be as simple as the intellectual system. Te lacnianism has framed in three orders that are imaginary, symbolic and real. These three divisions emphases and corresponded to development of thought of Lacan. The centers of the psychoanalytic contribution of Lacan are the questions of image, unconscious fantasy and identification. The concept of Henri Wallon of infant mirroring developed on the idea of mirror stage for demonstrating imaginary nature of ego. This is opposite to the ego psychology. In fifties, the main focus of the interest of Lacan shifted to symbolic order of the kinship, social structure, roles and culture. The focus of the the rapy is the dealing with the disruption on part of imaginary. The symbolic order played the significant role in structuring the imaginary. In sixties, the attention of Lacan focuses on the real not on the external consensual realism. This concept is linked with the trauma and drive to the resists significantly. Lacan and Miller (2013) criticized the indicated Lacnian psychoanalysis. According to Muller (2014), the most sinister priest manipulators of the psychotic society are the pilloried analysts. The thinking of Lacan geared intimately not only to work of Freud but on the most prominent psychoanalytic successors. Bourdieu (Habitus and Field Capital) Field is one kind core concept that the French social scientist Pierre Bourdieu used. Field refers to the setting, in which the agents and the social positions are placed. Jones and Williams (2017) mentioned that the position of specific agent in field. This can be an interaction in between the particular rules of field, capital of agents and habitus of agents. The capital of agents includes the economic, cultural and social factors. Field can interact with each other. Most of the fields are subordinate to larger field of class and power relations. Besides confining the analysis of Bourdieu of social relations and the changes to the voluntaristic agency, Bordie chose to use the concept of field. The concept of field is bridged by the agency structure. In the work of Bourdieu, the field is the system of the social positions that is structured internally regarding power relationships. In view of Jones and Williams (2017), the field is social arena of the struggle over proper capital sp ecies. Fields are mainly organized vertically and horizontally. On the other hand, Collyer et al. (2015) opined that field of power is very peculiar. It exists horizontally via the field. The struggle can control exchange rate of forms of symbolic, physical and cultural capital in between fields themselves. The position of the social agents and field boundaries has a relational difference. The relational difference constitutes the field. Field has affects on the relational constitutes and all the relational difference may have interrelationship. References Collyer, F.M., Willis, K.F., Franklin, M., Harley, K. and Short, S.D., 2015. Healthcare choice: Bourdieus capital, habitus and field.Current Sociology,63(5), pp.685-699. Jones, I.R. and Williams, G., 2017. Editorial: Bourdieu, capitals and health.Sociology of Health Illness,39(1), pp.3-4. Lacan, J. and Miller, J.A., 2013.The ethics of psychoanalysis 1959-1960: The seminar of Jacques Lacan. Routledge. Muller, J.P., 2014.Beyond the psychoanalytic dyad: Developmental semiotics in Freud, Peirce and Lacan. Routledge.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Growing In Suburbs Of Australia Management-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Growing In Suburbs Of Australia Management? Answer: Introducation Growing in the suburbs of Australia, I have developed interests in specific aspects on issues that I had interaction with in the days surrounding. With my dad as a sportsman and my mother a tennis fan, I grew up loving tennis, a game that I played all through my early stages of school till now. However, going to the gym with my dad also made me love exercise as a normal daily activity in the gym. As I grow in my career of business management, I have loved how the business environment is struggling to cope up with technology to remain relevant in the different spheres in the competitive business market. As a result, I have come to love technology, an aspect that helps me keep up with all technological gadgets such as iPhones, laptops, and smart phones. In a self-reflection and a discussion with my family and friends, I came to realize that they both have a common point of argument. My dad saw me growing up with enthusiasm and helping me grow into the person I am today gives him confidence that I can be a great business entrepreneur, an idea that is supported by my mum and elder brother as well. On the other hand, friends find me always to have information on any technological advancement that has a direct and indirect effect on the business world. For instance, Mathews, one of my closest friends surprised me by telling me that any time he needs information concerning a new make of a laptop or a trending smartphone, he will ask me directly and believe whatever answer I would give him since he would confirm from other sources and find the same information. From their suggestions, they say that I can be a good entrepreneur if I combine my professional knowledge with the technological ideas and updates I do have. Through them, I came to prove that I am optimistic, focused on learning new ideas, and trying to evaluate how the ideas can be adopted in the business environment. However, I also found that I am prone to procrastinating ideological implementation, an aspect that I need to improve on as other competitors may use the same entrepreneurial ideas and take advantage of the market. Hence, I need to be quick in the implementation of ideas such as adopting technological systems such as cloud computing, cyber security, digital marketing, etc. in business. For a long time, I often asked myself what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. In a systematic review, Hou and Lee (2016) denote that there is an often rare definition of the recommended characteristics an entrepreneur needs to possess. However, most of the recommended traits are often observed from other successful leaders and entrepreneurs like Bill Gates. As an entrepreneur, I have a passion that is driven by making money but finding solutions to different entrepreneurial challenges. I am fueled by an unshakable sense of purpose. I am also resilience towards achieving my set goals, an aspect that has seen me through one failure to another without losing my entrepreneurial enthusiasm. In their study, Shen and Chan (2017) denote that as an entrepreneur, there are cases when one will often fail but will not stay there; instead, he will focus on the goal despite the challenges encountered. I should be able to understand that an idea maybe brilliant but less effective, an aspect that will require a high level of flexibility in making the necessary adjustments that can make the idea feasible. I do have a very strong sense of self, an attribute that has enabled me to overcome numerous challenges and problems. Being resilient and passionate has enabled me to go so far due to my strong sense of self. For instance, being self-motivated and self-confident will help me to know a good idea and not think the idea can be good. However, I need to be flexible in adapting challenges and changes in the business environment to remain relevant in the competitive business spheres. Reflection of the Future According to Faught and Long (2017), the arrival of every year often provokes discussion concerning how the next 12 months are likely to unfold. Similarly, the pace of innovation is seen to accelerate at a faster rate than before. Therefore, there is a need for progressive entrepreneurs to look further ahead on how their businesses will adopt the changes in the innovation. Walz (2016) also points out that the period between 2014 and 2025 is poised in redefining virtually all the facets of the business environment as well as how we work or live. The same study denotes that these years will usher in various radical technologies, customer experiences, business models, as well as the new breed of entrepreneurship. In other words, it will lead to a digital native who act and think differently from every entrepreneurial generation before them. With the different aspects of digital innovation, improvement, and performance, Shen and Chan (2017) point out that the construction and manufacturing sectors will be the primary determinants that will primarily drive the global economies. For instance, in adopting new technological advancements in the above industries, new manufacturing hubs are emerging in both developed and developing countries (Hou Lee, 2016). As an entrepreneur, my focus will be adopting the technological innovations in the manufacturing industry to see an improvement in the construction growth. In adopting the technology, it will be much easy to ensure that business innovation in the manufacturing industry expands to offer employment and quality services for both the rural and urban population. My passion for entrepreneurship, management, and business innovation will hence be relevant to the development of the manufacturing industry in the future. In a systematic study, Faught and Long (2017) point out that with technological advancement, business is progressing from services to products and finally to experience. As a result, the next ten years is likely to be harder to make money in any transactional business, an aspect that requires entrepreneurs to find a way of breaking out of it according to Gottel (2016). However, the entrepreneurial mind suggests that future small and large scale businesses will be more of mutual benefit in finding the right way of innovation through every experimental manner possible. As a result, it is essential to learn from other successful entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Michael Bloomberg, and Mark Zuckerberg among others. They are a group of entrepreneurs who have proven that success is inevitable as long as one has a vision, passionate, flexible, resilience, and have a strong sense of self towards achieving whatever goal they desire to achieve just like them. It is my desire to have Bill Gates as my mentor, an aspect that will require me to foster him through the process since he has seen other successful entrepreneurs through the challenges of the business environment. References Faught, S., Long, J. (2017). Analyzing The Needs Of Rural Small Businesses And Developing Economic Sustainability Programs For Their Management Teams.International Journal Of The Academic Business World,11(1), 23-30. Gottel, V. (2016). Business Models: Origin, Development and Future Research Perspectives.Long Range Planning,49(1), 36-54. doi:10.1016/j.lrp.2015.04.001 Hou, W., Lee, E. (2016). Chinese style capitalism: current development and future implications.European Journal Of Finance,22(5/6), 255-258. doi:10.1080/1351847X.2016.1090051 Shen, B., Chan, H. (2017). Forecast Information Sharing for Managing Supply Chains in the Big Data Era: Recent Development and Future Research.Asia-Pacific Journal Of Operational Research,34(1), -1. doi:10.1142/S0217595917400012 Walz, K. A. (2016). Teaching-as-research internships: a model for the development of future chemistry faculty and the improvement of teaching in science, technology, engineering, and math.Community College Journal Of Research Practice,40(2), 133-145.
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