Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Employment Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4
Work Law - Essay Example For quite a long time the dress business had been attempting to manufacture an association for representatives in the business. Since the organization was opening up to the world and Clark’s organization had 100 workers, the delegates from the association moved toward Ms. Clark to look for consent to contact the organization representatives. While this was not so much essential, they did it because of regard for Ms. Clark. At the point when Ms. Clark was brought by her CEO and the top managerial staff, she carefully related the law’s remain on the matter of associations and their privileges to contact workers. Associations and aggregate haggling understandings appropriately refer to that any announcement or any strategy which makes any type of induction of excepting a specialist or even an association agent from being a piece of a worker's guild is illicit under law. Accordingly, Ms. Clark can squeeze charges on her bosses for attempting to coerce her into surrendering to their requests and impulses of preventing laborers from joining the worker's organization. Under law, refered to by the yellow canine agreement, laborers must forgo understandings by businesses that expect them to make settlements not to join associations later on or so as to hold their vocations. Such settlements or understandings are illicit. In actuality they have been illicit since 1932. The retirement bundle that was introduced to Ms. Was not finished as legally necessary. The bundle didn't expand the ordinary retirement benefits and didn't broaden protection inclusion, or even compensation her government managed savings as required until the age of 59. Moreover, the bundle didn't significantly offer her purchase out-reserves. The retirement bundle introduced by the organization smells old enough separation on Ms. Clark. She fits the age section which is over 40 years. The Age Discrimination Act shields from such excusal as that of Ms. Clark on the grounds that the explanation she was excused isn't clear. She accomplishes her function admirably yet when she chooses to allow access to the association agents she is excused for declining to acknowledge a defective retirement bundle. Under this
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Spring Break Essay
Dylan Farmer 1/24/2012 English 101 Spring break is for the most part a period of celebrating for most youngsters that go to my secondary school, however I was headed toward California with my girlfriend’s family to practically investigate an entire opposite side of the U. S. California is the spot that each individual and the world needs to go for their spring break. I was extremely cheerful that my girlfriend’s mother is a trip specialist, so we got a really decent arrangement at the costs of our flight and on the lodging costs. Only for additional great we headed to Chicago and remained there for two evenings. We investigated downtown Chicago, all the astonishing buildings.We even got the chance to go into the old Sears Tower, which was something that I think everybody needs to see. It's likely perhaps the best sight I've at any point seen, other than the reality I've just observed a decent view going down Quincy slope close to my old neighborhood. I neglected to make reference to that when we left for our trip to California that would have been my first time regularly passing quickly on a plane. It was energizing to fly, particularly since it would have been a long three hour flight. I felt like a little child again when the airline steward gave me my wings for flying for my first time.Not all individuals on the planet get the opportunity to encounter flying, so I thought I was quite fortunate to get the chance to appreciate this experience. We showed up in Los Angeles, California. The inn we remained in was perhaps the best lodging I've at any point been in. This lodging was so large and extravagant, and the weight room that was there was greater than the wellness place back home. This inn additionally had two pools. The outside pool looked extremely delightful, on the grounds that it had a monster water fall driving into the pool, yet it was shut down while we were was remaining there, so I simply utilized the ordinary regular inn pool, which was indoors.It was truly extraordinary to see something like this on how lovely a solitary lodging could be, and look. Investigating the boulevards of California was extremely fun. I adventured through the design locale, which has a ton of modest things. There was some child attempting to sell me copyrighted DVDs, which I really purchased, however out of the three I purchased, yet just one of the motion pictures worked. One of the undeniable reasons of why I went to California was that I got the chance to see all the stunning locales that every single typical traveler go and see.We all strolled around the Sanna Monica Pier, Manhattan Pier, and furthermore to the incomparable Venice sea shore. It was pretty spot to see all the individuals strolling around and all the little blessing shops on the sea shore. In any case, out of the three docks I went to, the Manhattan Pier was one of my top choices, since I got the chance to see my first dolphin, which was truly amazing, and I never t hought I’d really get the opportunity to see one with the brief period that I was there. Later in that week our last excursion was to Hollywood Boulevard, which was an insane spot to meet some strange people.There was many individuals singing, moving, selling stuff, or some other arbitrary approaches to make a dollar. Hollywood Boulevard was as yet an exceptionally intriguing spot, seeing all the stars on the ground with some impression in it or their composition. One entirely fascinating thing that I saw is that Muhammad Ali’s star was the one in particular that was hanging up, in light of the fact that the various stars where just on the ground, yet I surmise he was the warrior of America. At the point when the time had come to leave California, I was feeling something else than expected, as I would not like to return home perfectly yet.I simply needed to remain there and appreciate the sun. I realized that my spring break needed to end eventually, however It was sim ply stunning how extraordinary the general public was here than Michigan. I think I enjoyed it better here, yet that is presumably on the grounds that I’m not living here day in and day out like I am in Michigan. I pondered internally how I would prefer to go on get-aways than celebrating for my spring break. Spring break is the place one can really find out about an alternate state and see new sightings just because. It was an incredible encounter to go on this outing to California.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Heroic styles of Beowulf and Sir Gawain Essay
Since forever, various societies have held various temperances in the most noteworthy respect. The Anglo-Saxons, similar to the mysterious scop of the sonnet Beowulf, esteemed quality and fortitude over some other quality. Then again, the soonest English individuals, similar to the artist of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, regarded respect and the fundamental codes of gallantry over all else. Both Beowulf and Sir Gawain, along these lines, show the most preferred characteristics of their kin: Beowulf by crushing beasts, performing incredible accomplishments of boldness, and recounting his deeds; Gawain by being faithful, daring, and legit. The two arrangements of characteristics are shown all through every story. In Beowulf, expounded in on the fourth century AD, the hero’s first significant test is to battle a gigantic beast. In doing as such, he demonstrates his physical capacities, and in this way sets up his saint/pioneer status. To be the best, you must be the most grounded, and he says â€Å"Fate spares/the living when they drive away passing by themselves!†(572-73), demonstrating the amount Beowulf depends on his physical quality. Then again, Gawain’s first test isn't physical, yet mental. He is compelled to demonstrate his unwaveringness to Arthur, by offering his life to the Green Knight. He doesn't profess to be the best, or the most grounded, and in certainty claims: â€Å"I am the most vulnerable, I am aware†(section 16). Gawain is showing his humility, and the medieval conviction that an individual ought to be unassuming about himself. This shows the prompt contrast between the two societies. For the Anglo-Saxons, on the off chance that you needed individuals to know you’re a legend, you let them know you’re a saint. For Gawain, and the Knights of the Round Table, they should act humbler, so as to interest their Christian convictions. Be that as it may, the two social orders do require their saints to show some comparative qualities, the most well-known being mental fortitude. Gawain must show how overcome he is by making a long and troublesome excursion to satisfy his pledge, and bite the dust on account of the Green Knight. Beowulf must show his mental fortitude by fending off huge beasts, even to the most recent day of his life. â€Å"Why would it be advisable for me to be frightened? /Of fate the reasonable or drear/by a man must be assayed†(24) shows how Gawain accepts a saint should maintain, nobility and respect. He doesn't accept that venturing to his demise will be such an awful thing, since it will permit him to keep his respect flawless. This sounds fundamentally the same as â€Å"Let me liveâ in enormity/and mental fortitude, or here in this corridor welcome my death,†Beowulf’s idea of dauntlessness. Beowulf accepts that it is possible that he is going to win, and slaughter Gren del, or Grendel will win and execute him. In any case, it is up to wyrd, his Fate. The similarity proceeds with the subject of liberality. Both attempt their hardest to not just keep all their earned riches (or deficiency in that department) to themselves. Beowulf, after accepting loading treasures from Hrothgar, expeditiously apportions it among his men. He even â€Å"rewarded the boat’s gatekeeper/who had remained behind, with a blade that had pounded/gold injury on its handle,†(1901-03) indicating how he regards every one of his men as equivalents. The watchman’s work, to him, was similarly as significant as the various warriors that really went with him. So also, Sir Gawain tells the master of the house that he valued the friendliness of the host by commenting â€Å"I would give you some guerdon happily, were I able†(82) preceding withdrawing. He says this to show the host his thoughtfulness, yet in addition shows his liberality, showing the similitudes between the two societies. At last, every ha a contrary perspective on their significance in the public arena. Beowulf accepts that the best thing somebody can do is gotten the most renowned, and to have your name live on until the end of time. â€Å"Fame after death/is the noblest of goals†(lines 1388-89). For him to bite the dust in fight is the absolute most significant thing he can do, to guarantee he lives on in legend. Then again, Gawain feels that he should do his part, and better the entire of Camelot. â€Å"Since this undertaking is absurd to the point that it nowise befits you,†(section 16) says that Gawain is eager to forfeit his own life to spare his lord. He thinks he is the least of the Knights, and the most insignificant of them, and along these lines the best applicant. Besides, â€Å"I would fainer fall dead than flop in my errand†(42) demonstrates his commitment to the assignment he set out for. The two characters are as an unmistakable difference between their ideas o f self-esteem. As should be obvious, the Anglo-Saxon and early English individuals held broadly shifting thoughts of what a saint/pioneer figure ought to be. For the mysterious scop that composed Beowulf, fight, brilliance, and distinction were foremost; to the obscure artist of Sir Gawain, respect, trustworthiness, and steadfastness to one’s nation had top need.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Topics on Essay - What Should You Write About?
Topics on Essay - What Should You Write About?Your topic on an essay should be related to your area of study, but also to other subjects that are very important to you. This is one of the most important things that you should consider while composing a topic on an essay. You will be given many examples for your topic, which can be used as examples, as well as in reference to the particular topic that you wish to write about. These would include but are not limited to, educational subjects, military careers, world history, science, etc.If your subject of choice is education, then you must consider how you intend to outline the subject in your essay. You will be required to define the student, and if you are writing about an individual, it is advisable that you mention his or her name. It is essential that you provide sufficient information about the subject. All the information that you supply should be in good quality, and grammatically correct.If your subject is military careers, yo u will be required to list your academic records as well as your awards and certificates. You may also include but are not limited to, class rank, unit of service, or awards received, as well as other physical fitness awards, such as the Bronze Star Medal. You should also mention your military education, which is specified on your high school transcript.If you wish to write about science, you will need to describe the facts about the subject, and include interesting facts about your topic, which can include your favorite species of fish, or your pet birds. If you have a passion for sports, you must write about your interest in various sports, such as tennis, golf, sailing, etc. Also include other aspects of sports that you are passionate about, such as weightlifting, shooting, etc.If you wish to write about world history, you must include facts about the most important events in your subject. If you are writing about army careers, you will need to list your awards and decorations, a s well as your military record. You may also include but are not limited to, class rank, unit of service, and awards received, as well as other physical fitness awards, such as the Bronze Star Medal.These are just some of the things that you should do while writing your topic on an essay. It is important that you take into consideration the importance of your topic, the level of learning that you are pursuing, and how your subject relates to your major subject. However, if you are able to write about your topic very clearly, you may also include photographs and diagrams in your essay.However, if you require professional help for your topic on an essay, make sure that you seek advice from an experienced essay writer, who understands what you are trying to achieve, and can write articles about it for you. The best way to find a writer is to contact college friends, or colleagues, and ask for recommendations. It is possible that you will find several articles for your topic on an essay in the internet, although there are few writers who can write on different topics on an essay for you.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Introduction to Supply Chain Management Essay - 1209 Words
As soon as an idea turns into a project, the organisation of the supply chain becomes vital to providing a quality service to the client yet at a minimal cost to the company involved. Vertical interpretation is required to deal with various constraints that arise in various stages of the project with the aim to keep the problems down and the efficiency high. Throughout this paper the author will describe how supply chain management (SCM) helps bring systems together to present a desirable outcome and the issues and practicalities that are involved. John Hicks (2004) suggests that there are three main methods to help deliver the systems within budget and for them to perform smoothly, these are called ‘runners, repeaters and strangers’.†¦show more content†¦The main objectives of CRM are to find, attract, and win new clients. Once they have gained business with the client, the aim should be to nurture and retain them. Any clients lost should be enticed back into the company and the costs of marketing and client service should also be reduced. The buyers of the product should feel valued by the company and O’Brian and Marakas (2009, pg 305) suggest by ‘using CRM software it enables a business to identify and reward its loyal customers and further develop its targeted marketing and relationship marketing initiatives’. However, marketing alone does not always satisfy customer needs and this is why getting to know the customer and to create a good line of communication is fundamental to a successful supply chain. The client should feel valued by the company at all stages of the project. The service to them should be well-organised so that they have to do nothing but receive a quality product. Interpretations of Supply Chain Management There are various opinions on the definition of Supply Chain Management. Handfield and Nichols (2002) define supply chain management as; ‘the integration and management of supply chain organisations and activities through cooperative organisational relationships.’ Christopher (2005) goes on to describe how SCM is mainly operated as a customer based system; ‘The management of upstream and downstream relationships with suppliers and customers to deliver superior customerShow MoreRelatedIntroduction Of A Supply Chain Management1564 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Introduction A supply chain (SC) consists of a set of organizations that work together to take in raw materials, convert the raw materials into higher value products, and sell the products to the end customer (Kelly 2005). The management of these flows to generate profit is known as supply chain management (Sodhi and Tang 2012). 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Essay1492 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction: With the advent of globalization and continuous evolution in technology in the last 4 decades, the whole structure of organizations have evolved. Globalization has led to the downfall, of once successful, companies which were stagnant while led to exponential growth of continuously evolving companies. Supply chain, which was once considered a small part of operations, has now become one of the most important departments. â€Å"The term Supply chain management encompasses the planning andRead MoreFactors affecting women entrepreneurs success1224 Words  | 5 Pages1-1 Introduction to Operations Management Operations Management William J. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hydrogen Oxygen Species ( Ros ) - 1029 Words
BACKGROUND Oxygen is abundant in the atmosphere and it is essential for various biochemical processes such as energy production and â€Å"biological processes such as metabolic regulation, metabolic energy control, and activation or inactivation of biomolecules, signal transduction, cell exchange, endothelium related vascular functions and gene expression†in most living organisms. Oxidation is the major reaction involved during these processes and it often results in the formation of free radicals as oxygen can oxides other molecules. These free radicals are highly unstable and reactive due to the presence of unpaired orbitals (Magder, 2006). . 2.1. Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) â€Å"Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are radicals or chemical species that partake in reactions that involve gaining or loss of electron (radical reactions) but are not true radicals in that they do not have unpaired electrons†. ROS include non-radical ROS such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and hypochlorous acid (HOCl), ozone (O3) and singlet oxygen (1O2) while radical ROS consist of super oxide anion radicals (O2ââ€" -) and hydroxyl radical species (ââ€" OH). Besides oxygen-based radicals, reactive nitrogen species(RNS) such as nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and peroxynitrile also exist (Magder, 2006). 2.1.1. Formation of ROS Free radicals formation involves the breakage of a chemical bond in molecules such that each fragment keeps one electron, by cleavage of a radical to give another radical and, alsoShow MoreRelatedPlant Products Essay1518 Words  | 7 Pagesstill having an important role as potential source of therapeutics in health systems across the world.The recent growth in the knowledge of free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) is producing a medical revolution promising a new age of health and disease management. A free radical can be defined as any molecular species capable of independent existence that contains an unpaired electron in an atomic orbital. The presence of an unpaired electron leads to certain similar properties thatRead MoreAntioxidants And Its Effects On Health1460 Words  | 6 Pagesand more just stick around, I promise your time will be well spent. In short, antioxidants do exactly what their name implies, i.e., they protect against oxidative stress and damaged caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) otherwise known as free radicals, but a foundational knowledge of these ROS is essential to understand the role of antioxidants in body dynamics. To begin we need to understand what free radicals are and where they come from. Concisely free radicals are highly reactive moleculesRead MoreHypoxia Case Study724 Words  | 3 Pagesfactor (HIF). HIF-1ï ¢ heterodimerizes with one of two HIF-ÃŽ ± isoforms (HIF-1ÃŽ ± and HIF-2ÃŽ ±) and drives the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines that mediate macrophage aggregation, invasion, and motility. The stability of HIF-ÃŽ ± subunits is regulated by oxygen availability. Under normoxia conditions, prolylhydroxylases hydroxylates HIF-ÃŽ ± and marks it for proteasomal degradation in a process mediated by von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor protein (VHL)-dependent ubiquitination. Under hypox ic conditions, PHDsRead MorePhysiological And Pathological Systems Within The Circulatory System859 Words  | 4 Pagesphysiological and pathological systems within the circulatory system. Redox signalling is usually induced by an overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which can alter the functions of cell processes. Harris,(2012). ROS are radicals that contain one or more unpaired electrons and can be the oxygen radical superoxide or the non-radical hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). ROS can also contribute to vascular modelling by phenotype modification of the smooth muscle cells, growth and even the death of cells.Read MorePlants respond to environmental stresses such as drought, excessive salinity and low temperature1400 Words  | 6 Pagesand Boyer, 1985; Sharp et al., 1988). The degree of growth inhibition due to osmotic stress depends on the duration and the intensity of drought stress and on the genotype of plant species (Bartels and Sunkar, 2005). The efficiency of water uptake is an important determinant of drought resistance within plant species. It was reported that the water uptake depends on roots size (length or mass), activity and distribution (Huang and Gao, 2000). The development of the roots system as an adaptive responseRead MoreAntioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Lunasin618 Words  | 3 Pagesdevelopment of approximately 15–20% of malignancies worldwide52, being clearly associated with increased risk of cancer and cancer progression53. It is believed that persistent inflammatory cells recruitment, repeated generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), pro-inflammatory mediators and continued proliferation of genomically unstable cells contribute to neoplasic transformation which ultimately result in tumor invasion and metastasis54. Determination of anti-inflammatory and/or antioxidativeRead MoreOxidative Stress Case Study1617 Words  | 7 Pageslipid peroxidation and that was compatible with the study of Rao et al. [22] who suggested that the decrease in MDA concentration could be due to the ability of HMB to scavenge secondary reactive radicals or to prevent the formation of superoxide or hydrogen peroxide in response to IR exposure. It was stated that HMB is a potent ONOO_ scavenger that can protect the cells against peroxy nitrite-induced diseases [41]. Along these lines, the reaction between O2 ·- and NO may be diminished by the activityRead MoreEnvironmental Effects Of Reactive Oxygen Cells1537 Words  | 7 PagesPrimitive earth’s atmosphere was filled with molecular oxygen (O2) by the invasion of cyanobacteria (Schopf, 1993). Atmospheric oxygen has played a major role in the evolution and is responsible for catabolic activities of living organisms. On one hand, reactive oxygen species (ROS), as we know it can prove lethal to the living organisms. But on the other hand, ROS can also play a major role as a second messenger in the cell and control many essential processe s from cell death, cell differentiationRead MoreOxidative Stress Response1611 Words  | 7 Pagesphagolysosomes and gets fumigated and killed. During infection, Candida species are exposed to higher levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and antimicrobial peptides, low pH and reactive chloride species (HOCl) inside macrophages and neutrophils, and survival through these harsh conditions is essential for establishing disease and virulence. C. albicans evolved systems to directly scavenge the ROS produced by host cells and establish systemic infection. C. albicansRead MoreCryptococcus Neoformans is a Basidiomycetous Yeast Fungus1992 Words  | 8 Pagesmacrophages, and neutrophils produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) which kill intruding pathogens by oxidative or respiratory burst. Phagocytic cells increase oxygen production and convert dimolecular oxygen into superoxide anions and hydrogen peroxide by the NADPH oxidase complex (Graham et al. 2 007). The ROS produced are toxic to many pathogens like fungi and bacteria and can cause damage to the pathogen’s nucleic acid, and proteins. Reactive oxygen species produced by the host cells are associated
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Luxury Products & Management Samples for Students †MyAssignmenthelp.c
Question: Discuss about the Deceptive Counterfeit Luxury Products. Answer: Counterfeit means copying how something is made. In product counterfeit, the manufacturer imitates how the original product is made so as to gain the superior value of the imitated product. Imitation can be used in forging documents and currency but the most area affected is software and electronics like phone, watches, and parts of the vehicle, shoes, handbag, clothing and shoes. China is the leading country in producing counterfeit products with some of its online platforms like Alibaba being accused of promoting counterfeit (Bian, et al, 2017). There are two known types of counterfeit on the side of the consumer. They include deceptive and non-deceptive. Deceptive counterfeit is when the customer is not aware that the quality of the product is not the same as original. Many companies have experienced this type of counterfeit, and they have put various measures to fight it. An example is in the article of Marc Brain on the Alibabas Jack Ma. A consumer purchased a fake thing unknowingly, and the consumer had to demand the money back. Another form of counterfeit is non-deceptive counterfeit mostly on luxury products. Non-deceptive counterfeit is when the consumer is aware that the product he or she is buying is fake. The consumer still engages in buying the fake product knowing that it is not the original version. Areas most affected with counterfeit are the area in fashion and computer software. Industry affected in fashion are like Gucci, Luis Vuitton among others (Koklic, 2011). The consumer purchasing luxury goods always want to buy non-deceptive goods because they think they have almost the same thing at a lower price. Like a good Monogram, Zippy Wallet cost 455 Euros while a fake one cost 40 Euros. Some of the consumers will go for the fake product because the counterfeit products also appeal to people who want to show their status but cannot afford the genuine product while some shoppers believe that large enterprises cannot make losses due to counterfeit goods, but instead the counterfeit products make the big firms popular. It is also believed by some researchers like Gresmans model that the decision criteria faced by a person when faced with an ethical issue is affected by the intention, value, and knowledge. And consumers are perceived of the value of the non-deceptive counterfeit products, and this is the main reason why they purchase these products. In the circumstance where the value of counterfeit is higher or almost the same as original product, people will buy the original product and neglect the copy (Bian, et al, 2017). Therefore the statement does not work on this kind of goods. The reason why some consumers fail to detect the counterfeit product. The first reason why consumer fail to detect counterfeit product is that brand owners do not keep reminding consumers about the unique feature of their brand The second reason is that the counterfeit companies are more viral in social media than the original companies hence the consumer familiarize with the fake product than the original one Another reason why it is hard to differentiate the counterfeit and the original product is because the fake company make products which are almost real and of good quality References Bian, X., Veloutsou, C. (2017). Consumers Attitudes Regarding Non-deceptive Counterfeit Brands in the UK and China. In Advances in Chinese Brand Management (pp. 331-350). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Koklic, M. K. (2011). Non-deceptive counterfeiting purchase behavior: Antecedents of attitudes and purchase intentions. Journal of Applied Business Research, 27(2), 127.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
The Constitution Unity or Disunity Essay Essay Example
The Constitution: Unity or Disunity? Essay Essay The U. S. Constitution is looked upon as non merely a legal bond. but as a consolidative papers that exemplifies the American desire for â€Å"life. autonomy and the chase of felicity. †From 1787. the twelvemonth of its creative activity. until 1850. the Constitution helped to continue these ideals. by governing with the bulk. but protecting the minority. every bit good every bit moving as a symbol of integrity for the turning state. In the decennary before the Civil War. the Constitution’s openness for broad reading every bit good as its deficiency of specificity on sectional issues such as states’ rights and bondage led to the eventual disunion and the Southern sezession. For over 60 old ages prior to the Civil War. the Constitution was able to unite the Nation. After the Democrat-Republicans swept the Federalists of their offices in the Revolution of 1800. the Federalists. in their regard for the regulation of the bulk ( as upheld in the Constitution ) accepted licking and left their places peacefully ( Amsco ) . After Jefferson was elected in 1800. he went on to buy land through a pact with France in the Louisiana Purchase ( 1804 ) and doubled the size of the United States ( Divine ) . This action. although hardly. followed the Constitution in the executive rights it grants. and helped to unite the state by increasing district. patriotism and the spread of democracy. Supreme Court Justice John Marshall instituted judicial reappraisal. which could overrule determinations brought approximately by Congress ; he so used this power to establish domination of the federal authorities above the province authoritiess. as in McCulloch v. Maryland. We will write a custom essay sample on The Constitution: Unity or Disunity? Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Constitution: Unity or Disunity? Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Constitution: Unity or Disunity? Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In go forthing room for reading. the Constitution led many Northern emancipationists to believe it did non make plenty to forestall the enlargement. publicity and being of bondage. The Free-Soilers felt the Fugitive Slave Act ( 1850 ) . the Compromise of 1850. every bit good as Lewis Cass’ â€Å"popular sovereignty. †was coercing bondage upon them. The right to peaceful presentation is protected by the Bill of Rights. nevertheless. this led to the emancipationists promoting force and resistance to local constabulary forces after the Fugitive Slave Act was enacted. The Union was farther threatened because many Northerners felt that the Constitution broke moral and spiritual ideals in its support of bondage. and some even advocated disunion. The confusion over slavery roots from a larger confusion over independent province rights. which some Northerners. like Abraham Lincoln. believed didn’t exist at all. The Constitution’s deficiency of specificity on sectional affairs besides led Southerners to believe that it did non protect their ain rights and involvements. The U. S. Constitution foes non acknowledge or recommend bondage. therefore many Southerners felt that as the minority in the state ( Lincoln was able to be elected without one electoral ballot from the South ) their rights were in danger of being violated. The theory of â€Å"popular sovereignty. †a favorite one in the South. which gave new districts their right to take whether to let bondage besides led to disunity. as it placed provinces rights above federal Torahs and legislative acts. Furthermore. the South believed the Fundamental law to be a compact between provinces. as opposed to a federal authorities of higher power than those of the provinces. and therefore. they felt that if this compact was broken. Southern provinces could splinter lawfully and peacefully. Before sezession. the South even attempted to exercise their power as provinces within a brotherhood. and did so by saying that unless an amendment was added to the Constitution which formalized the legality of bondage the South would go forth the Union The Constitution has been considered mastermind because it is merely a series of via medias that make it acceptable to many. However. its vagueness. which has allowed it to mutate and take new signifier for about 250 old ages. has besides led to many differences about its reading. The chief constitutional concern in the old ages before the Civil War is whether or non provinces could annul Acts of the Apostless of the federal authorities. an issue which was laid to rest in April. 1865. when the North’s triumph over the South proved the might of centralised power.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Free Essays on Feminist
â€Å"Let us at first make an entire abstraction of all psychological considerations tending to show, that any of the mental differences supposed to exist between women and men are about †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (57). John Stuart Mills strongly advocates equality for women in his book The Subjection of Women. Among the topics he argued was the right for women to be allowed to pursuit whatever occupations they wanted regardless of their sex. Mill argues that psychological differences have absolutely nothing to do with but it the blockage of their knowledge that causes the problem. He believed their nature should not prevent them from participating in a particular field. The inherent characteristics that women possess such as gentle, weak †¦ should not determine what kind of work they do. However, if they are not given an opportunity to partake in any field out side the sphere of domesticity and are not educated then how can they be qualified for anything else. Women were subjected to certain roles and it is still prevalent in our society today. Stereotyping has been going on for decades and is still in effect the professional world. Females are still seeking equality in the workplace and in some institutions. As a society today we have come along way, but there is still room for improvement. Mary Wollstonecraft in A Vindication of the rights of Women goes beyond arguing for an equal education and equality for women, but she also exposes of numerous injustice to women, including denial of the right to vote, to own property, or to perform any but the lowest jobs and parents duty of parents to children: â€Å"A great proportion of the misery that wanders, in hideous forms, around the world, is allowed to rise from the negligence of parents†(159). Parents have a duty to their children; learning begins at home. If parents leave the act of discipline to teacher and school they are at great injustice. A good family background with the correct moral... Free Essays on Feminist Free Essays on Feminist â€Å"Let us at first make an entire abstraction of all psychological considerations tending to show, that any of the mental differences supposed to exist between women and men are about †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (57). John Stuart Mills strongly advocates equality for women in his book The Subjection of Women. Among the topics he argued was the right for women to be allowed to pursuit whatever occupations they wanted regardless of their sex. Mill argues that psychological differences have absolutely nothing to do with but it the blockage of their knowledge that causes the problem. He believed their nature should not prevent them from participating in a particular field. The inherent characteristics that women possess such as gentle, weak †¦ should not determine what kind of work they do. However, if they are not given an opportunity to partake in any field out side the sphere of domesticity and are not educated then how can they be qualified for anything else. Women were subjected to certain roles and it is still prevalent in our society today. Stereotyping has been going on for decades and is still in effect the professional world. Females are still seeking equality in the workplace and in some institutions. As a society today we have come along way, but there is still room for improvement. Mary Wollstonecraft in A Vindication of the rights of Women goes beyond arguing for an equal education and equality for women, but she also exposes of numerous injustice to women, including denial of the right to vote, to own property, or to perform any but the lowest jobs and parents duty of parents to children: â€Å"A great proportion of the misery that wanders, in hideous forms, around the world, is allowed to rise from the negligence of parents†(159). Parents have a duty to their children; learning begins at home. If parents leave the act of discipline to teacher and school they are at great injustice. A good family background with the correct moral... Free Essays on Feminist Wall Street Journal reporter Thomas M. Burton in his article â€Å"Baxter Filter Comes Under Scrutiny In Dialysis Probe†reports on the investigation by The U.S. Food and Drug Administration regarding the death of 33 kidney-dialysis patients in Spain, Croatia, and Texas. Of the 33 deaths 20 took place in Croatia. The Baxter Company manufactured filters, known as A, AF, and AX models are under inspection for faulty filters. The Baxter filters are said to be the only known common thread which could have cause those deaths. Spanish investigators are currently looking into the matter and refuse to comment at the time of this article. Baxter officials refused to believe that their filters are the cause of those deaths. However, of 21 dialysis death in Croatia, 20 filters were made by the Baxter’s Sweden Company. Croatia deputy health minister is quite sure that Baxter filters are related to those deaths, and Baxter’s deputy medical director in Europe is frustrated that the Croatian authorities â€Å"allegedly haven’t supplied sufficient details for Baxter to know if its dialyzers play any role in those deaths.†A number of different companies supply the pumping equipment to dialysis center. Dialyzers†are dialysis filters made by Baxter International Inc. In dialysis treatment, a person with impaired kidney function is hooked up by tubing, through which the patient’s blood passes through the filter in the opposite direction to cleanse the blood....
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Cause and Effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Cause and Effect - Essay Example Moreover, they are affected by new experiences such as conflicts with roommates due to difference in personality, new social life changes and values exploration, which consequently may lead to development of stress. Likewise, the new students face steep competition from their peers, and similarly, most find themselves under peer pressure to try out new habits such as sex, drugs along with drinking. As a result, the freshmen face a number of consequences. Landow purports that stress in first year college students is highly associated to generalized anxiety (231). More importantly, it causes depression, and irritability, together with insomnia and nightmares. Besides this, some college freshmen complain of frequent fatigue that is accompanied by loss of appetite which is believed to originate from stress. More importantly, stress often leads to a decrease in productivity of the students, subsequently aggravating the stress and therefore influencing a downward spiral. It is therefore important for the college first-year students to maintain a balanced lifestyle ensuring that they receive enough sleep, exercise, food and
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Business Law Term Paper (Case Study) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business Law Term Paper (Case Study) - Essay Example The jurisdiction of a particular subject matter refers to the authority of the court to preside cases concerning contracts and civil right issues. States court are granted general jurisdiction that allow them to hear any case unless it is prohibited by the law of the state. Some states prohibit subject matter jurisdiction for cases not involving their state citizen, and those that happens outside the state. They also include those that are the mandate of federal courts. In the case study, one of a legal case arising on the jurisdiction is when company violated the law by operating in three different jurisdictions, yet its plumber was licensed in only one jurisdiction. There was a jurisdiction to hear the case between Knarles and Chentum as the state courts have general jurisdiction and the case was among those under the docket of the state laws. Furthermore, it does not qualify to be handled by the federal court (Rakoff, 2013). Tot refers to civil cases or cases that deal with conflicts between private individuals. It can be redressed by paying of damages. This is a remedy by compensating the harmed party by monetary awards. Damages legally refers to the money that law directs one to pay after breach of duty or violation of a particular right. There are two categories of damages, which are punitive and compensatory. In the case of the former, they are awarded to punish the offending party, while the later were awarded to compensate the affected party for the loss or injury. The damages are further classified to liquidated and nominal damages. There are general guidelines that govern the damages to be awarded. For instance, it’s a general concept that punitive damages cannot be imposed in contractual cases that have not been proven to be wanton, deliberate or willful In the study, the case between Knarles and centum falls under the torts, since it is a civil case dealing with a conflict between private individuals. In
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Lockheed management Essay Example for Free
Lockheed management Essay We examined the decision to invest in the Tri-Star project by forecasting the cash flow associated with the project for a volume of 210 planes. We also asked what a valid estimate of the NPV of the Tri-Star project at a volume of 210 planes as of 1967 would be. We found this to be -$584 M. This was clearly an unacceptable NPV for capital budgeting on the project. A break-even analysis revealed that the project reached economic break-even with the production of 275 planes at . 5 M per unit but did not reach value break-even at that level of production. Despite industry analysts predicting 300 units as Lockheed’s break-even sales point, at this level, net present value remained insufficient to cover costs at negative $274 million. If the company had performed a true value break-even analysis, management would have realized that roughly 400 Tri Star aircraft (about 67 per year for six years) costing somewhere between $11.75 million and $12 million per unit would have to be sold in order to break even. The investment decision made by Lockheed to pursue the Tri Star program was not a reasonable one. A true value analysis shows that at the production level of 210 units, the project would result in an economic loss of $584.05 million and a profit loss of $480 million. In addition to miscalculating the break-even level of production, Lockheed management overestimated the growth rate of air travel industry.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Korean Players in Major League Baseball Essay -- Major League Baseball
Even though Chan-Ho Park’s case proved that Korean players could compete in Major League Baseball, none of other Koreans successfully settled in U.S.A. after Park. Approximately after ten years, a similar case with Park’s debut came out with Shin-Soo Choo. Shin-Soo Choo, who did not make a debut in Korean Baseball Championship before debuting in Major League Baseball, made debut with Seattle Mariners on 21 April 2005. Choo dreamed about Major League Baseball, which led him into a Rookie contract with Seattle mariners after his graduation from high school in 2000. Therefore, he made up to Seattle Mariners’s Minor League and even up to Major League (â€Å"Choo Shin Soo†). Nonetheless, his debut in the Major League did not lead him into running for full season, and he mostly spent time in the minor league. Finally, he was traded to the Cleveland Indians in 2006. As soon as he was traded to Indians, he ironically hit a home run against the Seattle Ma riners, and he recorded a 0.295 Batting Average and a 0.373 OBP (On Base Percentage) in 2006 season with the Cleveland. A similar quality of plays was continued until the season 2008. In 2008, Choo finished the season with a 0.309 Batting Average and a 0.397 OBP. Even more, during September, he pushed up his Batting Average up to a 0.40 with thirty-four hits and five home runs. Hence, Shin-Soo Choo was selected as the American League Player of the Month. In 2009, Choo made contract with Indians for only one year, and during the one-year contract, he broke his records and joined 20-20 club (20 home runs and 20 stolen bases). Choo was the first Asian to earn the title in the Major Leagues and became the only player in the American League with a 0.30 Batting Average, 20 home runs, and 20..." Web. 17 Mar. 2014. "Korean Baseball History." Naver Encyclopedia. NHN, Web. 17 Mar. 2014. Minami, Craig. "2013 Dodgers Review: Hyun-jin Ryu - True Blue LA." True Blue LA. 4 Nov. 2013. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. Rosenbaum, Mike. "Why the Los Angeles Dodgers Will Overpay for South Korean LHP Hyun-Jin Ryu." Bleacher Report. 13 Nov. 2012. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. "Shin-Soo Choo." Baseball Reference- BR Bullpen. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. "Shin-Soo Choo Batting Statistics and History -" Web. 17 Mar. 2014. Swaine, Rick. "Jackie Robinson." SABR. Society for American Baseball Research. Web. 16 Mar. 2014. Wells, Adam. "Ryu Hyun-Jin: Dodgers' Foolish Investment in Korean Star Will End Badly." Bleacher Report. 10 Dec. 2012. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. "What Is Moneyball?" Web. 17 Mar. 2014.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Modern Definition of Rule of Law
Introduction to the Rule of Law & the modern definition. Rule of Law in the layman perspective is the principle that nobody is above the law and that every man’s act is subject to the law. The law referred, in our context, is the Malaysian Constitution which embodies the definition, expressly in many of its provisions. The constitution has the absolute power as against the arbitrariness and discretionary power of the government. This concept is commonly practiced in democratic countries.Rule of Law and Rule by Law should be distinguished as the latter is merely a government’s tool for the purpose of ruling and governing only. It is not a good approach as compared to the Rule of Law because law is made by the people, for the people. The concept used under Rule by Law could lead to abuse of power and unfairness especially in the context of human rights. The countries practicing Rule by Law are mostly the autocratic countries where the law is followed because they are forced to, not because they respect the supremacy of the law.According to De Smith, the concept of Rule of Law is one of open texture with wide range of interpretation, or in other words, flexible. Dicey propounded 3 principles of Rule of law in his writings, ‘Law of the Constitution’. However Dicey’s ideas are no longer in use as modern democratic society has emerged. It is only a fashion now to insert Dicey’s to retain the basic values of Rule of Law but it must be interpreted according to our modern needs of society. Dicey’s ideas on ROL includes that; – 1) Absolute supremacy of regular law. ) Equality before the law 3) The Rule of Law includes the results of judicial decisions determining the rights of private persons. Internationally, the Rule of Law was even stated in the Preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted in 1948; where it was laid in the third paragraph that if the government does not want the people to revo lt as their last resort to overcome tyranny by government, then it is important for the fundamental liberties of the people to be defended. The way to defend their liberties is through the Rule of Law. The UDHR has 30 articles which upholds human rights.An international meeting to discuss and make declaration on the fundamental principle of rule of law was held in 1959 named the International Commission of Jurists(ICJ). The ICJ is the modern revelation of Rule of Law that fits the present circumstances. They declared that the rule of law implies certain rights and freedom to create a conducive social, economic, education and cultural norms to achieve human dignity. Joseph Raz, in his writing, â€Å"Rule of Law & It’s Virtues†had outlined a set of characteristics, a total number of 13 virtues of rule of law.The most basic aspect is that the people must be protected by the rule of law, and nothing can happen without the sanction and permission of the law. Others inc lude that the law must be prospective rather than retrospective; the law must be stable and certain and not changeable; the independence of judiciary has to be assured; the law must be fair, just and reasonable; the people should have the access to the courts; principles of natural justice concerning the right to be heard and the judge must not be bias should be observed and many other important characteristics.All 13 virtues should be complied and applied to make sure that the rule of law exists in a country practicing it. Ingredients of The Federal Constitution The Rule of Law is interrelated with the principles of human’s rights and dignity and these can be seen in our own Federal Constitution. Part II of the Federal Constitution enumerates a number of fundamental liberties which devotes 9 articles altogether. Few are: 1)Liberty of the person 2)Protection against retrospective criminal laws and repeated trials 3)Equality 4)Freedom of speech, assembly, association 5) Freedo m of religion and few more.The Parliament has made extensive use of emergency powers, sanctioned by the Constitution. Part XI with regards to emergency powers must be read together with the Fundamental Liberties. By Article 149, it permits the suspension of the Fundamental Liberties, since it validates any legislation otherwise outside the legislative power of Parliament. The Proclamation of Emergency provided in Article 150 permits Parliament and YdPA to override all provisions of the Constitution. This is not to say rule of law is not stable, but that the regular law operates alongside a system of emergency law which is much more draconian.An example is the powers of preventive detention, or International Security Act, which will be discussed further. Constitutionalism Crisis: International Security Act The International Security Act or more commonly known as ISA is an old and inhumane law which is against with the principle of Rule of Law. ISA is a cruel and harsh law and has alw ays been an issue which has yet to be solved in satisfaction. Proposals for the ISA to be reviewed and subsequently, be abolished has been made since Tun Mahathir and Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s times as Prime Minister, and once again, now made by our present Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.It has been 50 years since the ISA came into force but the government has still yet to take any actions in viewing this problem. The ISA made it seems as though the Rule of Law does not exist in Malaysia or less effective. The ISA is a preventive detention law that allows the force to detain a person without trial or criminal charges under lawful circumstances and he will be detained by the police for up to a maximum period of 60 days or the full period. It seems like that the ISA either does not understand or does not believe in the Rule of Law or the Human Rights.Under an ordinary law, every person has his own rights and chance to stand trial if he has committed an offence. When I SA first came into force in 1960, it was made based on the promised made by our first Prime Minister that the law will be used rationally and only against government’s enemies, which was then the communists. Nowadays ISA is used on reasons to deal problems relating sensitive issues like conflicts in a multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural society. The essence of ISA is to allow detention without trial which goes against the right of a person to fair hearing.Therefore, does this means that the ISA is against the human rights? Accordingly, is it contrary to the rule of law and thus does the principle rule of law exist in our country? In answering the first question, detention without trial is a blatant act and against citizen’s rights. The ISA reflects that the State has failed to uphold its responsibility this right. The judiciary is excluded from ensuring that those detained under ISA are treated according with the human rights. Not a person should be held in d etention without fair trial because it violates the human rights.Human rights and Rule of law are interconnected and so if ISA is contrary to human rights then it acts the same to the rule of law. This makes us question whether the rule of law still does exist in Malaysia. Any country subscribing to the rule of law, will never allow the abuse of power to detain a person without trial. This draconian legislation should be reviewed and repealed if the government still has the intention in making the rule of law as one of the general principles of the constitution. 1988 Constitutional Crisis Other constitutional crisis relating the rule of law follows the withdrawal of Tun Salleh Abas as a judge.This case was also known the 1988 Constitutional Crisis. In 1988, Tun Salleh Abas was brought before a tribunal on grounds of bias as a judge. The Prime Minister then, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad, explained that he took an action against Tun Salleh under Article 125 of the constitution, on ground s of his behavior and being unable to perform his function as the Lord President. The tribunal concluded that â€Å"the respondent has been guilty of not only ‘misbehavious’, but also misconduct which falls within the ambit of ‘other cause’ in article 125, which renders him unfit to discharge properly the functions of his office†.The 1988 Constitutional Crisis is related to Joseph Raz’s minimum standards on rule of law. Joseph Raz included one of the virtues (among others as mentioned earlier) that the natural justice should be reviewed. The natural justice said concerned; i)the right to be heard â€Å"audi altera partem†and ii)a judge must not be bias â€Å"nemo judex in cause sua†. The latter part has a deep connection to what discussed in the suspension of Tun Salleh Abas. Stephen Kalong Ningkan (1966)In 1966, Stephen Kalong Ningkan was dismissed from being the Chief Minister when the State Governor showed a letter signed by 21 members of assembly saying that they longer had no confidence in him to continue his duty. He was asked to resign himself which he refused to do so. He alleged that the letter did not tantamount to a vote of no-confidence. He was then dismissed by the Head of State by publishing a declaration in the Gazette that Stephen Kalong Ningkan had ceased to hold the office of Chief Minister. However his dismissal was an unconstitutional one.It was held by the court that the law under Sarawak Constitution, a Chief Minister can only vacate his office by his resignation and not by dismissal. There were no authorities stating that the Head of State has the power to dismiss a Chief Minister. Therefore looking through a rule of law’s view, it could be said that the unlawful dismissal of Stephen Kalong Ningkan by the Head of State was contrary to the principles of Rule of Law. Perak Crisis (2009) The constitutional crisis which happened in Perak is similar to what happened in 1966 in the case of Stephen Kalong Ningkan.The crisis began in February 2009 when four assemblymen of Pakatan Rakyat withdrew from the party. Pakatan Rakyat was then the ruling party in Perak, and their withdrawal from the party resulted a loss of majority representatives. Nasaruddin Hashim, was the Chief Minister of Perak before the crisis started was one of the assemblymen whom cross-floored Pakatan Rakyat. The consequence was that the Sultan of Perak, used his discretion under Art 18(2)(b) of the State Constitution, and commanded Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin to dismiss himself from the position of First Minister. The Sultan of Perak then appointed Dr.Zambry Abdul Kadir from Barisan Nasional to fill in the vacant position and be the next Chief Minister. Nizar claimed that there should be a fair free election since this country practices democracy, and for that announced he refused to resign and therefore, the appointment of Dr. Zambry was null and void. The High Court held that the dismissal and appointment made by the Sultan of Perak was unlawful and an unconstitutional one and that Nizar has always been the rightful head of government. The Court of Appeal however held that the action taken by the Sultan was legally valid and certainly followed the State Constitution.According to the Perak Constitution, the Sultan has two options in settling a conflict of lost confidence; which is either to dissolve the state assembly or appoint a new Chief Minister. The Sultan in this case did the latter. Such discretion is a Royal Prerogative. The Sultan is not subject to recommendation or approval of any other person while making the new appointment of Chief Minister. The difference between the Perak Crisis and Stephen Kalong Ningkan case is, the Perak Constitution has no exact statement of means of vote of confidence, which makes the action taken by the Sultan is constitutional and valid while the appointment of Dr.Zambry is also valid and Mohd Nizar must tender resignation. This woul d also mean that it follows the definition of Rule of Law on absolute supremacy of the law on grounds the dismissal was lawful. Conclusion With all the definitions and constitutional crisis discussed, it all comes down to one question; to what extent does Rule of Law exists in Malaysia? It is with no doubt that our country is a democratic country which is against arbitrariness and upholds the supremacy of our constitution. However with constitutional crisis that has happened, this shows that the Rule of Law xists merely on the surface of it. Our judges need to be prepared to enter the fray in the struggle of persevering the human rights and fundamental liberties. Only then we can say Malaysia is grounded on Rule of Law. Without justice, the democracy we practiced would mean nothing but just a concept. There is a need for all Malaysians to understand and appreciate the importance of the rule of law and to be vigilant that it prevails in this country. Without the rule of law, there ca n be no justice.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Revolution of the year 1980 - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 268 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? This revolution of the year 1980 was sought to alter the American citizens’ attitude towards their government, their beloved country and hence their leaders. He started the campaign by considerably reducing the size of the cabinet. This was meant to reduce the wage bill to the Americans. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Revolution of the year 1980" essay for you Create order The wage bill was become one of the biggest recurrent expenditure by the time (3-6). Ronald Reagan also passed numerous laws that protected every American and protected the boundaries and basic rights of every American citizen more aggressively. This was mostly against external enemies especially the United States of Soviet Union. His leadership was mainly in developing United States into levels that they would feel proud of their mother country; moreover, he protected the United States citizen rights, freedoms and dignity within the boundaries and without. With all these positivity, President Ronald Reagan was able to lower taxes for the American citizen. This was intended to allow the basic goods and services more affordable to the common American As a coin has two sides, the strategy President Reagan chose cut two way. The negative side of his strategy was the creation of social classes and widening the gap. The strategies he chose favored the rich and oppressed the poor. This led to the increase of crime, homelessness and other social vices. Reagan also promoted the oppression of feminism, civil rights and environment movement group. The lack of proper legislation to uphold these important societal movements, he concentrated on development and making American as proud as they could with America. Within this time the United States economy nosedived, unemployment rates were increasing exponentially.
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