Friday, May 31, 2019
Dukes of T-Town :: essays research papers
Dukes of T-TownYo, B each(prenominal)s, that sheriff is following you pretty close, how drunk are you? Chris asked me just before I looked in my rearview reflect to see if eachone was following us. I saw that a sheriff was about two city blocks behind us. Looking at my speedometer to check my speed and sure enough, I was speeding. We were going 51 in a 45 so I slowed down to give him one less reason to pull us over. All we wanted to do was get home safely without any tickets for a DUI or minor having Consumed (MHC), and my turn was just up ahead. When I got in the turning lane, I saw the sheriff take a quick turn behind me on a road that would lead to county road 116 that goes straight to the county 127 which I was turning on. So with some quick thinking we turned onto county 127 and then took an immediate right that led to another dirt road that couldnt be seen by the sheriff.Im gonna ditch this fucking pig, I said, as I turned off the lights in the Subaru that I had borrowed fr om my blind grandma. I was straight trying to drive blind on a dirt road, and to make matters worse I was going about 65 mph. We hit big potholes the shoulder, on with most of the road, was washboard. The road was hard enough to drive on straight while sober, let alone drunk.Holy shit this is fun as hell on earth Hey, Balls, that was one bad-ass party don cha think? I strain Brionne yell as I slam on my breaks to shop behind a guide on a bend in the road so that we were not visible from any road. The three of us watched with our breath held as the sheriff shined his spotlight all around, but it never made it to us. We were too far away and hidden much too well. Then he hit his other spotlights on fade of his truck and they made it to about 50 yards out in front of us, but still he cant see us. During all this time, we could hear the fleas jumping off Chris nuts. Not a word was spoken, even when the lights went off and the truck pulled away. Still we were silent and still caref ul not to make any quick movements half from fear of the sheriff and half from the fear of rolling into the narrow dry ditch that the car was now teetering on.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Battle Of Blu-Ray versus HD-DVD Formats Essay examples -- Technolo
The Battle of FormatsThere are two new formats of DVDs coming out one is Blu-ray and one is HD-DVD, leave alone this become the battle of VHS vs. BetaMax and which will be in your home. First, let me give you some history on both of these new forms of DVDs. Blue-ray which was invented by a group of companies called Blue-ray Disc Association. It consists of companies like Sony, Apple, Dell, HP, and many more. Blue-ray will hold 25 gigabytes and will be the same size and shape of a DVD. The only difference is that it uses a different laser which is the color blue. now you know why they called it this. The big factor that will push Blue-ray to be in your home is that Paramount Pictures, Universal Studios, and Warner Bros will be big supporters of Blue-ray. some other big feature is that it will feature DRM which is digital rights management. Blue-ray has another form of encryption called BD+ that will allow the companies to change the encryption. This will make it very sturdy to mak e copies of their products like movies and software. HD-DVD was introduced on the DVD forum and on November 19, 2003 they decided that the HD-DVD format be the new DVD to output HD movies. HD DVD was originally called modern Optical Disc. Like Blue-ray it is the same size as Cds and DVDs. HD-DVDs will only hold 15 gigabytes, 10 less than Blue-ray. HD-DVD uses a red laser to open fire information and read information. This product is supported by Toshiba, NEC, Sanyo, Microsoft, HP, and Intel. Now the type of copy right protection that HD-DVD is some what like Blue-ray. They will have a Watermark Protection. All HD DVD readers will check for this watermark and if does not see the watermark it will refuse to play the disc. Manufacturers have also discusse... ...3i, spath &. Blu-ray vs. HD-DVD. 09 muff 2005. Online. 30 Apr 2006.. Perton, Marc Toshiba and LG ink HD-DVD patent-sharing deal. 9 Feb 2006. Online. 30 Apr 2006.. Unkown Next-generation DVD battle begins. 19 Apr 2006. Onlin e. 30 Apr 2006.. Unkown HD DVD. Online. .. Unkown Blu-ray Disc. Online. .. Additional ExerciseOne of my writing problems was trying to not let off the hard ware but to explain the problem with the separate patents and what the problem was. The way I had to fix this was research more on who owned what and who supports them. I am a technology geek so it easier for me to talk about how things work than to get into the business of things. This topic is a big one for me and I think it will mean more and more to people. A lot of people of new clue of this technology but yet it will be forced into there homes sooner or later.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Graduation Speech :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
I want all of you graduates to do me a favor and just look around at your fellow classmates for a a couple of(prenominal) seconds and think ab pop the people you know out there and realize After all of the parties and once all of the euphoria surrounding graduating has subsided, you are not going to see many of these people ever again. Im sure its a comforting though to many of you that you bequeath never see me again, and Ive come to monetary value with that.We are all mental capacityed in different directions now. close to of us are going to college, whether it be two-year, four-year, in-state, out-of-state, or whatever. Some are going straight into the workforce, perhaps in construction, plumbing, commercial fossil fuel distri hardlyion or as Jeff Reynolds puts it so eloquently, You could go into a life of being a g everyplacenment monetary allocation specialist. And some of you are going straight to jail.Right now Im sure many of you are sitting there with thoughts racing through your head at a mile a minute. Some people are anxious about the future, others are primed to get on the bus for the after-grad party. Some are thinking that they finally have their ticket stamped to leave Purple Lake, which I happen to be thinking right now. Some of you are look at the clock and wondering how long it will be until I shut-up and get off the stage, I happen to know Goset is thinkin that right now, arent you Aynsley? Those kids, like Goset over there, just want their little case which actually doesnt contain a diploma, instead it just has a piece of paper which tells you when to pick it up. To those people out there I say, Just cool off, Ill be done in a minute, the diploma cases arent going anywhere, so just be patientthough you might not be thinking any of those things right now, Im sure we are all thinking that we finally made it. Yup, high school is over, but were not even close to being done. This is just the beginning of the rest of our life and it only gets harder from this point on. You will encounter obstacles at every turn, but you must persevere if you hope to succeed in this world. The key to your success will be to know what everyone expects from you and then you must commit yourself to exceeding those expectations, that is what will set you ahead of the rest.
B. F. Skinner Essays -- essays research papers
B. F. mule skinnerBurris Frederic muleteer was born on March 20th, 1904 in Susquehanna,Pennsylvania. His mother, Grace M. Burrhus, was a stenographer and a secretary,in a law note and later in a railroad chief executives office. His father,William A. Skinner, was an attorney, who studied law with another local attorneyat a New York Law School. Skinners parents were both good students. His fatherhad bought several sets of books, so there was a bevy of reading material theirchildren. Skinner said that his parents never used physical punishment, missfor the time they washed his mouth out with soap for bad language. (Ulrich,1997) B. F. Skinner was very adventurous child. He lead a 300 mile boat tripdown the Susquehanna River when he was only 13 years old. He was a naturalinventor and he loved build things. One of his inventions include a device thatautomatically reminded him to hang up his pajamas in the morning. He played thesaxophone in a jazz band during high give instruction a nd played piano until his failingeyesight made it hard for him to read the music. In college, he was veryindependent, and sometimes even a prankster. He have from Hamilton Collegein 1926 and later received his P.h.D. in psychology at Harvard University.(Ulrich, 1997) rump B. Watson John Broadus Watson was born in Greenville, South Carolina on January9th 1878. He went to college at Furman University and the University of Chicago.Watson created " mental behaviorism" in 1912. He told the world about histheory of behaviorism in a 1913 paper entitled Psychology as the BehavioristViews It. In the paper he described Behaviorism as the part of psychology thatshows behavior as "a series of observable movements in time and spot". (Turner,1997) He rejected both conscious and unconscious mental activities and definedbehavior as a response to a stimulus. A few of John B. Watsons literary worksinclude the following books and papers Animal Education, Behav ior, Psychologyfrom the Standpoint of a Behaviorist, Behaviorism, and Psychological Care ofInfant and Child. (Turner, 1997) Along with his own theories of behaviorism, Skinner developed the theoryof operant conditioning. Operant conditioning is based on the idea that "webehave the way we do because this kind of behavior has ... ...duces thestimulus."(Skinner, 1938) For Skinners Behaviorism page 7 example, Skinners cattries to remove his flea collar because it irritates his sensitive skin. Skinnerremoves the collar from the cat as a form of negative reinforcement. (Skinner,1938) In his time, B. F. Skinner attempt to make a lot of changes in modernpsychology. Made people didnt agree with his changes because he didnt thinkthat psychology had to do with feels or emotions. He matte up that psychology hadsuffered in the past because it tried to explain human behavior in terms offeelings and states of mind. Skinner thought that psychology had wasted a lo t oftime making theories about the mind and personality. He suggested thatpsychology should only deal with behavior that is "observable in the world inwhich it occurs." (Henderson, 1990) In conclusion, B. F. Skinner was a veryintelligent man that viewed behavior as "a response to a stimulus." Though hemay have based his theories generally on animal testing and he many have evenportrayed man as a being without feelings, creativity, or morality, he was actuallygreat and saw behaviorism like no one had seen it before. (Skinner, 1938)
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Autism Essay -- Chromosome Disorders
What is autism? Autism is a potentially severe neurological condition affecting well-disposed functioning, communication skills, reasoning, and behavior. It is considered a spectrum disorder, meaning that the symptoms and characteristics of autism can present themselves in a variety of combinations, ranging from extremely mild to quite severe (Fergus 2002 para.1). Autism was first reported in 1943 by a Dr. Leo Kanner of John Hopkins University. Dr Leo Kanner based his theory on 11 infantren who showed signs of withdrawal from human contact, this started at age 1 surrounded by the years of 1938 to 1943. In the 1940s, the research of autism was so rare and this was a new case, Dr. Leo Kanner based the disability to be schizophrenia which in the eyes of the parents they image they were at fault. In the 60s, that is when the knowledge of autism and the treatments came clear. (Edelson Para. 8) Having the basic history of autism will let pack understand where and how Dr. Leo Kanner h ad come across the disability. Some people have never heard about autism and the treatments that go into helping someone with autism. The three main points that will be discussed are treatment, prognosis, and the quality of life. Having a child with autism can make life difficult but with therapy and treatment children with autism can grow to be what society calls normal. With a child who has been diagnosed as autistic, this starts the wheels turning of what is to do next. The diagnosis of autism is based on I.Q. tests and observations this will introduce what needs that the child may have. As physicians observe children with autism and evaluate how severe each child may be. Depending on the severity of the children depends on the course of treatment th... ...riskfactorsAutism Research Institute. (2008). What is autism? Retrieved August 29, 2008, from Autism Research Institute http// Society of the States. (n.d.). Unique needs and abilities. Retrieved August 29, 2008, from Autism Society of America http// Autism Spectrum Disorder program. (2000) Wichita State University. Retrieved from September 20, 2008, from http// (Oct 2005) 54(10). General OneFile. Gale. Apollo Library. R etrieved from September 20, 2008 from .American health line. (2007). Pediatrics Reports on Autism. Retrieved on September 20, 2008 from University of Phoenix Library. Lee LC (2007) Quality of life. Retrieved from September 20, 2008 from http//
Autism Essay -- Chromosome Disorders
What is autism? Autism is a potentially severe neurological condition affecting social functioning, communication skills, reasoning, and behavior. It is considered a spectrum disorder, meaning that the symptoms and characteristics of autism can open themselves in a variety of combinations, ranging from extremely mild to quite severe (Fergus 2002 para.1). Autism was first reported in 1943 by a Dr. social lion Kanner of John Hopkins University. Dr Leo Kanner based his theory on 11 children who showed signs of withdrawal from human contact, this started at age 1 between the years of 1938 to 1943. In the 1940s, the research of autism was so rarefied and this was a new case, Dr. Leo Kanner based the disability to be schizophrenia which in the eyes of the parents they thought they were at fault. In the 60s, that is when the knowledge of autism and the interferences came clear. (Edelson Para. 8) Having the prefatorial history of autism will let people understand where and how Dr. Leo K anner had come across the disability. Some people have never heard about autism and the treatments that go into helping someone with autism. The three main points that will be discussed are treatment, prognosis, and the quality of life. Having a child with autism can make life difficult that with therapy and treatment children with autism can grow to be what society calls normal. With a child who has been diagnosed as autistic, this starts the wheels turning of what is to do next. The diagnosis of autism is based on I.Q. tests and observations this will come before what needs that the child may have. As physicians observe children with autism and evaluate how severe each child may be. Depending on the severity of the children depends on the course of treatment th... ...riskfactorsAutism Research Institute. (2008). What is autism? Retrieved August 29, 2008, from Autism Research Institute http// Society of America. (n.d.). Unique needs and abi lities. Retrieved August 29, 2008, from Autism Society of America http// Autism Spectrum Disorder program. (2000) Wichita State University. Retrieved from kinsfolk 20, 2008, from http// (Oct 2005) 54(10). General OneFile. Gale. Apollo Library. R etrieved from September 20, 2008 from .American health line. (2007). Pediatrics Reports on Autism. Retrieved on September 20, 2008 from University of Phoenix Library. Lee LC (2007) Quality of life. Retrieved from September 20, 2008 from http//
Monday, May 27, 2019
Sumptuous Cuisine Catering
Their jut outs for the ballroom show they want to offer their clients the option of having a meeting or party place outside of their business or home. They can bemuse them more different options to fill their needs and wishes for their events. The company go forth provide many options for in house services and then pass on use subcontractors for the rest. Even though this is a ballroom they will be able to offer meetings or parties from small to large at any time of the day.This can be d iodine due to their flexible menus they will be able to offer a variety of cuisine. This option will also put them above the competition that specializes In only one type of food. To keep this edge however they will have to keep up on new trends and watch their competition closely making sure that they stay one step ahead. The plans for this venture will reach out to a variety of past clients as well as open up a new market for them that will provide the client to not have to provide a place ha ve their event.Reaching for the non-profit organizations that could utilize the location for their fund gassing functions will open more doors for batch that go to them generally throw large functions or parties of their own. They are Joining forces with other companies that will allow them to expand their bookings through other party training companies. This along with their plan to add their own sales staff should give the company a well rounded market. The sales forecast for the ballroom they are looking for it to rise considerable in the first year as the forecast Is for them to be able to sell due to Introductory specials.It is an aggressive one that could be hard to make If they cannot rent the space as they have projected. They have a well thought out Male Stone plan that seems to touch each section of getting the business going. The partners will be hands on with the start up to follow each function so that they can put their vision into place. With them doing this and hi ring a minimal private instructorial staff until things take off this will help with costs. The hiring of an administrative assistant will give them the option to focus on this. A Marketing director will get them in place to be seen.Using a full time facilities manager will keep the building in check for the events. A chief and assistant cook will be added along with other cross proficient staff. When looking at the capital that the company will have for startup it they seem to have a very tight budget and are allowing for the purchase, improvements, equipment and market however they do not have much to fall back on if things slow down the opening or business does not scatter up right away. They do however plan to use the cash reserves from Sumptuous Cuisine to help In the first year.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Many saw the wall street crash as a disaster, with 6 million unemployed by 1933
Many saw the wall street crash as a disaster, with 6 one thousand thousand unemployed by 1933. Despite this Hitler and his Nazi party saw this as an opportunity to gain support. They believed that if they could solve the issue with unemployment they could win the votes and secure their place at the top in the Reichstag. The only question was, could Hitler achieve this? Adolf set about providing job creation schemes which would have a knock on effect. He did this by spending government money on public projects.Hitler knew that if he provided Germany with autobahns and the like he would need workers to construct such developments, they would need supplies and so the domino effect went on. The political platform had such a positive feedback that by the end of 1933 the Nazis had fed 5,000 million Reich marks directly into construction. Thousands that were once without work were now employed and the economy began to cream up, if people had money they were more likely to buy consumer ite ms.To target peoples new found income Hitler reduced motor vehicle tax to encourage investment in the automobile, therefore boosting car production which doubled from 1932-33. Once a work force had been assembled the Nazis wanted organisation. Millions found themselves in the RAD (Reich Labour Service) and were put to work. By 1935 it become compulsory for both women and men aged 18-25 to do 6 months work in the RAD an extremely well disciplined workforce. In an sum total to this The German Labour Front was set up to replace the free trade unions banned previously in 1933.The pay and working(a) times were set and compared to many occupations workers did a lot of work for a small amount of pay. Despite this there was no alternative except a poverty that goose egg wanted to endure once again, so on went Hitlers firm hold on those that worked within the union. To prevent any outbreaks of protest or a revolt, Adolf created dickens organisations to help support the workers, to boost mood and productivity. The first of these was the Beauty Of Labour which aimed to improve conditions at work, the theory was that if the workplace was a pleasant place, the employees would not mind working hard.The second initiative was called Strength through Joy a reward scheme that provided cheap holidays and leisure facilities to reward those that earned it. The most popular offer was a where workers could put a bit away each time they received wages to buy a car. Despite the innocence behind such an idea, nothing ever received an automobile. The money was infact fed into the Re-armament of Germany. Many of the organised rewards that were offered to employed Germans had the sinister aim to re arm the country for war.When the Nazis were elected into power Germany had no air force, tanks or basic military equipment. Secretly the Military registration had a register of 2800 companies with whom they placed orders with. Yet again jobs were produced from a sudden tide of requests o f components for war. In 1935 72,000 workers were employed in air craft production more as apposed to the meagre 4000 that were in work in 1933. Slowly Hitler slowly began to foregather soldiers by introducing conscription for males between 18 and 25 and by 1939 there were over 1. 4 million men in the armed forces.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Robot in Medical Field
VEX ROBOTICS ESSAY I believe that robotics should be used in the medic celestial orbit because they can be safer and be more helpful. They can save time and a person life. They are more accurate. I have a test to prove that robots are safety to use. 1. In 1997, cognitive operation was performed in Cleveland using Zeus, a robotic surgical system. The operation successfully reconnected a womans fallopian tubes. 2. In May of 1997, the first robotically-assisted operation for a heart bypass case in Germany was successfully done using the da Vinci surgical system. 3.The first coronary thrombosis artery bypass graft was performed using the ZEUS robotic surgical system in October, 1999, in Canada. 4. The first unmanned robotic surgery was performed in Italy, in May, 2006. 5. as well in 2011 a 50 year old mother of 4 child, Maureen Sampson was suffering from gastrointestinal disorder. This is very serious and it can be deadly. Her conditions worsed each day. As the day went by her condi tion worsed. But in july of 2011 her doctor referred her to the robotic-assisted surgery program at Swedish Covenant Hospital in Chicago.Maureen didnt vacillate after learning that she could recover in a matter of weeks versus months compared to a conventional surgery. Just a month after her surgery, Maureen was anchor at work, back to daily life with her family, and finally feeling at ease about her health. Maureen is just one of hundreds of patients who have benefited from the knowledge and skill of the robotic-assisted surgical team. But think up these are just some of the examples of succesful robotic surgery. Robotic-assisted procedures reduce the negative impacts of surgery, allowing for a speedier recovery and less pain, risk of infection, and scarring.Surgery robots on this day are actually cleverly make manipulators controlled by competent doctors. Nowadays, there are two fields where surgical robots are being developed and tested. One is telerobotics which enables a doc tor to do a surgery at a distance. The other field is minimally invasive surgery surgery done without making large cuts. The da Vinci robot surgery system is one great example of robotics use for surgery purposes. The da Vinci System consists of a surgeons console that is typically in the very(prenominal) room as the patient and a patient-side cart with four interactive robotic arms controlled from the console.Three of the arms are for tools that hold objects, act as a scalpel, scissors, bovie, or unipolar or bipolar electrocautery instruments. The fourth arm is for an endoscopic camera with two lenses that gives the surgeon full stereoscopic vision from the console. For patients, the benefits of robotic assisted surgery may include -Decreased post-operative pain -Decreased risk of infection -Decreased use of anesthesia -Decreased blood loss -Shorter hospital stay -Quicker and more complete recovery -Faster return to average daily activities
Friday, May 24, 2019
Anthropology or Sociology Essay
In the social sciences of sociology and cultural anthropology, researchers have developed their own unique style or research and investigational techniques. eyepatch between these fields some techniques be similar, there are some differences. Some differences occur with the philosophical reasons certain techniques are used.In the field of sociology researchers strain to understand social situations and to discover repeating patterns in society (Tischler, p.4, 2007). Two rules that sociologists use are direct annotation and survey research. Direct observation involves premier hand observations and obtaining information from knowledgeable informants of the group that is being studied. Survey research involves the collection and analysis of information gathered through interviews and questionnaires.While there are incompatible reasons and circumstances to use varied research methods in the data collection process, in the field of sociology survey research does have some benefits . In earlier years the construction and administration of surveys, and statistical methods for tabulating and interpreting their results, were widely regarded as the major sociological research technique (MSN Encarta, 2009). This allows researchers to study populations on a broader scope than using direct observation. It also enables the researcher to gather information on a population in a more efficient mode than some other methods. The results from surveys give a look into a groups perspective as a whole rather than individualized thoughts and opinions that can differ greatly even in small populations.Although sociology is similar to cultural anthropology in that they both study human behavior, researchers of cultural anthropology study such topics as how people beget their living, how people interact with each other, what beliefs people hold, and what institutions organize people in a society (MSN Encarta, 2009). They also use a more direct method to gather data. Traditionally , much anthropological research involves long-term, direct observation of and participation in the life of another culture which is known as participant observation (MSN Encarta, 2009). This usually involves the researcher immersing themselves in the culture and living with thepeople they are studying.Another method employed by cultural anthropologists is human ecology, which is the study of how cultures interact with their natural environment. Anthropologists may collect large amounts of data about features of a cultures environment, such as types of plants and animals, the chemical and nutritional properties of medicines and foods, and climate patterns (MSN Encarta, 2009). This information can patron researcher understand certain characteristics of a peoples culture.While both of these fields of study involve studying people the methods used are different. They have different purposes in the collection of data. Sociologists mainly study social situations and use less of a direct approach in their research. Cultural anthologists study the culture as a whole and any influencing factors. Their use of cultural immersion and the study of the natural environment surrounding a particular culture are different from a sociologists approach. Despite these differences the goals to better understand cultures and societies is still the common thread that is shared between both.ReferencesAnthropology, Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2009. Retrieved from May 25, 2009 fromhttp// 1997-2009 Microsoft Corporation.Sociology, Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2009. Retrieved May 25, 2009 fromhttp// 1997-2009 Microsoft Corporation.Tischler, Henry. 2007. Introduction to Sociology. Belmont, CA Thomson Wadsworth.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Arranged Marriage vs. Free-choice Marriage Essay
Happy nuptialss begin when we marry the ones we acknowledge, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry (Tom Mullen, 2005, p.1). It is argued that free-choice unions establish on love or romance, offer more independence and freedom as comp atomic number 18d to arranged wedding ceremonys where the man and woman are chosen by the parents and so there is pressure and is not so suitable and independent. However, no marriage is necessarily an ideal sort of marriage. at that placefore, it becomes difficult to predict the ideal sort of marriage. The last is upon the individual, whether he or she wants to be part of an arrange or free-choice marriage. There are two main types of marriages that are nice in various societies and cultures and they are arranged marriages and free-choice marriages. Both type of marriages have benefits and particular expectations for the man and woman. Research shows that the type of marriage chosen often reflects a someones values, traditions, belief s, and ethnical customs. Both arranged and free-choice marriages have similarities and differences.An arranged marriage is an union between two prospective spouses chosen by the parents and some clocks between the extended family. In most cases of arranged marriages the two partners can have a say in it after several meetings with one an early(a)wise or even plainly once. However, in some cases the parents make the final decision and do not let the young lady or son have a say in it after that. This is explained hale in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Arranged marriages can as well be precise flexible. In one scenario, the parents introduce their son or daughter to several potential mates, while giving two the final decision, given sometime (2005). The relationship in an arranged marriage starts off from not cognize each other and or no feelings, and as time moves on, the love is built on together as the partners get to know each other more and spend more time together. Th e partners learn to love each other and in many cases the partners are more conservative and it takes longer for them to fix a bond. Unlike love or romantic marriages, arranged marriages have learned to love.Even after taking these facts in consideration, arranged marriages are universe practiced all told over the world. However, it depends on different cultures around the world. If research is done, arranged marriages would be mostlikely be happening in split of Africa, most of Asia, and a unafraid portion of Eastern Europe. Knowing where arranged are being practiced, it is also important to know that arranged marriages are practiced when the two partners are chosen by others for some specific reasons or due to the persons traditions, beliefs, and culture. When deciding an arranged marriage, special requirements postulate to be fulfilled from both sides of the couple.Therefore, these requirements should be acceptable from both the parents and the couple. For example, in some cases, women get the opportunity to work and some are usually forced to be stay-at-home moms. Also sometimes the two partners have to be the same nationality, have the same beliefs, belong in the same culture and etcetera. The importance of good family background and compatibility as far as upbringing and family is concerned are vital for two individuals entering into a relationship (Alochona, 2004, p.1).However, most mickle recollect that there is a low rate of divorce. If the two people do not know much ab pop out each other, it would be better for their marriage because they exit find out new and interesting facts about each other during the time they spend together after marriage. As in free-choice, also called love or romance marriages, both partners know each other from before and do not have much left to find out or maybe in some cases, a number of new things can be found between couples. So, it is more likely to get worldly of the marriage life if that is the case and it could lead up to divorce.In different cultures around the world, this type of marriage is a type of an advantage for people who need money, therefore they will find someone who will be willing to marry the person because they cannot afford money to arrange the marriage function or give to their daughters as a dowry. Also, this type of marriage is chosen because of social status. A rich family will want their heir to marry into a family that is expenditure their status. And lastly, very religious and cultural son and daughters will just agree to an arranged marriage because of the way they have been brought up since childhood and they know that they will not have to worry about their parents of not approving or rejecting of their choice of spouse.On the other side, a free-choice marriage can be base on romance orfriendship. The relationship between this type of marriage can be based on admiration and with a person know really well from before. If the relationship has been brought together because of romance, it often seems for both of the partners that they are not able to live without each other. In this type of marriage, timing is important. It takes time for the two people to fully understand each other and make this large-mouthed decision. Romance allows the two people to spend more time together and get to know each other better. This marriage is considered very sweet and romantic. Many people imagine themselves having this type of marriage one day. The idea of go in love with someone is great because if the person is known from before, it makes it easier knowing that the rest of the upcoming marriage life will be spent with that person. sometimes it also makes it easier when two people are in love, they are comfortable around each other and they have a certain understanding of what the other expects.A free-choice marriage can also be based on friendship. If a person is very good friends with another person, it could lead up to romance. It is compreh end quite often that Friendship is the first step towards love and the last step. Knowing that a free-choice marriage has so many great feelings stored indoors it, it is being practiced all over the world. This type of marriage is not based on religious and cultural beliefs however it is based on feelings and emotions. do it just happens, no one can ignore it or even try to ignore it. If it cannot be ignored , it cannot be stopped. This leads to the two people mentation they are ready and have chosen their partner to move onto the next step, and that step is marriage.However, before making such a big decision, most people think about their values, traditions, beliefs, and cultural customs because they know this will have a large amount of impact on their upcoming future. Even in this type of marriage certain circumstances have to be taken in consideration. Such examples include when two people are in love they are at their best to impress the other person, they wear their best cl othes, they are at their best behaviour and project many things that they are in reality not, and also it takes a while between couples to shed the veil after marriage when they are more open and comfortable towards each other.When a person thinks about a free-choice marriage they think of love and freedom and automatically agree to it, to the great feelings stored within the marriage. A person would choose this type of marriage because they would not have to worry about not knowing the person from before. They know the person he or she is going to be with, have all the qualities they are looking for and have no doubt about it. Being comfortable with each other and when around each other is a big factor and in this relationship, this is all included.In this type of marriage, there is no pressure of their family, friends, culture, and society because the marriage is based on freedom and own choice. There is no involvement of the parents and there is no worry about dowry and so on. A lso, in this type of marriage the couples understand each other well and they decide this from over looking at all the factors that would need to be considered after marriage. Such examples include children, work, homes, etcetera. In this generation, it does not matter what love is or what relationships are, most people just want to do what they want and what they think is right.Whether it is an arranged marriage or a free-choice marriage, it takes two people who are very responsible, honest, and committed for the union to succeed. Arranged or free-choice, people seek perfect husband and wives that no one is hundred percent perfect. The success of marriage is in mutual understanding and acceptance, and also in mutual love and respect. Neither arranged marriages nor free-choice marriages are better than one another, it is up to the individual who is convolute to decide which is best for them.Getting married is a complete package. One does not marry the person as such but his or her habits, family, activated problems, background, experiences, career, and many other things that are required to be dealt with (p.1). Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate (Barnett Brickner,2002, p.2).ReferencesAugust, P. (2005, October). Arranged Marriages in the Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from http//, H. & Spanier, G. (1978). Modern Marriage. McGraw-Hill Book Company.Mullen, T. (2005). Love Marriages. iloveindia.http//weddings.iloveindia.comNighat, S. (2005) personal Interview. 7 December.ONeil, N. & ONeil, G. (1973, February). diffuse Marriage. Dushkin Publishing Company Group Inc.Sabreen, F. (2005, May). Arranged versus Love Marriage. The New Nationhttp//
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
A Study of Market Segmentation for Uk Frozen Food Industry Essay
A Study Of Market air division For UK Frozen fodder Industry Abstract The objectives of this study are to perform food market air division for a SME in the frozen food sector. The study could form a groundwork of sectionalisation manikin for a SME like Eden Farm, the framework once developed from academic literature would help to undertake a market segmentation in the frozen food industry with relevant segmentation criteria which would form a basis of targeting strategy for the company. In this Dissertation, the literature on Market section is reviewed and relevant criteria for segmentation in an industry are understood.The typology from the literature identifying the variables for segmentation and relevant strategic tools for analysis of the sector is used to develop a framework for segmentation in the industry. The framework is applied to carry out a detailed segmentation of the markets for frozen food, an analysis is carried out to understand the target markets and strate gic tools used to identify the target markets. Along with the segmentation of the markets, an analysis of the results is carried out and recommendations are provided for strategic exploitation of the company. Contents Abstract3 Acknowledgements3Introduction3 Definition of the Companys Issue3 Aims and Objectives of the realise3 Literature redirect examination3 Review of Academic Literature for Segmentation3 Market Segmentation3 Definition of Market Segmentation3 Segmentation Logic3 The Segmenting-Targeting Framework3 Segmentation Variables3 Segmentation Criteria3 Academic literature3 Literature Review on segmentation in the food industry3 Portfolio Analysis3 Final Framework for addressing the investigate Question3 Research Methodology3 Research Objectives3 Research Approach3 Research Strategy3 Ethical Issues in Data collection3Recommendations3 Implementation Issues3 Critical Reflection and resultant3 Review of Work Process3 Reflection and critical analysis of the process3 Limita tions of the process3 Conclusion and discussion of results in an Academic context3 Bibliography3 List of Tables Page Table 1 Detailed Breakdown of Frozen Food Products37 Table 2 Recommended Customers for EF49 Table 3. a Market Attractiveness for Segments49 Table 3. b Market Attractiveness for Segments50 Table 4Business Competitiveness Scores for Various Segments50 List of signifiers Page Figure 1Market Share for frozen food34 Figure 2Frozen food market share by manufacturers36 Figure3Frozen food market share by products36 Figure4Comparison of market shares of products37 Figure5Market trends for desserts38 Figure6Convenience store sales40 Figure7Convenience store market share40 Figure8Sales of Eden Farm by Market Segment41 Figure9Sales Trends in catering47 Figure10DPM Matrix49 Introduction The project report considers customer segmentation for the frozen food industry and evaluates the opportunities for targeted growth in the sector for Eden Farm, a UK based distributor of frozen fo od. The retail food industry is dynamic in nature and is very competitive for the distributors. However, growth opportunities exist in the sector when a thorough analysis is carried out and the targeted segments are evaluated. Hence, the study identifies growth strategies in the sector by using segmentation framework and relevant analysis. Definition of the Companys IssueEden Farm is a distributor of frozen food and ice cream across UK with a strong base in the North East and Yorkshire. The companys prospect market is wholesale, cash and carry, symbol groups, CTNs, forecourts, independent supermarkets. At the moment, the company is trying to increase its market presence in various sub sectors of the market. The frozen food retail is represented by many sub sectors and is quiet of many market players. The business on the whole is variable across sectors and the levels of risk and opportunities for each sub sector and product is variable in nature.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Hamlet Essay: Deception
Shakespe atomic number 18s Hamlet Bomb Makers who substantiates Bl profess Sky noble by their possess Weapons Lies and deception argon some of the many actions that progress to disastrous consequences. For the most part, they destroy trust and leave the people closest to us feeling vulnerable. In Hamlet, 1 of Shakespeares many plays, the theme of lies and deception is very significant. This play shows that every character that lies and practices the act of deception is ultimately punished for doing so by their treacherous deaths. Hamlet has lied and practiced deception several times which has prolonged his primary goal and in addition causes his death.Addition completelyy, Rosencrantz and Guildensterns unskilled acts of cheat and disloyalty towards Hamlet have all backfired as a result, this is the cause of their ironic deaths. Furthermore, Polonius selfish act of using others to his own advantage has all polished the display panel for his treacherous death. In this play, cha racters who manipulate the act of lie and deception eventually end up facing their own death. Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark and the protagonist of the play, performs many deceptive acts that all leads up to his death.After he has conferred with the ghost who claims to be his fathers spirit, old King Hamlet, he is shocked when he finds out the truth more or less his tragic death. In response, he pretends to be insane. He feigns his insanity to distract his mother, Gertrude, his uncle and step father, King Claudius and their attendants from his true intentions of gathering information to eventually expose Claudius for the pip of his father. It is unadorned that he is pretending to be crazy because he mentions it several times to his friends. He explains to them in Act 1, Scene 5 that he lead put an antic disposition on (191).The word antic means clown or an actor who plays a comic role and requires absurdly derisory conduct. In other words, he will pretend to be a madman in order to achieve his goal. Additionally, for the purpose of fare, Hamlet lies to Ophelia about his love for her during one(a) of their conversations in Act 3, Scene 1. Hamlet I did love you once. Ophelia Indeed my lord, you made me believe so. Hamlet You should non have believd me, for virtuousness cannot so Inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it. I lovd you not. Ophelia I was the more deceivd (123-129).In this heartbreaking scene, we cannot truly distinguish how much of Hamlets words are true and how much of an act he has put on. This is because he seems to know that Ophelia will report his behavior to her father, Polonius, who will then disclose the report to King Claudius. However, we can see with his corruptive and deceptive act because he denies that he has ever love Ophelia right after claiming that he has loved her once. One could then argue that Hamlet is purposely pretending to be an insane lover. Furthermore, in Act 3 Scene 2, Hamlet organizes and directs a del usive play called The Mousetrap before the royal audience.The play itself is an elaborated deception because Hamlet tries to determine Claudius guilt through it. The play depicts the murder of Duke Gonzago in Vienna by the antagonist Lucianus, thus mirroring Claudius assassination of old King Hamlet. Like Claudius, Lucianus, the player pours poison in Gonzagos ears and soon after marries his wife, Baptista. Hamlet is convinced of his uncles guilt when Claudius gets agitated and rises from his seat. Shortly after, he orders his attendants to Bring him some light (3. 2. 261). This play has prolonged Hamlets goal of avenging his fathers death.If Hamlet has believed the ghost during their first encounter and has avenged his fathers death earlier, Hamlet could have had a soft life ahead of him. However, unfortunately, he chooses to slowly analyze the truth before taking any reckless actions therefore, this causes him to lose his life at the end of the play. In relation to Carl Jungs Arc hetypal Theory, Hamlet is not merely a hero he is a tragic hero who has died in vain era accomplishing his goal of avenging his fathers death. He is a hero who makes sure his story would be known that he has conquered the ambitious Claudius.However, in the process, he unconnected everyone he loves including his own life. Hamlet is in fact a tragic hero. According to Aristotles definition of tragedy, a tragic hero is a capacious person who has the potential for greatness but is defeated. This protagonist must(prenominal) come into conflict with a force who or which directly opposes to what he should want. He must withal suffer from a tragic flaw, which inevitably brings about his own downfall. In Hamlet, Hamlet is the protagonist who suffers from the flaw of inaction while he is face up against Claudius.To conclude, because of Hamlets great inability to act earlier, his lies and deceptive acts have all prolonged his primary goal which has resulted in his tragic death. Hamlets p uerility friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern both try to deceive Hamlet. However, their unskilled uses of dishonesty and disloyalty have resulted in their ironic death. They are introduced in the beginning of Act 2, Scene 2 as Hamlets childhood friends who are sent for by King Claudius for their services. When they first meet Hamlet and are asked the reason for their arrival, they answer To witness you, my lord, no other occasion (2. 2. 8). However, Hamlet has already seen through their attempted act of trying to fool him and then replies You were sent/for, and there is a genial of confession in your looks, which/ you modesties have not craft enough colour. I know the/good King and Queen have sent for you (2. 2. 285-288). Through this reply, it is evident that Hamlet has the ability to see through someones deceptive act because he knows that they would not have come to Denmark without a reason. He also alludes that they must have done something wrong to be punished by Fortune si nce they are here in the Denmark which he considers to be prison.Additionally, Guildenstern again tries to get information about Hamlets disorder after the play, The Mousetrap. When Rosencrantz approaches Hamlet to talk about his distemper and that he should tell his griefs to his friend, Hamlet furiously replies Why, look you now, how unworthy a thing you make of me. You would play upon me, you would seem to know my stops, you would pluck out the heart of my mystery you would sound me from my lowest card to the top of my compass and there is much music, excellent voice, in this little organ, yet cannot make it speak.Why, do you think I am easier to be contend on than a pipe? Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, you cannot play upon me (3. 2. 325, 349-357). Their attempt to get Hamlet to confide in them has failed and as a result, Hamlet makes an analogy between playing a musical instrument and deception to demonstrate why his friends cannot play on him. This is because they are just now not skilled enough. Furthermore, when Hamlet finds out about the command letter that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are carrying to the King ofEngland instructing to have him killed, he steals the letter and rewrites it to command the death of the bearers of this government note, which is Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Then, without remorse, puts the note back in their possession. They brought upon themselves their ironic deaths because of their failure of being honest and loyal towards their friend Hamlet. In relation to Jungs Archetypal Theory, both Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are the fix shifters in the play Hamlet. A shape shifter is a type of character whose identity or allegiance changes and is often unclear.Their personality has changed from loyal childhood friends to deceptive and backstabbing snakes. They have changed sides over the course of their friendship with Hamlet because they are looking to put themselves in a good position with King Cl audius and are hoping for a kings remembrance or reward from him in exchange for their services as he has promised in Act 2, Scene 2. In conclusion, their ironic deaths are the price they pay for being dishonest and disloyal towards a good friend. Another character that uses deceit often as a means of probe is Polonius. These acts of personal conduct have resulted in his death.Upon Laertes departure to France, Polonius deceives his own son when he sends Reynaldo after him. In Act 2 Scene 1, Polonius tells Reynaldo Marry, sir, heres my drift, And I believe it is a fetch of warrant. You laying these slight sullies on my son, Astwere a thing a little soiled Ithworking, Mark you, Your party is converse, him you would sound, Having ever seen in the prenominate crimes The youth you breathe of guilty, be assured He closes with you in this consequence Good sir, or so, or friend, or gentleman, According to the phrase or the addition Of man and country (43-54).Here, hoping that deception may be the best way to find out the truth, Polonius orders his servant Reynaldo to interpenetrate rumours about his son and to pretend to know Laertes so that he can find out the truth about his sons whereabouts from his friends. He is also hoping that Laertes will, in due time, open up to Reynaldo about his secrets and Reynaldo can then report back to Polonius. Furthermore, Polonius deceives his daughter, Ophelia by using her love for Hamlet for the Kings benefit. King Claudius, in the presence of Polonius, says For we have closely sent for Hamlet hilterThat he, astwere by accident, may here Affront Ophelia. Her father and myself, lawful espials, pass on so bestow ourselves that, seeing unseen, We may of their encounter frankly judge, And gather by him, as he is behaved, Ift be thaddliction of his love or not That thus he suffers for (3. 1. 33-41). Here, both King Claudius and Polonius are planning to use Ophelia and her love to determine whether Hamlets behavior is the result of th e distress of his love for Ophelia. Also, from this scene, we can see that Polonius does not care for his daughter because he has agreed to use her in order to get closer to Claudius.To him, she is like a mere pawn in a chess game that is only used to protect the king, Polonius. In connection to the Jungian Literary Theory, Polonius represents a wispy character in the play. The shadow is the psychic space in a persons mind where they store their darker impulses in addition to unpleasant thoughts and memories. In Polonius case, these two examples show his darker side as someone who would spy on his own son and use his daughters love for the man she loves to his own advantages. Moreover, Polonius is the representation of a failed mentor.A mentor is defined as someone, usually older and more experienced, who advices and leads a younger, less experienced person into the right path. As a father, he gives outstanding advices to Laertes. For example, in Act 1, Scene 3, before Laertes dep arture, Polonius explains to him about how he should behave with honor and beneficialness. He also admonishes his son to be sociable but not necessarily friendly with everyone. However, along with many other advices from lines 63 through lines 84, Polonius himself does not act in accordance to his own words, hence the phrase, failed entor. Instead, he usually uses others such as Reynaldo and Ophelia to spy and pry on other peoples business. This kind of behavior is not upright and definitely not honorable. In the end, he is ultimately punished and pays for his exploitive actions by the means of his own death. Throughout this play, it is evident that lying and deceiving others usually have disastrous endings. Shakespeare tries to shows his readers that the lies and deception that Hamlet performs towards his parents and his lover as a result of his inability to act sooner has resulted in his tragic death.He also shows how ones unskillful use of dishonesty and disloyalty can lead to d eath. Lastly, he shows that deceiving others for ones own benefits is not at all beneficial as it can also end ones life. Overall, the theme of deception is prevalent in Shakespeares Hamlet, and many characters use this act. However, it is evident that deception is not the path someone should take in order to complete a goal. It goes without saying that our actions could create unintended consequences in our lives. That consequence may be ones death which can cease someones life and everything in it.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Ernest Hemingway ` A Farewell to Arms`
With its relatively unbiased plot, sparse language, and seemingly traditional background of love and war, Earnest Hemingways third unfermented, A Farewell to munition stands as one of the most highly regarded novels of the twentieth century.Beneath the traditional surface of the novel revolutionary taradiddle techniques and penetrating appraisals of political and social themes interact to produce, perhaps, the most richest and profound work of Hemingways career.The themes and emotions of A farewell to blazonry are stated indirectly, through and through an unreliable fibber, but beneath the familiar-seeming surface of the reputation, worry an iceberg, which Hemingway often took to be the apt image of his art. (Bloom 10)One important technique Hemingway uses in A Farewell to coat of arms is to tell the story from a 1st person register point of view. This allows for the inclusion of ambiguity and unreliability in the story, so that the ratifier can never be exactly certain (a s one can in wise narration) of the nature and specificity or meaning of the events that are being recounted.The commencement ceremony step toward this ambiguous and unreliable news report is to create a character with an outward traditional face that of a soldier but with a non-traditional inner-self the book is cast in the form which Hemingway has apparently delimited for himself in the novel-diary form.It is written in the first person, in that bare and unliterary style in that tone which suggests a roughly educated but comminuted poet who is prouder of his muscles than of his vocabulary. (Meyers 121)The poetic narrator caught in a war that he is unaccompanied ambivalently engaged in at an emotional direct, and wherefore caught up in a whirlwind love-affair that he may or may non be faking,generates an enormous degree of novelty in Hemingways characterization. The fact that the narrator spends a great compensate of his time contradicting himself or acting in direct oppos ition to his expressed beliefs endows A Farewell to Arms not only with verisimilitude, but also with a multi-layered theme, one which must be searched for by the reader as he or she follows along with Fredrick Henrys own quest.Henry says he is in love with Catherine, but then immediately remarks I knew I did not love Catherine Barkley nor had any idea of loving her. This was a game, like bridge, in which you said things instead of playing cards. Like bridge you had to pretend you were playing for money or playing for some stakes. (Hem 30-31)This dynamic use of theme marks one of several innovative narrative techniques at work in the novel. By subsuming even his character to the (hidden) theme of the novel, Hemingway allowed for an intense degree of reader-identification and thematic resonance. The theme of the novel is probably most directly and explicitely stated by Frederick Henrys observation thatIf people form so much courage to this terra firma the world has to kill them to b reak them, so of flow it kills them.The world breaks every one and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that willing not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but at that place will be no special hurry. (Hem)This theme, one of bitterness, regret, and mortality where heroism and courage are met only by close is decidedly not a traditional theme for war novels or love stories.By jibe deeply beyond the surface layers of the novel, an astute reader will find that the aforementioned traditional themes of the bold soldier and the happy lovers gives way to a more probing, penetrating and accurate view of love and war, at least in light of Hemingways personal beliefs and experiences.Beneath the romantic surface is a brutal truth of dying and regret and waste and sadness For a war novel, however, A Farewell to Arms ends rather surprisingly, with the strangulate and stillborn death Of Frederics and Catherines infant, and Catherines subsequent death by hemorrhaging. (Pozorski)In fact, this theme is foreshadowed and hinted at throughout the course of the novel by way of Henrys unreliable narration and also by way of the use of symbols and wordplay through the novels rising action. Key to Hemingways themes being masked or mirrored is his use of wordplay and puns.The title of course operates as a pun of sorts A Farewell to Arms involves a play on oral communication relating both to Frederic Henrys desertion from the Italian army and to his later leave-taking of Catherine Barkley after her death in Switzerland. (Harrington 59)However, there are other instances of puns and wordplay which specifically point out to the astute reader that Henrys surface level narration cloaks the deeper more desolate themes recounted above.One highly revealing play on words in A Farewell to Arms involves Frederics returning to the front before his knee is completely healed. He has only partial articulation in the wounded leg (96), a pun that captures his reticence and failings as narrator Similarly, while making their diagnosis, the doctors in Milan test Frederics articulation (96), which matches the readers task in working through this intricate text. (Harrington 59)
Sunday, May 19, 2019
The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Twenty-Three
I dont know how it got so late, Elena verbalise for the third prison term as they hurried down the path by the quad. Bonnie and Meredith are probably worried or so me.They know youre with me, Damon said, pacing along unruffled beside her.I dont think theyl find that comforting, Elena said, and bit her tongue as Damon shot her an expressive look.After al the time weve spent fighting side by side, they stil dont trust me? he said silkily. Id be terribly psychic trauma. If I cared what they thought.I dont mean that they think youd hurt me, Elena said.Not anymore. Or that you wouldnt protect me. I guess they flummox that you might might make a pass at me. Or something.Damon stopped and looked at her. thusly he picked up her extend to and held it, running atomic dead(p)er 53 finger down the inside of her arm, tracing the venous blood vessel that led from Elenas wrist to her elbow. And what do you think? he asked, smiling gently.Elena snatched her hand back, glaring at him. lu cidly they have a period, she said. Knock it off. Just friends, remember?Sighing deeply, Damon started walking again, and Elena hurried to catch up.Im glad you heady to come to the party with me, she said correcttual y. Itl be fun. Damon shot her a velvet-black glance through his lashes plainly said zilch.It was eer fun to be with Damon, Elena thought, listening to the clicking of her own heels and watching her shadow grow and vaporize as they walked beneath the streetlights. Or at least, it was always fun when Damon was in a good manner and nothing was trying to kil them, two circumstances she wished coincided more often.Stefan, sweet, darling Stefan, was the love of her life.She had no doubts about that. besides Damon made her feel breathless and excited, swept up in something bigger than herself. Damon made her feel analogous she was special.And he was more easygoing than usual tonight. After Matt left, theyd searched the library some more, and then Damon toughened her to chips and soda in the basement vending-machine room. They sat at one of the little tables and talked and laughed. It wasnt anything fancy or elegant, nothing like the parties hed escorted her to in the Dark Dimension, but it was comfortable and fun, and when she looked at her phone, she was startled to see that more than an moment had passed.And now Damon even volunteered to come to a col ege keg party. Maybe he was trying to take along with her friends. Maybe they could real y be friends, once things somehow worked out between Stefan and him.Elena had reached this point in her musings when she suddenly got the unmistakable creepy-crawly feeling that she was being watched. The little hairs on the back of her cervix stood up.Damon, she said softly. Theres someone watching us.Damons pupils dilated as he sniffed the air. Elena could tel that he was sending out questing tendrils of Power, searching for an state surge, for someone focusing on them.Nothing, he said after a moment. He tucked his hand under her arm, pul ing her closer. It could just be your imagination, princess, but wel be careful. The leather of Damons jacket crown was smooth against Elenas side, and she held tightly to him as they stepped out into the road that divided the campus.Just across from them, a car that had been idling at the curb gunned its engine. Its headlights blazed on, blinding Elena. Damons arms locked around her waist, squeezing the breath out of her.The cars tires squealed and it shot toward them. Elena panicked oh God, oh God, she thought attentionlessly and froze. Then she was sailing through the air, Damon holding her so tightly that it hurt.When they run across the grass on the some other side of the road, Damon paused for a moment, adjusting his grip on Elena, and Elena peered back at the car, which had passed where they were standing a moment forrader and skidded back around in a U-turn. She couldnt make out anything, not what kind of car it was nor anything ab out the driver rotter the bright lights, it was just a hulking sober shape.A hulking dark shape that was veering onto the grass and coming back after them. Damon swore and yanked her onward, running rather than flying now, Elenas feet tho touching the ground. Her burden was pounding. She could tel Damon was hampered from using his ful speed by keeping Elena close. They dodged around the corner of a expression and leaned against its wal , surrounded by bushes.The car hurtled by, then turned, its wheels leaving long skid marks, and lumbered back to the road.We lost him, Elena whispered, panting. puzzle anyone lately, princess? Damon asked, his eyes sharp.I should be asking you that, Elena retorted. Then she wrapped her arms around herself. She was so icy suddenly. Do you think it could have been because of the Vitale Society? she asked, her voice quavering.Something about them and my parents?We dont know who or what could have been on the other side of that trapdoor, Damon repli ed somberly. Or maybe MattNot Matt, Elena said firmly. Matt would never hurt me. Damon nodded. Thats true. Hes ridiculously honorable, your Matt. He gave her a little wry sideways smile. And he loves you. Everyone loves you, Elena. He shrugged out of his jacket and draped it over her shoulders.One things certain, though. If the driver of that car thought I was human before, he knows otherwise now. Elena pul ed the jacket more tightly around herself. You saved me, she said in a fiddling voice. Thank you. Damons eyes were soft as he put his arms around her.I wil always save you, Elena, he promised. Dont you know that by now? His pupils dilated, and he pul ed her closer. I cant lose you, he murmured.Elena felt like she was fal ing. The world was being swal owed up in Damons midnight eyes, and she was being drawn along with it, into the darkness. A tiny part of her said no, but despite it she leaned toward him and met his mouth with hers.Stefan tapped his fingers against the wal behind him, looked around at al the people jammed too close in concert talking, laughing, arguing, drinking, dancing. His skin was crawling with anxiety. Where was she? Matt said hed seen her at the library more than an hour ago, that she had been planning on coming to the party then.Making up his mind, Stefan began to motor his way toward the exit. Maybe Elena didnt want him in contact with her right now, but people were dying and disappearing. It would be worth it to have her angry with him, as long as he knew that she was okay.He passed Meredith, deep in conversation with her friend, and said, Im going to find Elena. He had the quick impression of her faltering, starting to reach out a hand to stop him, but he left her behind. He pushed open the door and stepped out into the smooth night air. Campus security was stil by the door checking IDs, but they let him pass without comment, only interested in people trying to come into the party.Outside, the wind was rushing through the trees overhead and a crescent moon on rode high and white above the buildings around him. Stefan sent his Power out around him, feeling for the distinct traces of Elena.He couldnt sense anything, not yet. There were too many people too close together here, and Stefan could only feel the tangled traces of thousands of humans, their emotions and life force mixing together in one owing(p) underlying buzz from which it was impossible for him, at this distance, to pick out any particular individual, even one as singular as Elena.If he had fed on human blood recently, it would have been easier. Stefan couldnt help thinking longingly of the way that Power had surged through him when he drank regularly from his friends. But that was when Fel s church building needed his best defense against the kitsune. He wouldnt drink human blood just for pleasure or convenience.Stefan started walking quickly across the quad, stil sending out questing fingers of Power around and ahead of himself. If he couldn t grade Elena that way, he would head for where she was last seen. He hoped that, as he got closer to the library, his Power would pick up some hint of her.His whole body was thrumming anxiously. What if Elena had been attacked, what if she mysteriously vanished and never returned, leaving him with this strange distance as their last memory of each other? Stefan walked faster.He was halfway to the library when the distinctive sense of Elena hit him like a punch. Somewhere nearby.He scanned left and right and then he saw her. A terrible pain shot through his chest, as if he could actual y feel his heart breaking. She was kissing Damon. They were half hidden in the shadows, but their light skin and Elenas blond hair shone. They were pore only on each other, so much so that, despite his Power, Damon wasnt aware of Stefans presence, not even when he walked right up to them.Is this why you wanted to take some time apart, Elena? Stefan asked, his voice appear hol ow and distant. Final y noticing him, they broke away from each other, Elenas face pale with shock.Stefan, she said. Please, Stefan, no, its not what it looks like. She reached out a hand toward him, then drew it back uncertainly.Everything seemed so far away to Stefan he was aware that he was shaking, his mouth was dry, but it felt almost as if he was watching someone else in pain. I cant do this, he said. Not again. If I fight for you, Il just end up destroying us al . Just like with Katherine. Elena was shaking her head back and forth, her hands stretched out toward him imploringly again. Please, Stefan, she said.I cant, Stefan said again, backing away, his voice thin and desperate.Then, for the first time, he looked at Damon, and a redhot rage slammed into him, overriding the numb distance instantly. Al you do is take, Stefan told him bitterly. This is the last time. Were not brothers anymore. Damons face opened for a split act in dismay, his eyes widening, as if he was about to speak, and then he h ardened again, his mouth wrench scornful y, and he jerked his head at Stefan. Very well, that gesture indicated, then get lost.Stefan stumbled backward, and then he turned and ran, moving with al the supernatural grace and speed at his command, leaving them far behind even as Elena screamed, Stefan
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Charachter Analysis Atticus Finch Essay
In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atticus Finch is a man who fights for what he believes in. He is very strong willed and always the one(a) who will stand up for what is right, not what the or so popular thing is to do. He also is a lot reffered to as the wisest man in his town. Atticus believes in equality among batch. In his mind all people are equal and deserve equal treatment no matter what race they are. Atticus tells Jem and Scout, his 2 children, not to judge people until you walk in their shoes. Atticus is also a defense attorney for his county of Maycomb. Durring his case with Tom Robinson, the black that was accused of raping a white girl, Atticus tries to change the injustices and racism in his small hometown.Atticus is a older male, about 50 years old, with a darker hair discolor that is turning gray as he ages. He wears glasses because his left eye is nearly blind. He said Left eyes are the tribal curse of the Finches. He is also rather tall. His devil chil dren were once ashamed of him, because he didnt fish or hunt, like the other childrens fathers, receivable to his age. But as they grew, they began appreciating him not for the activities he did on the weekend, but his morals and beliefs.Atticus is one of the most loyal, humane, and consistent with his views and beliefs than any other character in the novel. Miss Maudie states, Atticus Finch is the same in his star sign as he is on the public streets. His intelligence, calm wisdom, courage, humility, lack of prejudice, and strong sense of justice, causes him to be prize by everyone, including the very poor and black people. Although he is looked down on and mocked by many characters in the novel for his variantness towards the Negros, the people of Maycomb still respect him and keep re-electing him to be their representative in the narrate Legislator.Durring the trial with Tom Robinson, Atticus Finch defendes him to the best of his ability despite significant difficulties from the community. Since it was back in the magazine of civil unrest and racial segregation. This had a huge impact on the community, as Atticus Finch was a highly respected attorney in the white community, who ended up drawing the most reverence and respect from the entire black community for his efforts to stand up for the truth regardless of race.Atticus is a strong willed man who stands for what he belives in. His thoughts do not change because of a persons skin color. He is kind and understanding and helpful to his children as well up as anyone else who may seek for help. He is a well respected man in Maycomb, because he stands for what he believes, not the popular beliefs.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Young People in Society
Explain how political, economical and loving constructs stinker be used to categories inn. Look at how Irish society stratifies according to complaisant class and gender. Sociologists bewilder theories and concepts to help reveal the structure of societal look and they engage in numerous different forms of experiential Investigation to test and develop these theories. They be Interested In how populate communicate and create means and understanding, alone they are withal interested in questions of power and inequality.They use a variety of sources such(prenominal) as historical documents, observations, river research to help develop reliable information about how society operates. find societal kindly cordial stratification amicable stratification is a corpse where pot are ranked hierarchically which leads to groups of tribe creation classified into layers and strata (class, caste, slavery and estate).Class mixer class governance Is a system of stratificatio n that results from unequal distribution of wealth, power and prestige. Caste -? this is a fixed arrangement of strata from the most to the least privileged. landed estate this consist three different strata or layers aristocracy, clergy and commoners. Slavery this is the oldest and most extreme form of stratification or inequality in which some people are literally owned by others as property.All hearty stratification systems share four basic principles each reflecting how these systems cause inequalities based on class, gender, ethnicity, age, religious linkup and consequences at an Individual and at a collective level In society, no one social stratification system Is unique, each system Is a characteristic of the society It relates to and it is not simply a reflection of differences at an individual level, nor is it a new incept as afore mentioned but it is a system that has and go out persist over generations and although stratification systems may not be an exact repli ca In each society, fundamentally stratification systems are universal albeit widely variable, they also incorporate ideological beliefs while also engendering shared identities (Macaroni et a, 2005). Do all societies stratify? If so, in what way? Virtually all societies take hold some form of stratification or structured inequalities that are organized and that persist over time. It Is universal but variable and seems to be found everywhere. At the same time, what is unequal and how unequal it is varies from one society to another.For example, I) Social stratification persist over generation in all societies, parents confer their social short letters on their children, so that patterns of inequality stay much the same from generation to generation. (Monoclonal et a, 2005). II) Some Individuals do also experience social mobility -? It may be downward or upward. Society celebrate the achievements of those who rose to people are regarded as more important than others, more worthy of respect or seen as more useful than others in certain situations. It is also evident that people could move downward as a result of illness, unemployment, economic break-down, business setback etc.However, social standing of most people remain unchanged for a life time like the Royal Family in England. What system of stratification is in operation in Ireland? Is it an stretch or close system of stratification? The social stratification in Ireland today is undefined. However, the class system seem to be in operation in Ireland and it is considered a close system. A closed system does not afford a person the same opportunity, and as a result a persons position in fife is solely determined by the family group they are born into. Identity and belonging overcome the social class in modern Ireland. This can be to the majority of people defined by two categories the first being wealth (Middle class).If you are wealthy you maintain a lot more opportunities in education, professionals or higher managerial e. G. Senior government workers, doctors, farmers, company directors etc. And secondly being poor (Lower class). these are people in lower scale in the society e. G. School teachers, driver, railcar operator, bar-worker waitress, cleaner, call- centre worker etc. The rate of lower class status rocketed since street corner. (Hyde et al, 200765-66) Describe the system of stratification found in Ireland. How is it broken down? (include tables and diagrams here if relevant) During the Celtic Tiger it was perceived that Ireland as a whole was very wealthy and many people were classed as Wealthy or upper class.However since the recession hit the social status regarding the wealth of the country has deteriorated. Today, a larger topic of the population are working or middle class. The growing unemployment rate has forced many people, including well educated individuals to confide on state benefits. This has been a huge factor in the rapid decrease in the social s tatus of the country. Social mobility in Ireland appears to be going in the wrong direction. Not only is the social stratification in Ireland defined by its economic status, but also by a tour of other factors for example a persons religion. In the past the influence the Catholic Church had on people determined the way they lived there life.Catholic priests were understood to be very well respected figures in society and anyone of the catholic religion were accepted as part of the community however individuals of a different credence were viewed as outsiders. Nowadays a persons faith does not have as big an influence on their social status and many people from different religious backgrounds are accepted in Irish communities. Does class/socio- economic position, impact on your health? Please provide evidence, statistics to There are differences among people in the amount of access they have to the resources of wealth and prestige in most societies. Such differences among people in terms of income and status are usually referred to as social class differences. The categories that people have been assigned to by virtue of their occupation have been marred with patterns of illness in society.The lower your step to the fore in the social class scale, the worse is likely to be your health status and visa-versa (Hyde et al, 2007). Although race, gender, age etc have influenced socio-economic status, classification by occupation tends to be more common hence in Ireland, a persons social class is measured according to his or her occupation while social class of children is determined by parents occupation (Denote and Cannon, 2003). According to Denote and Cannon, there are huge inequalities between the classes in the distribution of wealth in the country. It is estimated that 10 per cent of the population own nearly half the wealth in the country, indeed 90 per cent of the population share the other half, but not equally. Ibid71 in McDonald B, 2009) wellness inequ alities are often observed along a social rise. This means that the more favorable your social circumstances such as income or education, the better your chance of enjoying good health and a nightlong life. While there is a significant gap between the wealthy and the poor, the relationship between social circumstances in health is in fact a graded one. Source of data Inequalities in Mortality 1989-1998 A series of studies by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (PIP) found that the number of people living with a chronic condition is expected to increase dramatically by 2020 and that disproportionately more of these people will belong to the older population.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
The English Only Movement in US
Language has al managements been an important social occasion of a countrys culture and way of life. When the U. S. was founded, it was common to hear as many as 20 speechs spoken along with many documents that were printed in different languages. thither have been many debates everywhere establishing a national language, and a movement arose that strives to establish slope as the nations ordained language. This movement is known as the slope Only movement, and it promotes the enactment of legislation that restricts or prohibits the use of languages otherwise than side of meat by goernment agencies and, in some cases, by hole-and-corner(a) businesses (ALCU).Many people whom rear the slope Only movement cerebrates that multilingualism is too costly and inefficient for the government to operate in. Making English as an formalised language will have gnomish day-to-day effect on the universe of discourse and their lifestyles or private lives. They mean that declaring Eng lish as the official language is the fairest way to handle over 300 languages spoken in the U. S. (LIA). Many people support multilingualism and oppose having English as an official language because it is unfair to individuals who ar not fluent in English.Also, they create false stereotypes of immigrants and non-English speakers. They conclude that it violates the motley embodied in our Constitution, creating restrictions and limits instead of protecting individual skillfuls, and it does not help the integration of language minority citizens into the American mainstream. I personally support keeping the U. S. as a multilingual nation. I notice that the nation is running smoothly enough and it does not need to be changed in that way. There be many nations that hold multiple official languages that run very smoothly.I do not plan why it is necessary for our nation to require English to be an official language with more than 30 percent of the nation coming from a different ethni c group or culture. Therefore, I believe that this nation should not enforce English as the official language. For more than cc eld, Americans have gotten by without declaring English our official language. Congress had never even considered declaring English the nations official language until 1981. The only introductory official-language legislation dates back to 1923 a bill designating American the national tongue.Americans have traditionally resisted language legislation, offset in 1780, when John Adams proposed to establish an official Language Academy to set standards for English. This idea was rejected by the Continental Congress as an improper role for government and a threat to individual liberties. There was no English proficiency requirement to become naturalized as a U. S. citizen until 1906 the first study language restriction to be enacted at the federal level. Before World state of war I, multilingual development was common in areas where nonanglophone groups enjoyed political clout.During the 19th century, state laws, governing bodys, and legislative proceedings appeared in languages as respective(a) as Welsh, Czech, Norwegian, Spanish, French, and of course, German. At other times, Americans have imposed restrictive language policies. atomic number 20 rewrote its state constitution in 1879 to eliminate Spanish language rights. In 1897, Pennsylvania made English proficiency a condition of employment in its coal fields, a none-too-subtle way to exclude Italians and Slavs.Security fears during the World War I era led to unprecedented bans on public use of the German language in schools, on the street, during religious services, and even on the telephone. (Crawford) offer 227 was passed by a substantial studyity of California voters. Its passage is the direct result of the states poor student performance in English. Until its passage, California embraced bilingualist education. Proposition 227 virtually ends bilingual education in C alifornia and reintroduces phonics based programs.The California Content Standards and California reading Code clearly define the course requirements under Proposition 227 and the goals for grade level performance. Many groups and organizations ascertain that making English the official language is essential and beneficial for the U. S. government and its citizens. These groups believe that official English promotes unity. This long tradition of assimilation has always included the adoption of English as the common message of communication (USE). Many studies show that immigrants learn English slower when they are supported by their infixed language.Since multilingual government services actually encourage the growth of linguistic enclaves, this causes the U. S. to divide into separate language groups because of racial and ethnic conflicts (USE). Also, immigrants will benefit from learning English by being able to infix in the government and the workforce. If immigrants were no t proficient in English, they would be subjected to the low-skilled and low-paying jobs. Knowledge of English leads to the realization of the American dream of increased economic opportunity and the ability to become a more productive constituent of society, which benefits everyone (USE).Many organizations also emotional state that official English can save money from the unnecessary extra of government services in multiple languages. It is not the responsibility of the government to can services in the 329 different languages spoken in the United States. It is the responsibility of each individual to either learn English or to find a friend or family member to translate (USE). Of course there are exceptions including emergencies, foreign language instruction, safety and health services, and tourism promotions. Also, official English does not affect private businesses, religious services, or private conversations (USE).On the opposing hand, organizations oppose official English because they feel it is a violation of individuals rights. They believe that such laws are contrary to the spirit of tolerance and innovation embodied in our Constitution. An English Language Amendment to the Constitution would transform that document from being a pursue of liberties and individual independence into a charter of restrictions that limits, rather than protects, individual rights (ACLU). There are some versions of the proposed English Language Amendment that disregards the government from providing services in languages other than English.These groups that oppose the English Only laws believe that it violates the equate Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. It impedes with the right to vote for individuals who can not read English and with the right of workers to be free of discrimination in certain workplaces. Today, as in the past, English Only laws in the U. S. are founded on false stereotypes of immigrant groups. Such laws do not simply disparage the immigrants native languages still assault the rights of the people who speak the languages (ACLU).With the debate over English Only laws, a topic of bilingual education arose. Many people who support official English oppose bilingual education. They feel that bilingual education programs rely on the unproven theory that a baby bird must spend years becoming literate in his native language before he or she can right on learn a secant language. Under their own theory, bilingual educators should not have placed an communicatory child in a Cantonese-speaking class (USE). Wasted funds have gone into the support of bilingual education with the schools being inefficient at teaching English.Studies have shown that these bilingual education schools have little or no effect. At the very least, federal and state bilingual education laws must be reformed to ensure that parents can easily remove their children from bilingual education programs. Because in America, a child shouldnt be forced to file a lawsuit to get his education in English (USE). Since the 1960s, research has shown that multiple language skills do not confuse the mind. Quite the contrary when well-developed, they seem to provide cognitive advantages, although such effects are complex and difficult to measure (Crawford).Another discredited whimsy is that children will learn a second language rapidly if they are totally immersed in it. For generations, this school of thought served to justify policies of educational neglect assigning minority students to regular classrooms, with no special help in overcoming language barriers. Disproportionate numbers failed and dropped out of school as a result (Crawford). The sink-or-swim approach was control illegal by the U. S. Supreme Court in Lau v. Nichols. Research has shown that the quality of English exposure is the major factor in English acquisition and not the quantity.Many believe that English as a second language is best taught in natural situations, with the second language used in meaty contexts rather than in repetitious drills of grammar and vocabulary (Crawford). This approach is common in bilingual education programs, twinned with lessons in students native language. Also, native-language instruction also helps to make English comprehensible, by providing contextual knowledge that acquired immune deficiency syndrome in understanding. Since language has always been an important part of a countrys culture and way of life, I feel that the U. S. should keep this nation a multilingual nation.If this nation can go 200 years without making English the official language, I believe that things should continue this way. I do not feel that the possibility of saving money should substitute the ease of life for immigrants and schools. I also believe that an English Language Amendment to the Constitution would transform that document from being a charter of liberties and individual freedom into a charter of restrictions that limits, r ather than protects, individual rights (ALCU). Also, I feel that bilingual education should continue. I feel that it is the parents decision where their children go to school.I do not think that the government should interfere with that. Again, I do not believe that money should even be an issue in the rights of these individuals. I agree that English as a second language should be taught in a natural, relaxed environment, with the second language used in meaningful contexts rather than in repetitious drills of grammar and vocabulary (Crawford). It would be insincere since Americans learn a foreign language using English. For these reasons I believe that English should not be the nations official language, and that bilingual education should continue.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Andy Warhol, Nam June Paik & Walt Disney Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Andy Warhol, Nam June Paik & Walt Disney - Essay ExampleThe essay Andy Warhol, Nam June Paik & Walt Disney discovers Andy Warhol, Nam June Paik and Walt Disney. These men set the benchmarks by which others are measured to this day. Andy Warhol was star of the originators of the Pop art phenomenon that came to the fore during 1962 when he had his first exhibition as a solo artist. His innovative use of techniques allowed him to break away from current art conventions and groups this is a curve that I hope to follow by being an individualist in my illustration style. He do use of a technique in his early works that resulted in a slightly printed seem to his illustrations that has been employed by many other illustrators after its regularity was disclosed. The style was much noticed and the order of creating it remained unknown until one of his assistants noticed how he did and told others. This use of alternative techniques brought Warhols art works to the anxiety of the art wor ld as a counter point to homogenous art works that had proliferated previously. It is this method of standing out from the surrounding artists that is one of the greatest ambitions that I have. It is indeed an ambition that each psyche has had through all time, to be singled out as exceptional from the ranks of the general populace. This was done by replenishment the singular nature of artworks with mass produced works that purposefully removed the great passions from the art. This allowed the art itself to be comprehended in a dispassionate way for the technique. more than for the underlying emotions. This was displayed for the first time when he displayed Campbells dope Cans at the Ferus Gallery in Los Angeles in 1962 and the art world received its first true glimpse of a new art style emerging. Nam June Paik has had a far more personal effect on me since he is a fellow Korean artist and as much(prenominal), his ability to capitalize on his giving so greatly within America i s something to which I also wish to aspire to. Though he died earlier this year, he leaves behind a great legacy through his craft that was used to turn in many different people with a spark of beauty and artistry in an industry that is decent increasingly homogenous. He had a huge influence on the perception of video as a form when he began to use it as an artistic medium in a manner foreign any other.He worked with numerous musical partners including Charlotte Moorman for whom he created a cello composed of television screens that act to display constantly changing pictures in artwork that he titled TV Cello. Paiks cause towards electronic art has been attributed to a meeting with composer John Cage to whom he later paid courtyard through various works. There is so much variation within his work and he had such an unusual grasp of the artistic possibilities of an object that had become a part of mainstream culture. This abstract viewing of a commonplace object was also influ enced by the neo-Dadaists with whom he was at one time affiliated. He has in turn inspired a generation of other artists to explore the artistic potential of everyday objects.Walt Disney founded one of the greatest multi-media empires on animated designs and illustrations and his creation of Mickey Mouse gave birth to an icon that has endured to this day. He do sure that each new bound that technology took in the early days of film were employ when he created his motion pictures including providing his illustrated pictures with sound and color as soon as those technologies were made available. His fertile visual sense was
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
SFAS 154 - Accounting Changes and Error Corrections Assignment
SFAS 154 - bill Changes and Error Corrections - Assignment ExampleAt times, it also happens that a change in the report policy or principle affects the consolidated pecuniary statements of the group as well. So, SFAS 154 aims to highlight all of the preceding(prenominal) discussed issues in details and provide appropriate guidance as how to incorporate the effects of all those changes in the financial statements of the reporting entity. This article is structured in such a manner that first fragment describes the overview of SFAS 154 which includes the objective of its issuance as well as the scope of this received. Next section focuses on recognition, standard and disclosure requirements of SAFS 154. Third section highlights the comparison of SFAS 154 of FASB with IAS 8 of IASB i.e. a comparison between US generally accepted account statement system principles and IFRS in respect of these two standards. An illustrated example is also provided after the comparison of the sta ndards which is then followed by a conclusion which summarizes the whole article. Overview of SFAS 154 Objective Mainly the objective of FASB to issue this standard is to bugger off more convergence with IASB towards the preparation, development and furnishing the financial statement as a high quality single set across the world (Deloitte, 2008). As IASB has issued IAS 8 on similar footings, therefore it is the intension of two accounting standard boards to bring more harmonized financial statements in most of the areas of accounting. ... The section account Changes is further divided into three areas which are Changes in Accounting Principle, Changes in Accounting Estimates and lastly, Changes in the Reporting Entity (Financial Accounting Standard Board, 2009). Scope The scope of this standard covers three areas which are listed below (Financial Accounting Standard Board, 2009) 1. SFAS 154 is relevant for both profit fashioning business organizations as well as not-for-profi t organizations. In this standard both these kinds of organizations are referred to as entities. 2. Another application of SFAS 154 can be possible in case of summarized financial information which are primarily based upon the financial statements such that accounting changes are reflected in the accounting period in which those changes have arisen. 3. SFAS 154 also encompasses the other forms of financial statements which are prepared for some additional purposes. Measurement, Recognition and Disclosure Changes in Accounting Principles SFAS 154 provides specific guidelines to incorporate a change in the accounting principle. A change in the accounting principle is the change that has been made by FASB by making amendment, addition or deletion in the existing accounting standards issued by FASB (Financial Accounting Standard Board, 2009). FASB requires the entities to bring the effects of the changes in accounting principle retrospectively such that all of the previously issued fin ancial statements fill to be modified as a result of change in accounting principles (Deloitte, 2008). SFAS 154 also guides the entities in the situations where it is not practicable for the entities to bring the effects of the
Monday, May 13, 2019
Accounting Module 5 SLP Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Accounting Module 5 SLP - Assignment Example pertinent monetary values are also called differential be. If the future costs are going to be incurred unheeding of the decision that is made, those costs are not applicable. Sunk costs are never relevant.The repair cost of $26000 is relevant to the decision on hand whether to sell the truck or get it repaired. The sale carry on offered by repair shop of $ ten thousand is also relevant. The purchase cost of utilize truck of $ 34000 is relevant to the decision.The amount offered by the insurance company of $30000 would be the same whether Pizzahut gets the truck repaired or disposes the truck and purchases the used truck. Since the amount is same under both the alternatives it is a non-relevant cost. Similarly, the original cost of truck of $50000 is a sink cost and would be same under both the alternatives and hence it is also a non-relevant cost. The classification of costs into Relevant and non-relevant costs aids in decision makin g. The cost with respect to the alternative of disposing the truck is $34000 - $10000 which is equal to $24000. Thus, the gain to the company in choosing this alternative is $26000(cost of repair) minus $24000, which is $2000. Thus, the analysis helped the company reach a decision which resulted in a gain of $2000 to the company.1. Dennis Caplan, Management Accounting Concepts and Techniques, Retrieved on December 21st 2009, from operating room State University, College of Business Web Site,
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