Wednesday, April 15, 2020
The Constitution Unity or Disunity Essay Essay Example
The Constitution: Unity or Disunity? Essay Essay The U. S. Constitution is looked upon as non merely a legal bond. but as a consolidative papers that exemplifies the American desire for â€Å"life. autonomy and the chase of felicity. †From 1787. the twelvemonth of its creative activity. until 1850. the Constitution helped to continue these ideals. by governing with the bulk. but protecting the minority. every bit good every bit moving as a symbol of integrity for the turning state. In the decennary before the Civil War. the Constitution’s openness for broad reading every bit good as its deficiency of specificity on sectional issues such as states’ rights and bondage led to the eventual disunion and the Southern sezession. For over 60 old ages prior to the Civil War. the Constitution was able to unite the Nation. After the Democrat-Republicans swept the Federalists of their offices in the Revolution of 1800. the Federalists. in their regard for the regulation of the bulk ( as upheld in the Constitution ) accepted licking and left their places peacefully ( Amsco ) . After Jefferson was elected in 1800. he went on to buy land through a pact with France in the Louisiana Purchase ( 1804 ) and doubled the size of the United States ( Divine ) . This action. although hardly. followed the Constitution in the executive rights it grants. and helped to unite the state by increasing district. patriotism and the spread of democracy. Supreme Court Justice John Marshall instituted judicial reappraisal. which could overrule determinations brought approximately by Congress ; he so used this power to establish domination of the federal authorities above the province authoritiess. as in McCulloch v. Maryland. We will write a custom essay sample on The Constitution: Unity or Disunity? Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Constitution: Unity or Disunity? Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Constitution: Unity or Disunity? Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In go forthing room for reading. the Constitution led many Northern emancipationists to believe it did non make plenty to forestall the enlargement. publicity and being of bondage. The Free-Soilers felt the Fugitive Slave Act ( 1850 ) . the Compromise of 1850. every bit good as Lewis Cass’ â€Å"popular sovereignty. †was coercing bondage upon them. The right to peaceful presentation is protected by the Bill of Rights. nevertheless. this led to the emancipationists promoting force and resistance to local constabulary forces after the Fugitive Slave Act was enacted. The Union was farther threatened because many Northerners felt that the Constitution broke moral and spiritual ideals in its support of bondage. and some even advocated disunion. The confusion over slavery roots from a larger confusion over independent province rights. which some Northerners. like Abraham Lincoln. believed didn’t exist at all. The Constitution’s deficiency of specificity on sectional affairs besides led Southerners to believe that it did non protect their ain rights and involvements. The U. S. Constitution foes non acknowledge or recommend bondage. therefore many Southerners felt that as the minority in the state ( Lincoln was able to be elected without one electoral ballot from the South ) their rights were in danger of being violated. The theory of â€Å"popular sovereignty. †a favorite one in the South. which gave new districts their right to take whether to let bondage besides led to disunity. as it placed provinces rights above federal Torahs and legislative acts. Furthermore. the South believed the Fundamental law to be a compact between provinces. as opposed to a federal authorities of higher power than those of the provinces. and therefore. they felt that if this compact was broken. Southern provinces could splinter lawfully and peacefully. Before sezession. the South even attempted to exercise their power as provinces within a brotherhood. and did so by saying that unless an amendment was added to the Constitution which formalized the legality of bondage the South would go forth the Union The Constitution has been considered mastermind because it is merely a series of via medias that make it acceptable to many. However. its vagueness. which has allowed it to mutate and take new signifier for about 250 old ages. has besides led to many differences about its reading. The chief constitutional concern in the old ages before the Civil War is whether or non provinces could annul Acts of the Apostless of the federal authorities. an issue which was laid to rest in April. 1865. when the North’s triumph over the South proved the might of centralised power.
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