Wednesday, October 30, 2019
A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift (Summary Response) Essay
A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift (Summary Response) - Essay Example However, the beautiful view is distorted by street children begging for money (Swift par 1). In addition, the street children are accompanied by their mother. Swift insists on the need to develop a solution to address the problem (Swift par 2). However, he provides that not much has been done to help street families. Consequently, the numbers of street families are increasing significantly. Swift provides a suggestion that the children may be employed in construction and agriculture, but they lack the skills required in the fields (Swift par 17). Years later the children are turned into thieves a scenario that cannot be avoided. To address the problem, Swift develops the argument that the children may feed a massive population if they are served as meals (Swift par 8). He further provides direction on how well to prepare the carcass of a child. In addition, he asserts that their skin after the carcass has been used may be used to make gloves and boots for the rich (Swift par 13). Swift asserts that the solution may be well welcomed by England. This is based on that the country has failed to help Ireland. Consequently, eradication the course of the need would be an effective strategy. Swift uses satire to express his anger on the failure of the government and England to address the poverty problem in Ireland. He proposes cannibalism as the only way that the street children in Dublin could be eradicated from the streets. However, this solution does not reflect his real intent in solving the problem. He asserts that he has no pleasure towards his work, but he seeks to benefit the public (Swift par 31). His objective is to create a written piece from which the reader could understand the depth of the problem. Additionally, the reader is also able to understand the failure by the government. Consequently, the need to suggest such an extreme alternative as solution is developed. In regards to
Monday, October 28, 2019
High School Reunions Essay Example for Free
High School Reunions Essay An observation of a high school re-union was followed by an interview with two of the people attending for this ethnography. The two attendees used for the interview were one male and one female. After identifying some of the possible rationales regarding the culture of the reunion in the observation, the interview was conducted on the basis of the rationales. This was then analysed and compared to some of the findings from cultural research and theory before a conclusion of sorts was made. Observation The group environment and context for the observation was that of the Aliso Niguel High School Class Reunion, Class of 1999. The High School is located in Aliso Niguel CA. The reunion being observed took place in Irvine, CA. There were approximately 300 people present. The general patterns of behaviours amongst the people consisted of lots of mingling and idle chat. Some of the people were notably more reserved than others. It seemed as though the single people were working harder to start conversation and were far more approachable. In contrast, couples didn’t seem to portray the same type of inviting body language when on their own, but became more confident when with a spouse or friend. Approximately, 80% of the attendees held drinks in their hand as a norm and there were also presents and cards being exchanged from the outset. From overhearing the participant’s conversation it seemed as though many of them still lived in the Southern California area and this became a main source of conversation throughout. The interaction was generally based upon excitement, smiling and heightened voices at notably louder than normal volume. With regards to dress codes, there didn’t seem to be much evidence of diversity. This was particularly notable in the case of the females. The majority of them had light hair past their shoulders and the clothing style that was adopted by the attendees was strikingly similar. There were very few obese or overweight people that attended. These people perhaps did not attend as failed invites were not taken. There were clear indications of sub-groups at the gathering, although they seemed to carry conversation with the rest of the attendees in accordance with the larger group. Amongst the males there were indications of many stereotypes such as â€Å"meat head†or â€Å"gym jocks†, as I overheard one female state. Although as many of these people are now approx. 27-30 years old, it was harder to categorize them in such terms. There did seem to be a stronger merge between coupled groups and singled groups rather than any cross over. There appeared to be a symbol of people trying to meet a certain criteria throughout. For instance, there was a group of approximately 15 females. I overheard that all of them got married within the last 2 years and many of them either attended and/or where present at each other’s wedding. This could be indicative of a desire to follow patterns and trends in behaviour as though as everyone else is getting married then so must they, so that they aren’t left behind. Contrastingly, the males seemed to compare status in relation to possessions, such as career, cars, and houses paying particular attention to the location of the houses. There appeared to be a great deal of stereotypical role playing. This was perhaps due to the situation and the fact that earlier identities were known by other attendees. Expectation of success may have accentuated the desire for the attendees to exaggerate their status so as to appear successful. I felt that many of the attendees really liked re-living the past. They may have either really enjoyed their high school years, or were very curious as to what their classmates were doing now. However, this could also be a test of identity or serve as a self measuring experience on the basis of their peer’s behaviours and successes. Interviews The questions that I asked were qualitative, semi structured and thematic in nature focusing mainly upon stereotypes and reasoning. This was to see if the thoughts of the interviewees compared with what seemed apparent about the culture of the re-union gathered from the observation. That is to say, was this something of a self regulation exercise for the attendees or was it an exercise in cultural normality? On being asked for their reasoning in relation to the re-union, the male interviewee stated that: ‘No one takes it seriously. Certainly not me. ’ The second female interviewee stated in relation to the same question that: ‘You kinda get to know everyone personally again‘. These responses suggested two different rationales. In the case of the male, it appeared as though the reunion was something of a casual affair that could turn out to be fun as long as it wasn’t taken seriously or that anything was invested in the occasion. Whereas the female’s response indicated that there was a personal form of intimate gratification involved in seeing other people again. The latter response would suggest that there is some form of self regulation going on in relation to peers (Devine, 1989). Whether this was merely for the purposes of satisfying interest or to measure oneself against the progress of other peers was less clear (Tajfel, 1982). On being given and questioned about some of the stereotypes of others observed at the re-union, the male interviewee stated that: ‘The stereotypes you have mentioned are generally applied to people you haven’t interacted with. They’re based upon ignorance. They go away once you get talking’ This indicates a difference between known and unknown people, which is common in western individualistic society (Hofstede, 2001). It appeared that the male attendee was not willing to accept or perhaps did not realise the significance of stereotypical role playing and instead took everyone at face value once a conversation took place with another. This rejection of stereotypes was also found in the response of the female attendee who stated that: ‘I don‘t really know, I always talk to people at parties and they always seem friendly, bar one or two. Is that a stereotype? †¦ha ha! ’ This raised some interesting points. For instance, although the attendee may well have pre-conceived notions about certain stereotypes, the individuals may have felt that they were the only people that perceived them in that way (Devine, 1989). Due to the experience of the situation that reinforced certain social norms, this stereotype may diminish or grow regardless of the former social group. This was put forward by Gudykunst, who suggested that, â€Å"Some of our stereotypes are unique and based on our individual experiences, but some are shared with other members of our in-groups. The stereotypes we share with others are our social stereotypes. We may know what the social stereotype of a group is, but still hold a different view of the group. †(Gudykunst, 1997, p127) On asking about what they felt they had gained from the experience of the re-union and what others may have also gained, the male attendee stated that: ‘I found out all the different directions that people have taken. It’s not just about getting married, buying a house and having kids. Most people have branched right out since then’ The second female attendee stated in relation to the same question that: ‘I feel good that everyone seems to be doing so well. Everyone’s the same, but do their thing differently, if you know what I mean’ The notion of difference was clear in the responses of the interviewees. It would appear that although the roles and social norms were fairly similar and the content of the conversations were uniformly based upon success, the overview was based upon everyone’s success and happiness maintained through a degree of different life styles. This was again perhaps unsurprising given the individuality that is so common to western cultures (Hofstede, 2001). The emphasis on success and progression was also unsurprising for similar reasons. However, the amount of actual difference that was displayed at the re-union in terms of dress code and normative behaviour could be seen in contradiction of this difference (Tajfel, 1982). It would appear that such difference was only referred to in conversation rather than in actual behaviour. It would appear that sub-cultures were compromised at the re-union and stereotypes were overlooked as long as the attendees followed the correct social norms whilst at the re-union. Bibliography Devine, P, G. , (1989) Stereotypes and Prejudice: Their Automatic and Controlled Components. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56, 5-18. Gudykunst, W. , Bond, M, H. , (1997) Inter-group Relations Across Cultures. In J. W. Berry, M. H. Segall, C. Kagitcibasi (Eds. ) Handbook of cross-cultural Psychology: Social Behaviour and Applications, 3, 119-161. Hofstede, G. (2001) Culture’s Consequences, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Tajfel, H. , (Ed. ) (1982) Social Identity and Inter-group Relations London: Cambridge University Press.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Contact :: essays research papers
The movie Contact, based on the novel by Carl Sagan, is a fascinating journey through the human mind that attempts to answer the questions that humans have been asking since the dawn of time, “Are we alone in the Universe?'; Ellie Arroway (portrayed by Jodie Foster), the main character of the movie refers to the historic event upon which the movie is based, contact with an alien civilization, as one of the most significant events in human history, and rightly so. This film explores the religious implications of such an event as well as the faith that one has to have afterwards. Â Â Â Â Â Arroway’s journey indeed resembles that of the “hero’s quest.'; Of course Ellie being the hero, is faced with something the world has yet to encounter: contact from aliens. She then voluntarily sacrifices herself for what seems to be ‘a greater good’ be the first human to converse with an extra-terrestrial existence, only to be disregarded because of her beliefs. That was one hurdle she had to overcome. The religious extremist was a ‘demonic adversary’ that, for a moment in the movie, appeared to have terminally halted the entire project. Then ‘the wise counselor,’ the man with cancer, emerged with his purpose: to lead Arroway on the right path. Faced again with taking the journey that could only be taken alone, she of course had to find a reason that would make it harder to leave, the ‘companion’ (Matthew McConaughtey’s character). This was another hurdle she had to overcome. She takes the journey to come out a changed person, for the better, as the movie evidently is implying. And in the end, the hero is reunited with the one she loves, her ‘companion.’ Â Â Â Â Â This movie bridges the gap between science and religion. How else can you explain the moving ending of an agnostic scientist trying to explain what just happened to her without the benefit of one shred of proof?
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Quality of Work Life Essay
Employees at any level many time experience a sense of frustration because low level of wages, poor working conditions, unfavourable terms of employment, inhuman treatement by their superiors & the like whereas managerial personnel feel frustrated because of alienation over their condition of employment , interpersonal conflicts, role conflicts, Job pressure , lack of freedom , absence of challenging work, etc. QWL means different things to different people, J. Richard & J. Loy define QWL as †the degree to which members of a work organization are able to satisfy mportant personnel needs through their experience in the organization. †In the search for improved productivity, manager & executives alike are discovering the important contribution of QWL. Hackman & suttle describe QWL from varied viewpoints. From a professional view point , it refers to industrial democracy, increase workewrs participation in corporate decision making , or culmination of the goals of human realations. In terms of management perspective, it relates to a variety of efforts to improve productivity through improvements in the human , rather than he capital or technological inputs of production. From standpoint of the characteristics of individual workers , it refers to the degree to which members of a work organization are able to satisfy important personal needs through their experience in the organization. From the unions, perspective , it is a more equitable sharing of the income and resources of the work of organization, and more human & healthier working conditions. DIMENSIONS OF STUDY : Quality of work life improvement are defined as any activity which takes place at very level of organization which seeks greater organizational effectiveness through enhancement of human dignity and growth a process through which the stockholders in the organization management, union and employees- learn how to work together to better to determine for themselves what actions, changes & improvements are desirable and workable in order to achive twin & simultaneous goals of an improve quality of life at work for all members of organization & greater effectiveness for the company and unions. Trade union claim that they are responsible for the improvements in various facilities to workers hereas management takes credit for improved salaries, benefits & facilities. However, HR manager has identified specific issues in QWL. Klott Mundick& Schuster suggested major QWL issues. They are: (1) Pay & Employment on permanent basis: Good pay still dominates most of the other factors in employee satisfaction. Various alternative means for providing wages should be developed in view of increase in cost of living index , increase in levels & rates of income tax & profession tax. QWL must be build around an equitable pay programs . in uture more workers may want to participate in the profits of the firm. Employment of workers on casual, temporary, probationary basis gives them sense of insecurity. On the other hand , employment on the other basis gives them security & leads to higher order QWL. (2) Occupational Stress : Stress is a condition of strain on one’s emotions, thought process ; physical condition . stress is determined by the worker’s abilities & nature and match with the Job requirements. Stress is cause due irritability, offering prestigious designation to the Jobs, providing well furnish amp; decent work places, offering membership in clubs or association , providing vehicles, offering vacation trips, or means to recognize the employees hyper- excitation or depression unstable behaviour, fatigue, stuttering, trembling psychometric pains, heavy smoking & drug abuse. Stress adversely effects on employee’s productivity. The HR manager, in order to minimize the stress has to identifiy, prevent ; tackle the problem. He may arrange the treatment of problem with the health unit or provide some stress buster activities during the hectic work schedule. 3) Organizational Health programs : Organizational health programs aim at educating employees about health problems means of maintaining ; improving health etc. These programme covers drinking and smoking cessation ( if it is affecting the productivity of employee ) , hypertension control , other forms of cardiovascular risk reduction, family planning etc. Effective implementation of these progrme results in reduction in absenteeism, hospitalization ,disability, excessive Job turnover ; premature death. It should also covers relaxation, physical exercise , diet control etc. 4) Alternative work schedule : Alternative work schedule including work at home , flexible working hours, staggered hours , and reduced work week, part time employment which may be introduced for the convenience ; comfort of the workers as the work schedule which offers the individual the leisure time , flexible hours of work is preferred. 5) Participative Management ; control of work : Trade unions and workers participation in management and decision making improves QWL . workers also feel that they have control their work, use their skills ; make a real contribution to the Job if they re allowed to participate in creative and decision making process. (6) Recognition : recognizing the employee as a human being rather than as a labourer increases the QWL . Participative management , awarding the rewarding systems , congratulating the employees for their achievement , Job enrichment, offering prestigious designation to the Jobs, providing well furnish and decent work places,offering membership in club or associations , providing vehicles , offering vacation trips, or some means to recognize the employees . (7) Congenial Worker- supervisor Relation : Harmonious supervisor- worker relations give the worker essence of social association , belongingness, achievement of worker results etc. This in turn led to better QWL. 8) Grievance procedure : workers have a sence of fair treatement when the company gives them opportunity to ventilate their grievances and represent their case succinctly rather than settling the problems arbitrarily. (9) Adequacy of resources : Resources should match with stated objective ; otherwise , employee will not be able to attain them . This results in the employee dissatisfaction and lower QWL. 10) Seniority ; meri t in promotions : seniority is generally taken as the basis of promotion in case of operating employees . Merit is considered as the basis for advancement for managerial people whereas seniority cum- merit is preferred for promotion of ministerial employees. The promotional policies ; activities should be fair 7 Just in order to ensure higher QWL. (11) Welfare Benefits : Since workers are now better organized , educated ; vociferous, they demand social security ; welfare benefits as a matter of right which were once considered a part of bargaining process.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Judgement Day
â€Å"First of all, let me apologise for our pathetic performance against Crystal Palace. Enough has been said about that already, and now we must focus positively on this afternoon's match. It's a game we must win, and then keep or fingers crossed about the eventual outcome. I don't want to think about the unthinkable. †The colourful, shiny programme I held in my hands trembled as I read this. It was from the weekly interview with the Portsmouth F. C. manager, Graham Rix. It sounded a long way away from the cool and collected manager, who had denied all problems and remained optimistic until this day. For you see, this was no ordinary day, no ordinary Saturday match for the inhabitants of the bustling south coast city of Portsmouth. This was like something out of a cheesy American movie. It was the last day of the season and, as they had been forced to do four times in the last six years, Portsmouth had to win to stay in the division. It was their own fault really, as many a Pompey fan would admit. They had spurned their chance to escape this last day nerve-jangler only three days prior to this momentous day. The chance had arisen when they played Crystal Place, the team one place below them, the place feared by managers and fans alike, the final relegation place. It had been a cold, damp night at Fratton Park, and yet still, the Pompey faithful wore only the shimmering blue and gold shirt, onto which, the Portsmouth badge was stitched. They had turned out in there hoards, believing this would be the night when our troubles came to an end, and after which we could relax, safe in the knowledge that we would remain in Division One for at least one more year. It was evident as the match kicked off that all was not well, as Palace stroked the ball around the park with ease, confident in their own surviving ability. This confidence paid off, and, within the first ten minutes of the match they had scored. They kept going, and by half time they were leading the uncomfortable looking ‘royal blues' 3-0. The rot continued, and despite a bright spell of ten minutes, in which they clawed it back from the brink to 3-2, the final score was one of woe for Portsmouth. The match finished 4- 2, with Portsmouth playing abysmally, and giving themselves a severe up hill struggle, needing to win by two or more goals on the last day, against a strong Barnsley team, whilst also counting on Crystal Palace or Huddersfield to lose. The crestfallen fans trudged home, pouring into the gloomy streets, no doubt feeling as bad as the dire weather. There were mutterings of discontent all over the town, about the manager, about the team, and most worryingly, about the future. It was obvious to me, from his emotional spill in the programme, that Rix had also felt this bitterness as he left the stadium. It was this I hoped, as I moved along with the surging mass of blue, that would keep us up, that finally we had a manager who cared about the team, not just his bank account. I noticed that, alike the sea of friends I did not know, I had been overtaken by a strange numbness, a sort of hollowness, which rendered me unable to speak or sing along with the rest. As I handed my ticket to the collector upon entering the lower east KJC stand, he seemed to notice my nervousness, and gave me a wink or reassurance, and told me it would be ok. This went a great deal to settling my nerves, but it was not nearly as soothing as the great roar that greeted me, as I stepped out from the stairs to find my seat, sifting through the cheering fans. It was quite simply breath taking; in all my life I am unable to recall another time when I had received such a rush of adrenaline. After taking to my seat I soon joined in with the familiar chants that had graced the ground for decades before, and lost my already quivering voice in the process. Then, the place went silent, as our chairman, Milan Mandric came out of the tunnel, looking as anxious as we all felt. He made a speech, which reverberated over the ancient tannoy, shaking the stands. He reassured us that this team was his heart, and we, were his blood. We were, in his eyes, the best followers he could have hoped for, and he then thanked us for coming, and made his way up the stairs of the stand, and sat down among the fans, much to their delight. The team then crossed the threshold of the tunnel, and entered the hallowed turf of Fratton Park to a standing ovation. It was the biggest game of their lives, but they did not show it, warming up as usual, and signing autographs for the children. Then, as they stripped from their training kits to reveal the kit, that every young boy from the area dreams of putting on, the ground seemed to take on an eerie silence. This continued for a few more minutes right up to the start of the match, when only then it was broken by the referees whistle, signifying one of the most important games in the history of the club, and certainly the most important in my short lifetime. This was it! This was the match! All of 16,000 people, the capacity crowd at Fratton Park held their breath, said their prayers, and hoped that after the ninety minutes had ended they would be cheering again. As the whistle sounded the crowd exploded into noise, with the fans hollering out the traditional morale boosting songs, unique to Portsmouth. Barnsley didn't know what hit them. From the start they faced wave after wave of attack from the blend of youth and experience that was the Portsmouth team, most of which broke onto the defensive rock that was Darren Barnard, the Welsh international. Then, as time went on the constant pressure applied from Portsmouth began to show, the lackadaisical Matt Appleby pondered too long on what to do next and was caught in possession by the energetic local boy, Gary O'Neil. He powered his was down the wing, and swung in an accurate, curling cross. This was met by the huge frame of die-hard Portsmouth fan and player Lee Bradbury, who powered the Blues into the lead by steering the ball past the hapless keeper, Kevin Miller, into the net. Before the ball had even touched the floor the crowd were on their feet, sheer jubilation running through them, as they hugged strangers, and friends alike. They could sense something special was on the way. I leapt up from my seat, throwing my programme to the floor, and cheered all I could, losing my voice, which I had only just regained. Among the crescendo of clapping and cheering the game had already started again. There was a buzz among the crowd, as the players in blue seemed to swarm the ill-fated Barnsley defence, pouncing on every mistake. After a swift attack in which Barnsley committed many men forwards, Portsmouth broke, tearing up the field, sweeping the ball from left to right. Lee Sharpe came up with it, on the left flank, and violently lashed it centrally, towards the advancing run of Gary O'Neil. The wayward defence watched, as he cut through them expertly, until he had a clear chance at goal. I was amazed at his composure, as most experienced players would, by now, just have belted it goal bound and hoped for the best, but O'Neil calmly and collectedly dinked the ball over the advancing keeper, and landed it in the far corner of the goal, where it rolled over the line. The crowd again detonated a chorus of cheers and clapping. O'Neil ran over to the crowd in celebration, and was instantly mobbed by the devotees, who were restrained by the stewards, who themselves were in a jubilant mood. All around me I could see happy faces, it was not their dream come true, but their nightmare vanquished, and I revelled with them in delight. It was, in hindsight, a little presumptuous of us though, to have celebrated already, as there was still another half to go. The first half in fact drew to a close with the booking of Bruce Dyer, who was beginning to get frustrated by the constant badgering from the home supporters. At half time the multitude of persons arose, and filed off, to get their customarily dodgy half time snack, of pies, tea and chocolate. Whilst down there though, many people began cheering, for what seemed like no reason, but then it was made public over the tannoy that at that specific moment in time both Huddersfield and Palace were losing, and if all stayed as it was we would stay up. Still, I was worried, football is a cruel game, and Portsmouth had been known for conceding late goals, costly ones. As I stepped back out onto the terracing I glanced around at the surroundings. It was an ocean of blue, shone upon by the sun, on a hot May afternoon. It all seemed calm, all problems washed away, knowing that we were all in this together, and that, come rain or shine, we always would be. It was a touching moment I can assure you. The next half continued as the first half finished, which was brilliant from our point of view, as we had been playing out of our socks for the first 45 minutes. The players had obviously deliberately not been told about the results elsewhere, as they still set about their task with a great sense of urgency, giving their all. The more and more we attacked the more defiant Barnsley became, and soon the constant failure of all of Portsmouth's attacks began to frustrate some of the Portsmouth players. What happened next horrified the Pompey faithful, as an off the ball argument soon developed into a brawl, in which Shaun Derry crudely head-butted Barnsley's captain Neil Shipperly, breaking his nose. For this pointless act of violence Derry was rightfully dismissed, and even the bluenose Portsmouth fans did not complain. Whilst Shipperly was replaced by Rory Fallon, Portsmouth adjusted their formation to cope with being a man down. There were whispers behind me that this was the changing point, and that all our good work had been undone. It was a worrying time to be a fan, and the jitteriness of the crowd returned. But my worries were soon quashed, as Portsmouth seemed not to be affected by their numerical disadvantage, and played some lovely flowing football, all applauded riotously by the fans. It was a long period of sustained build up play that led to the third goal. The ball had been played backwards, and forwards, as Portsmouth, instead of launching high balls over the top, decided to probe their opponents, and retain possession. This worked a treat, as a great link up between O'Neil and Mills put through Bradbury, who, with endless space took the ball cheekily around the keeper, and slotted the ball home, into the unguarded net. Barnsley were broken, their spirit crushed, they had been out played in every dimension and they knew it. The crowd also knew it, and sung out in great approval, as the minutes passed by at a snail's pace. After what seemed like an eternity the referee began to look down at his watch. At this the Portsmouth fans prompted him by whistling to a deafening pitch, and after two more minutes of this the referee, who had performed well, blew for time. For a second there was silence, an aura of disbelief swept over the stands. I stood there taking it all in, pinching myself, aware that I had just been privileged enough to witness one of the greatest moments in the clubs' history. My train of thought was broken, by the rather poignantly apt ‘Great Escape' theme being blasted out of speakers all around the ground. The crowd got their voice back again, and scenes of celebrations soon followed. I was swept along, on a wave of euphoria with the crowd onto the pitch, where the players were lifted high above the heads of the crowd, on their shoulders. Flags were hoisted up around the ground, and the news cameras were all over the place, interviewing fans, interviewing players. I came upon one interview with the relieved Graham Rix. On one of the greatest days of my life, I stood there, listening to what he had to say, along with a great number of fans, who waited to congratulate him after. His words at first were serious, stating, that ‘this would never happen again. ‘ How many times I had heard that in the last six years. But there was something about this man, something different. He cared. We all knew it, and we all knew that he would do everything in his power to keep his promise. His next words struck a particular chord with me, and have stuck with me ever since. His face changing from one of happiness to one of ambition, as his delivered his final words, ‘just think how those fans would have reacted if we could really give them something to celebrate! ‘
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How American Music Has Changed Over The Past 50 Ye Essays
How American Music Has Changed Over The Past 50 Ye Essays How American Music Has Changed Over The Past 50 Years How American Music Has Changed Over The Past 50 Years People have often wondered if music has always been around. Well, to answer that question I did some research to find out where our music originated. Our first reliable music records came from the Greeks and the Romans. Americans musical history is very short when compared to Japan, India, Africa, and China. We don't know much about our history until about 590-604 A.D. when people began to write music down, the first music that was written down was songs sung in churches. Another often asked question I decided to research is why people write music. I got a lot of different answers for this question. A few of them are: to witness their religious faith to other people; to express themselves; to have fun, they enjoy writing music! After that I researched different kinds of music. How many kinds are there in America? Thousands! There are so many the list would go on and on. Some of the more popular kinds are: rock, jazz, religious, alternative, and also classical. What is popular and what is not has changed a lot over the years, I doubt anyone in 590 A.D. ever even thought of rock music! Then I asked myself how does music effect people. I got the answer that music affects everyone differently, however certain kinds of music can change how people feel. For example heavy metal music will make you feel differently than classical music will make you feel. Music varies greatly around the world, mostly because it has a lot to do with culture. Africa's culture is very different from ours, so is their music. Americans have always liked music but it has become increasingly popular with young people over the last 50 years. Some older people look down on this, but I think music gives teens a sense of who they are, the kind of music you listen to shows who you are. Music is made with many different kinds of instruments and/or your voice. Some of those instruments are: guitars, violins, flutes, drums, and many new electrical instruments. People use music for many different things, like for instance dancing. Many people love to dance, but without music you couldn't dance. Or for in church it wouldn't be fun if you couldn't sing. So now you know about music but I have one more question will music ever die. My answer? No! I don't think it will ever die. Certain kinds of music will die but the concept of music will never end. It survived this long, right!
Monday, October 21, 2019
Leonardo da Vinci Quotes From the Inventor and Artist
Leonardo da Vinci Quotes From the Inventor and Artist Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was a respected and honored genius of the Renaissance era, and an Italian painter and inventor. His observations of the world around him were well-documented in his numerous sketchbooks, which still impress us to this day for both their artistic and scientific brilliance. As a painter, Leonardo is best known for The Last Supper (1495) and Mona Lisa (1503). As an inventor, Leonardo was fascinated by the promise of mechanical flight and designed flying machines that were centuries ahead of their time. On Flight For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return. Motivation It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.Men of lofty genius when they are doing the least work are most active.As every divided kingdom falls, so every mind divided between many studies confounds and saps itself.Learning never exhausts the mind.I have wasted my hours.All sciences are vain and full of errors that are not born of experience, the mother of all knowledge.The acquisition of knowledge is always of use to the intellect, because it may thus drive out useless things and retain the good. For nothing can be loved or hated unless it is first known.Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind. So we must stretch ourselves to the very limits of human p ossibility. Anything less is a sin against both God and man. Engineering Invention Human subtlety will never devise an invention more beautiful, more simple or more direct than does nature because in her inventions nothing is lacking, and nothing is superfluous.The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.Although nature commences with reason and ends in experience, it is necessary for us to do the opposite, that is to commence with experience and from this to proceed to investigate the reason.Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgment will be surer. Go some distance away because then the work appears smaller and more of it can be taken in at a glance and a lack of harmony and proportion is more readily seen. Philosophy The truth of things is the chief nutriment of superior intellects.Just as courage imperils life, fear protects it.Nature never breaks her own laws.I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death.Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in.Patience serves as a protection against wrongs as clothes do against cold. For if you put on more clothes as the cold increases, it will have no power to hurt you. So in like manner you must grow in patience when you meet with great wrongs, and they will then be powerless to vex your mind. Misattributions The following are common quotes attributed to Leonardo da Vinci; however, he just did not say them. I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men. Unfortunately these are not the words of Leonardo. They were written by Russian author Dmitry Sergeyevich Merezhkovsky (Russian, 1865-1941) in his historical fiction titled The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci. Source: Was Leonardo a Vegetarian? Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else. The trick is the doing something else. And that gem of a quote was made by Tom Peters in his article The Best Corporate Strategy?
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Best Way to Study SAT Vocab Words
The Best Way to Study SAT Vocab Words SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Studying SAT vocab is a confusing topic for most students. It's unclear how many words you should memorize, which words to learn, and how to actually memorize these words without wasting time. If you think you need to memorize a list of 2,000 SAT vocab words you found on the internet, stop right there. We're about to save you a lot of time while delivering the same results. In this guide, we'll discuss which words you should memorize and go over a reliable way to commit these words to memory. First, it's important to understand what impact SAT vocab can have on your score.Test takers who ignore this tend to shoot way off course, wasting more time and lowering their scores. Although vocabulary is much less important for doing well on the SAT now, this guide is still useful for you to learn how to study vocab effectively- for history class, for foreign languages, and for any time you'll need to use flashcards. How Important Are SAT Vocab Words? Vocabulary is a confusing subject on the SAT. On the old, pre-2016 format of the SAT, vocab was heavily tested on the Reading section, primarily throughSentence Completion questions. On the even older version of the SAT, analogies were the bane of high school SAT life. When I took the SAT back in 2004, more than half your Reading section score depended on vocab. Memorizing SAT vocabulary was absolutely necessary to do well on the exam. But with thecurrent form of the SAT,there's far less emphasis on testing vocabulary.Sentence Completion questions have been totally removed, and all vocab is now about medium difficulty, so you won't be seeing any super obscure words anymore. There are two types of SAT questions that deal with vocabulary and definitions of words: Precision and Words in Context. SAT Vocabulary Question Type 1: Writing - Precision This type of question appears on the SAT Writing section, and we call it Precision. Precision refers to the exact word used for the right connotation. Here's an example of such a question taken from an official SAT practice test: This approach increases sales, but it also stands in austere contrast to a time when goods were produced to be durable. A) NO CHANGEB) egregiousC) unmitigatedD) stark This is pretty tough- austere is not an easy word, but egregious and unmitigated might be even less familiar. When you get this type of question, you must know the definition of the words.This is because there aren't any other clues that allow you to figure out what the word means. Here's are examples of other difficult words from official SAT practice tests: complacent confided dispatch eminent emphatic imparted paramount promulgated satiated unveiled There are two to three of these questions on every SAT. So while not a huge deal, they're still important if you're trying to get an800 on Evidence-Based Reading and Writing. SAT Vocabulary Question Type 2: Reading- Words in Context The other type of question ison the SAT Reading section and is called Interpreting Words and Phrases in Context.This asks you for the definition of a word as used in a reading passage. Here's an example of an official SAT question: As used in line 50, â€Å"bearing†most nearly means A) carrying. B) affecting. C) yielding. D) enduring. Note that in these SAT questions, the words used are often pretty common and have multiple definitions.While knowing the definition beforehand can help, it's more important to choose the definition that best fits the definition used in the context of the passage. Here are all the words of this question type in the SAT practice tests released by the College Board: ambivalent bearing best capture challenged charge clashes common conducted convey credit demands devise directly document embraced expert favor flat form hold low plastic postulate reason rule sixpence state turn verifiable Again, notice that the words are fairly common- you've likely heard of most of these before. Many of them have multiple meanings, though, so it's vital to be able to distinguish the word's meaning as used in the passage from the typical meaning you already know. There are about seven to eight of these questions on every SAT Reading section.This is more common than the Precision question type above, but you'll also usually need less vocab knowledge to answer these. So ... How Important Is Vocab for Your SAT Score? At the end of the day, there are only about two to four questions that feature really difficult vocabulary.This means that, at most, vocab questionscan have a 20-30 point impact on your Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) score (out of 800). This really isn't that big. If you're scoring in the 400-600 range (which means you're missing 1/3-2/3 of all EBRW questions), vocabulary is definitely not the best way to improve your score. Instead, it's much better to spend your time learning passage-reading strategies and key SAT grammar rules. Only when you're breaking 600 on EBRWand really trying to get that perfect Reading/Writing scoredoes studying vocabulary start to become a worthwhile endeavor. Overall, you should be smart about analyzing your SAT practice tests and seeing if you're missing easy questions that test vocabulary, or whether you're only missing hard ones because you don't know the vocab. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! Why Do So Many People Obsess Over SAT Vocabulary? It's true that many students think vocab is a great way to spend their SAT study time, which might make you think it's a good idea, too. But if what I just told you is true, why do so many test takers waste time studying vocab? Here are a couple of major reasons: #1: Test-Prep Companies Push Vocab to Appear Smarter Vocab studying is a great way for SAT companies to seemas if they're teaching you something. For example, a test-prep company might claim to have an exclusive set of words, or it might boast a comprehensive 2,000 word collection, which is "definitelybetter than a 500-word collection!" This is more marketing speak than it is something actually useful for improving your SAT score. In addition, some test-prep companies still haven't fully adjusted to the 2016 SAT change. As an example, some of the SAT prep books that are supposed to target the "new SAT" still use old SAT questions and material! #2: Studying Vocab Often Feels Productive Studying vocab can make you feel as though you're making a lot of progress in your prep. After all, you're learning a lot of words you never knew before! Just like collecting stamps, it feels great to have a complete set of words committed to memory. Unfortunately, this might not lead to an increase in your score. Imagine you memorized 1,000 French words; this wouldn't actually increase your SAT score, right? Well, studying most SAT vocab lists is the same- most words on these will have a very low chance of appearing on the SAT. How to Study SAT Vocab the Right Way: The Waterfall Method As I mentioned above, if you are scoring above 600 on EBRW and are also aiming for a near-perfect score, it's appropriate for you to study vocabulary.In this section, we're going to cover the most effective method for memorizing SAT vocab. This is the same technique I myself used to memorize enough vocab to score a perfect 2400 on the old SAT (and a perfect 1600 on the very old SAT). First, you're going to need a set of SAT words. Luckily, we've prepared alist of 262 SAT vocab words most likely to appear on the SAT. All of these words come from official SAT practice tests and other high-quality SAT vocab lists, so memorizing these is an excellent place to start! Exclusive Free Bonus: Download a free guide containing 200 SAT vocabulary flashcards and instructions on how to print them. Use them with the strategy coming next to memorize them in the best way. I call the way I study SAT vocab the Waterfall Method.This method essentially forces you to focus on words you don't know while preventing you from wasting time on words you already know. It's based on a proven memorization technique called Spaced Repetition. Start with a stack of 30-50 vocab words: Review each card. If you know the definition right away, put it in a Know It pile. If you struggled to remember the definition, put it in a Struggled pile. You'll end up with two stacks of word cards: Pick up the Struggled pile and repeat the process. The Struggled pile will have fewer words than your Starting Stack does. Put the words you know this time around into a second Know It pile and the words you're still struggling with in a new Struggled pile. You should now have three separate stacks of cards: Keep repeating this process until you have just one to five words left in your last Struggled pile: I call this method the Waterfall Method because we essentially have a cascading waterfall, in which words that are really hard for you keep tumbling into farther and farther piles. Theoretically, at this point you should know nearly all the words in the entire set. Now, we're going to go back up the waterfall. Combine your last Struggled pile with your last Know It pile. This will become your Working Pile: Now, review all the words in this pile. If you forget any words, go through all of them again. Yep- this is harsh, but it's the only way you're going to memorize all the words. You'll need to be strict about making sure you learn each and every word. Once you've remembered all the words, combine this pile with the next highest pile: At the very end, you should end up back with a Starting Stack. And you'll know every single word! Why Does the Waterfall Method Work So Well? The reason that this method is so effective is that you'll review the hardest words for you more than 10 times more often than easy words. Most students just go through vocab lists from front to back. They might already know half the list, but they spend equal time on words they know and words they don't know (but really,really need to learn). Now that you've learned how to use the Waterfall Method, you'll be a smarter SAT studier and can concentrate far more on getting down the hardest vocabulary words for you. Where Can I Find More SAT Vocabulary Words? Looking for more SAT words or other vocab lists to study with? You've come to the right place. At PrepScholar, we've created tons of relevant guides for you. Here are some of our best resources for SAT vocabulary practice: ACT Vocabulary . The Best ACT Vocabulary Lists on the Web:Once again, since the SAT is so similar to the ACT, it's a good idea to also look for (quality) ACT vocab lists. This guide goes over the very best online ACT/SAT vocab lists. The 200 SAT Words You Need to Know:Although this list actually targets the old version of the SAT (back when vocab words on the SAT were a lot harder and more obscure), it's a good resource to use if you've already exhausted the materials above and are aiming for a perfect SAT Reading/Writing score. As a bonus, you also get free printable flashcards. The Vocabulary You Need for SAT Reading Passages: It's important to make sure you know the meanings of common reading-related words such as "allusion" and "simile." This way, you won't get stuck on a question that asks you to identify the "tone" of a passage! These are our best, most comprehensive articles on SAT vocab. But what about other resources? Below are our picks for the topadditional resources you can use for SAT vocab prep: Official SAT practice tests and sample questions:Perhaps the best resources (aside from our own!) for SAT vocab practice are those made by the College Board itself. Look for words in official practice tests and questions, and make flashcards for the ones you don't know. Khan Academy:This free online SAT prep website offers tons of College Board-approved SAT Reading and Writing questions, which you can use to pinpoint new vocab words. You should also check out our guide onhow to effectively use Khan Academy in your SAT prep. Your Dictionary- 100 Most Common SAT Words:Although this vocab list was written for the old version of the SAT, most of the words on it are still super relevant to the current SAT. Finally, if you're interested in usingpre-made vocab flashcards,I recommend browsing the SAT-labeled decks on Cram andQuizlet. In general, stick with decks that were made in 2016 or later; this lets you ensure that the words in them are relevant to the current SAT. (Note that it's OK to use older decks, just as long as you're aware that they're going to have much harder words than you probably need to know.) For more tips, read our in-depth guide on how to find quality SAT vocab resources and use them effectively in your prep. What's Next? Vocab doesn't play a big part on the SAT, but it's still important to know if you're aiming for a high score. Learn how important vocab is on the SAT, and get info onhow many vocab questions there are on the SAT and how to prepare for them. Want more help studying SAT vocab?Check out our guide to learn the best resources you can use for quality SAT vocab practice. If you liked this method of studying vocab and want to make your SAT prep more effective, check out our industry-leadingSAT prep program. Unlike other online programs, we believe that your program shouldcater to your strengths and weaknesses. We use advanced education techniques to customize your SAT prep so that you're always learning the most effective skills to increase your score. We have a 160+ point money back guarantee: if you finish our course and don't improve by 160 points, you get all your money back, no questions asked. Try our program with a 5-day free trial today:
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Personal Development Planning (PDP) Assignmant Essay - 3
Personal Development Planning (PDP) Assignmant - Essay Example Individuals who can use personal time management techniques may lead richer lives than others both in terms of what they achieve and how much time they have for leisure activities with their families or on their own. Time management skills also teach an individual to work better under pressure, mitigate the effects of stress generated by time pressures and to function at full capacity when there is a time crunch placed on them (Cook, 1998). In this way, through planning, organization, forecasting and time allotment for various tasks, a person can come to terms with how they are going to spend time achieving certain goals. These goals can be work related whereby a person can break up a given task into smaller segments linked with time based deadlines which can let a person know if they need to work faster or if they can slow down a little to review and try and improve their quality. By balancing work with the given time, a person can overcome the problem of procrastination and handle intense workloads without breaking a sweat (Cook, 1998). The fundamental guidelines of time management focus on getting a certain level of results within a given time. Mismanagement of time would be spending time on quite a few different activities where none of the given tasks are completed and no results can be shown. There is a rule of time management known as the eighty-twenty rule which suggests that most of the unfocused energy (80%) towards a given task only produces minor (20%) of the results. On the other hand, a little (20%) focused time and energy can produce a lot (80%) of the results (Cook, 1998). Planning and completing tasks with time management skills in mind can help individuals focus their energies so they can handle more work in less time. Instead of waiting mental and physical effort on needless tasks a person can focus on things which are urgent, important and need to
Friday, October 18, 2019
Choose a multinational company,and Selecting one new market and one Essay - 1
Choose a multinational company,and Selecting one new market and one product, detail and justify a marketing plan for the launch of this product into this, hither too, new market segment - Essay Example In 2012, Sony reported a net loss of 67.3 billion yen (Hirai 2012). In 2011, Sony reported a loss of 199.8 billion yen, indicating a significant problem attaining revenue growth which is attributable to increased competition in the electronics industry and changing consumer preferences throughout the globe. Sony, to combat these significant financial losses, is to launch the new Sony HMZ-T1 Personal 3D Viewer, a head-mounted display device allowing consumers to enjoy three-dimensional video content that is akin to the three dimensional movie theatre experiences. This product, already accepted as a revolutionary product in a variety of international markets, fits snugly and comfortably around the users’ brow, offering an unparalleled, horizontal viewing range of 45 degrees. The device offers supplementary high-quality Surround Sound capabilities to enhance viewing experience. The objective of this new launch is to recapture revenue losses, disrupt the personal electronics market, and improve Sony’s brand image in the new Serbian market, a developing nation that can provide new profit opportunities for Sony. Serbia scores low on Geert Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Framework in masculinity, a cultural propensity to value achievement and personal success as primary lifestyle-centric drivers (Hofstede Centre 2012; Hofstede and Hofstede 2005). This makes Serbia a feminine society, one where citizens seek solidarity, consensus, and a cultural set of values about promoting equality for all peoples. These values are inherent in the luxury buyer segment, which is representative of upper- and middle-class consumers. Serbia maintains cultural characteristics that have many collectivist values, in which loss of face (reputational) is a significant consideration from a social perspective (Cheung et al. 2008). This collectivist mentality
Legal feminist theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Legal feminist theory - Essay Example It follows, therefore, that the key issue identified and addressed by feminists can be viewed broadly as the bill of rights for women. This paper is in support of legal feminist theory and will offer reasons for the choice. The women’s suffrage may have had voting rights as its driving ambition, but in the contemporary world women need more liberties, albeit simply by virtue of being female. The feminist viewpoint of law identifies how patriarchy invasively influences legal structures, demonstrating how the material condition of women is adversely affected. For example, the landmark ruling in Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 93 S. Ct. 705, 35 L. Ed. 2d 147 (1973), showed that women reserve the right of abortion as a basic constitutional right (Levit & Verchick 89). Essentially, the ruling supported that reproductive rights should be borne by women, even though with certain limitations. This is in direct support of legal feminist theory because it promotes interdisciplinary examinations into how practices, policies and expectations relating to gender are influenced by the interaction of culture and law. It operates from the liberal legal prototype and focuses on an approach to law based on rights to en sure that women also enjoy genuine equality (Sunder 93). Legal feminist theory develops reforms designed to correct gender restriction, exploitation and injustice (Sunder 104). Therefore, through the perspective of feminist epistemology, political theory and relational metaphysics, legal feminist theory applies insights into feminist philosophy which help in understanding and changing the way overriding masculinist standards are enforced by legal institutions (Threedy 745). For instance, one would easily answer in the negative when asked whether judges can and should be allowed to be feminists, simply because judges are expected to do their job and not be activists who promote personal political agendas. However, judges
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Hebrew Bible and Christian First Testament Essay
Hebrew Bible and Christian First Testament - Essay Example The early part of the history of Israel is technically Biblical history. On this note, it is vital to point out that the history of Israel, rather than using a theological reading only, ought to be governed by religious perspective. This is particularly so as it makes relevant connections with the past and present, though at different timelines. A brief outline of the history of Israel starts with the call of Abraham when he went to the land of Canaan. From Abraham through Isaac and Jacob, the history of Israel as a nation begins to take shape. The jealousy of Joseph’s brothers changes fortune and Israel takes his sons to Egypt to escape the seven years of famine. Migration and conquest of Canaan start with Moses and ends with Joshua. Briefly, a number of judges rule Israel, amongst them Deborah, Samson, and Gideon until the birth of Samuel when Israel later demands an earthly King. Historically, this period takes place somewhere around the 1300 B.C and covers the reign of Dav id Solomon and the division of Israel. The division of Israel into Southern and Northern Kingdoms follows closely with the fall of Israel and the exile into Babylon. The history of Kingship in Israel is widely covered in first and second Kings. This critical period marks Israel’s fall away from God and subsequent punishments by being exiled. The prophecy of Daniel actually takes place in exile.Around 539 B.C., Babylon falls and prophets Ezra and Nehemiah led the first phase of return into the Promised Land.... The jealousy of Joseph’s brothers changes fortune and Israel takes his sons to Egypt to escape the seven years of famine. Migration and conquest of Canaan starts with Moses and ends with Joshua. Briefly, a number of judges rule Israel, amongst them Deborah, Samson and Gideon until the birth of Samuel when Israel later demands an earthly King. This period has a number of prophecies and promises. Historically, this period takes place somewhere around the 1300 B.C and covers the reign of David Solomon and the division of Israel. The division of Israel into Southern and Northern Kingdoms follows closely with the fall of Israel and the exile into Babylon. The history of Kingship in Israel is widely covered in first and second Kings. This critical period marks Israel’s fall away from God and subsequent punishments by being exiled. The prophecy of Daniel actually takes place in exile (Scott, 2000, p. 357). Around 539 B.C., Babylon falls and prophets Ezra and Nehemiah lead the first phase of return into the Promised Land. The history of Israel during this time majorly dwells on liberation prophesies and various small revolts that are not covered in the Bible. During this time, Christianity has not been born but there are prophecies by Major Prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, pointing to a salvation of humankind through a God chosen Messiah. God restores the Israelites back to their land in readiness for the birth of Jesus Christ the Messiah. This is what Scott (2000, p. 307) refers to as the Messianic hope. This happened during the Roman reign at when Caesar Augustus was at the helm of Roman leadership. Other events happen in the context of the New Testament although they still form part of the history of Israel. A critical
Change Resistance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Change Resistance - Essay Example These researchers underline that in such cuntries as Pland and Russia resistance t change is influenced by cultural traditins and unique values. Mst individuals prefer wrking life t prceed accrding t accustmed nrms. Changing the nrms brings disruptin, t say the least, and there is n guarantee that the visin f the future will find favr with thse n whm it is t be impsed. Different authrs have different views and understanding f resistance t change, its causes and management techniques. Shared values act as a kind f infrmal cntrl system that tells peple what is expected f them. In ding s, values can be mre r less pervasive in the sense f being shared by many r a few, and strng in the sense f being felt mre r less intensively (characterizing crprate cultures will be discussed again later in this chapter). Pervasive and strng values may affect perfrmance psitively by increasing dedicatin and pinting at what shuld be given extrardinary attentin. Hwever, pervasive and strng values can als h ave a negative effect: they may be incnsistent, may becme bslescent and/r may lead t a massive resistance t change, even if change is needed. Burnes (2000), Carnall (1992) and Cch and French (1998) state that the prblem with any planned change in Rmania, the Czech Republic and Slvak Republic has been planned and therefre managers wh have initiated the change largely define the expected utcmes befrehand. Similar t ther Pst-Sviet Unin cuntries, in Rmania, the Czech Republic and Slvak Republic natinal values and traditins are imprtant in day-t-day business. What brings values t life, hwever, is the awareness f everyne in the rganizatin f them and why they are imprtant. Values alne are nt enugh, it is the extensive sharing f them that makes a difference. Believing that peple are a cmpany's greatest resurce and acting accrdingly means, amng ther things, t keep in mind the implicit, but pwerful, frce f values shared by the members f the rganizatin f a cmpany (which in turn shape the behavir f its individuals and grups) and t realize that managing peple is nt thrugh (r at least nt directly thrugh) mems frm budget meetings r cmpu ter reprts, but thrugh the subtle cues f a culture. Emplyees resists changes because they are afraid f unknwn and new circumstances. Similar t previus researchers, Cllins (1998) and Chnk (2006) underline that the human being is capable f cmplying in terms f behavirs while withhlding cmmitment lng term. These researchers fund that EU wrkfrce represents a unique envirnment marked by lw mtivatin and lw prductivity levels. In all EU acceding cuntries, resistance t change is a natural prcess influenced by fear t lse jbs and surce f incme. When faced with such massive change and cultural resistance , a cmpany shuld ask itself if it is really necessary t change many f the fundamental rganizatinal factrs, and if the changes can be made with any real expectatin that they will be acceptable and successful. If the answer is 'n', the cmpany shuld seriusly recnsider and refrmulate its strategic plan. Hwever, the difference between suppsedly unavidable failure (e.g. Russia) and excessive cst depends, accrding t the structuralists, largely n the degree f mnplizatin f the ecnmy. As a result, the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Hebrew Bible and Christian First Testament Essay
Hebrew Bible and Christian First Testament - Essay Example The early part of the history of Israel is technically Biblical history. On this note, it is vital to point out that the history of Israel, rather than using a theological reading only, ought to be governed by religious perspective. This is particularly so as it makes relevant connections with the past and present, though at different timelines. A brief outline of the history of Israel starts with the call of Abraham when he went to the land of Canaan. From Abraham through Isaac and Jacob, the history of Israel as a nation begins to take shape. The jealousy of Joseph’s brothers changes fortune and Israel takes his sons to Egypt to escape the seven years of famine. Migration and conquest of Canaan start with Moses and ends with Joshua. Briefly, a number of judges rule Israel, amongst them Deborah, Samson, and Gideon until the birth of Samuel when Israel later demands an earthly King. Historically, this period takes place somewhere around the 1300 B.C and covers the reign of Dav id Solomon and the division of Israel. The division of Israel into Southern and Northern Kingdoms follows closely with the fall of Israel and the exile into Babylon. The history of Kingship in Israel is widely covered in first and second Kings. This critical period marks Israel’s fall away from God and subsequent punishments by being exiled. The prophecy of Daniel actually takes place in exile.Around 539 B.C., Babylon falls and prophets Ezra and Nehemiah led the first phase of return into the Promised Land.... The jealousy of Joseph’s brothers changes fortune and Israel takes his sons to Egypt to escape the seven years of famine. Migration and conquest of Canaan starts with Moses and ends with Joshua. Briefly, a number of judges rule Israel, amongst them Deborah, Samson and Gideon until the birth of Samuel when Israel later demands an earthly King. This period has a number of prophecies and promises. Historically, this period takes place somewhere around the 1300 B.C and covers the reign of David Solomon and the division of Israel. The division of Israel into Southern and Northern Kingdoms follows closely with the fall of Israel and the exile into Babylon. The history of Kingship in Israel is widely covered in first and second Kings. This critical period marks Israel’s fall away from God and subsequent punishments by being exiled. The prophecy of Daniel actually takes place in exile (Scott, 2000, p. 357). Around 539 B.C., Babylon falls and prophets Ezra and Nehemiah lead the first phase of return into the Promised Land. The history of Israel during this time majorly dwells on liberation prophesies and various small revolts that are not covered in the Bible. During this time, Christianity has not been born but there are prophecies by Major Prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, pointing to a salvation of humankind through a God chosen Messiah. God restores the Israelites back to their land in readiness for the birth of Jesus Christ the Messiah. This is what Scott (2000, p. 307) refers to as the Messianic hope. This happened during the Roman reign at when Caesar Augustus was at the helm of Roman leadership. Other events happen in the context of the New Testament although they still form part of the history of Israel. A critical
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Design a Professional Development Program Essay
Design a Professional Development Program - Essay Example Research supports that the best professional development program is one that is data-driven, constructivist by nature, results-oriented, and job embedded. (State of Vermont DOE, 2010) A successful professional development approach must be standards based and aligned with carrying forth the school’s overall mission and vision; while at the same time meeting the professional and personal needs of the staff, as well as the students and stakeholders. It requires reflection on the past with the goal of instituting initiatives to improve the quality indicators that will impact the future. (Mahaffey, Lind, &Derse) At the beginning, many factors must be taken into consideration. The school must do a careful self-assessment comparing data from the student performance indicators, as well as from the performance evaluations of the staff. Several factors will arise from this needs assessment: interests, current skill sets, values, challenges, strengths, and limitations. It will provide an overall health assessment of the school as a whole as well as an individual picture of each staff member. (Educause, 2006) There are four major areas of development that professional development plans focus on: literacy, numeracy, teaching skills, and student outcomes. Literacy learning comprises the five areas of reading, writing and spelling, adolescent literacy, and English Language Learners proficiency. Numeracy focuses on content and processing standards set by the individual states with benchmarks for Common Core State Standards. The next area is teaching skills which focuses on general teaching skills as well as response to intervention. The last area is student outcomes, which focuses on dropout prevention, school improvement, and using data. By taking a broad picture as well as microscopic view of these areas for potential improvement, the school as a whole, as well as each educator, will be able to identify specific needs to focus on for development. By comparing student performance achievement with outcomes generated by individual educators, as well as educator self-assessments, it is possible to set goals for development that will facilitate overall improvement and satisfaction among staff members. (Professional Development Tools, nd.) The next step is setting goals. One of the most successful ways to set goals is using the SMART plan. This plan outlines how to write goals that are subjective, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. Through setting SMART goals, both long range and short range, it is easier to evaluate when these goals have been accomplished and it is time to move on to the next area of development. (Rose, 2006) SMART goals are specific and strategic; they focus on a certain area and zero in on ways to improve it; they are measurable with indicators showing success. They take into account for limitations such as budgets and the human condition; therefore they are achievable. SMART goals are relevant and rigorous as well as en courage innovations to produce the desired results. Finally, they provide the structure of a timeframe so as to keep the improvement process from frustrating itself. (SMART Goals, 2010-2018) (WEAC, 2011) Professional development must be committed to equity and excellence. It must take into account all the essential elements that will be involved in the process; curriculum,
Talent Essay Example for Free
Talent Essay 17:59 Nesrin A lot of people audition to talent shows very few of them actually got talent. Manyattend just so they can be on television, even though they get humiliated in front ofthe whole nation. The judges are rude and the audience is yelling depreciating words.People home in the living rooms are also criticizing participants. It is silly what peoplewill do for 5 minutes of fame. And it is incredible that they actually do it. There areactually some of them who believe that they are good singers, dancers etc. , becausenobody have had the guts to tell them that they truly suck at it. I feel very sorry forthem and I think it is the parents’ job to tell them, that they should not audition to theshow. It is very irresponsible to let your kids get humiliated in that way.I must not forget that there also are people who audition who are outstanding. Some of them have a really special gift and then the talent shows are good to get peopleconscious about the talent.I think the talent shows are held too often (especially in Denmark), in the states thereare loads of different shows: The X-Factor, American Idol, Americas Got Talent etc. Ido not think that talent shows in Denmark should be hold every year, because we aresuch a small a country and it is limited how many talents we have got. That is not aproblem in the states, because they are so many people.I think the talent shows have become more and more an entertaining show than ashow with focus on the talents. So when it is held so often over half of the people whotry out have no talent at all. It is very obvious that all the TV-stations care about is themoney and how many viewers they can get.In the United States and the United Kingdom the participants get a lot of publicity,and a lot admire them. People get success, and they keep being successful after manyyears. Some examples ar e Kelly Clarkson, Adam Lambert and One Direction. KellyClarkson won American Idol in 2002 and is still producing popular music. In Denmarkthe winners are forgotten after a few weeks. That is a shame because they are reallycompetent at performing or singing or what ever their talent is.In Denmark a new kind of talent show has started. The new thing is that when theperson who tries out is performing, the judges cannot see him. If they want the 17:59 Nesrin participant on their team, they press a button. Then, their chairs turn around so theycan see each other. I think that is a very good idea because the first impression formsthe basis of how you regard the person. In this show the first impression is theirvoice. It is a excellent way to make sure they do not say no to you, just because youare fat, ugly, from an other race or what ever reason they could invent.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Gender and leadership style analysis
Gender and leadership style analysis 1. Introduction Leader is the central part of a company. No matter what kind of organization it is, the activity of leading is very important. Leader style is also called manager style, which is concerned with maintaining motivation, balancing interests and implementing tactical plans. An effective leader is someone who motivates a person or a group to accomplish more than they would have otherwise accomplished without that leaders involvement (Gedney R., 1999). As a good leader, he or she should be visionary, innovative, and has strategic and logical thinking. Good leadership style can help a company to build and sustain a high performance structure. When a baby is born, the first question people always ask is is it a boy or a girl? The babys gender determines what kind of characteristics he or she would have to some extent. If the baby is a boy, he is more likely to be competitive, strong and tough in the future. If the baby is a girl, she seems to be more careful, emotional, and patient when she grows up. So according to different characteristics male and female maintain, their leadership styles have many differences. 2. Different Genders Leadership Styles Research presented by Dr. Pat Heim in her video, The Invisible Rules: Men, Women and Teams, indicates that each gender is a culture in itself, raised with invisible rules of conduct instinctively known to all adult members of that gender (Norton D., 1998). Male leader leans towards the traditional command-and-control style. They are more likely to employ a transactional leadership. The transactional leadership style developed by Bass is based on the hypothesis that followers are motivated through a system of rewards and punishment (Transactional leadership, 2007). Leaders using this style view job performance as a series of transactions and they offer rewards for services rendered or punishment for inadequate performance. This means if the followers do something good for the organization, they will be rewarded. On the contrary, if they do something wrong, they will be punished. Followers are putting the wishes of leaders in effect. In fact, this kind of style may begin to form the very early leader-follower relationship. Male leaders give the ideas to their followers that they can get better raises by following orders. As for female leaders, they also use the transactional leadership style. But the study found women were more likely to use the supporting component the leadership style have. On the other hand, male leaders not always give rewards when their employees perform well. But if the employees do something wrong, he will punish them without doubts. Female leaders are tended to use this kind of interactive leadership style. They not only encourage others participation but also attempted to energize followers by enhancing their sense of self-worth. They inspire and motivate employees while allowing them some initiative and giving them the power to make decisions on their own. Many women leaders believe that people perform best when they feel good about themselves and their work. The leaders are opening access to information to increase opportunities for continuous improvement. But similarities also exist among men and women managers. In order to lead employees, no matter what gender you are, you should follow many similar principles that useful in management. An extensive review of research suggests that similarities in leadership styles tend to outweigh the differences. Because of career self-selection and organization selection, people who choose careers in law enforcement or real estate have a lot in common. So do individuals who choose managerial or supervisory roles (David C., 2006). In retrospect, men are more likely to use the transactional leadership style for rewarding and punishing employees. Men are strong and decisive. Women build bridges of empathy. Men get things done. Women care more about the process(Different leadership styles, 2007). As women always use the transformational leadership style, they are better at negotiating than men. There are many communication strengths for female leaders: they enhance team work, win the trust of the people they work with, and encourage innovation. Male leaders also have many advantages: they are decisive when they face difficult situations, have clear mind to set different responsibilities, and remove unwanted elements without doubts. 3. Male Leaders vs. Female Leaders, Which Make Better Leaders During a long period of time, many people think men have the ability to manage people well and they are suitable to management. However, as more and more women are moving into management in recent years, some questions have arisen: Do women bring a special brand new style of leading into company? The traditional command-and-control style, compared with womens ways of leading, which one is more effective? Which leadership style is better? Which leadership style is better? In 2005, a year-long study identified a number of characteristics that distinguish women leaders from men when it comes to qualities of leadership. The study findings are summarized into four specific statements about womens leadership qualities: Women leaders are more persuasive than their male counterparts. When feeling the sting of rejection, women leaders learn from adversity and carry on with an Ill show you attitude. (Women Leaders study, 2005). Esther Wachs, the author of the book Why the Best Man for the Job is a Woman: The Unique Female Qualities of Leadership, makes research on the careers of fourteen top female executives among them the President and CEO of eBay to find out what makes them so successful. She found women has a willingness to reinvent the rules; an ability to sell their visions; the determination to turn challenges into opportunities; and a focus on high touch in a high tech business world (Lowen L.). Women in both staff and line positions were more likely to be leader-style executives than their male colleagues. During 1990s, there were only small part of women filled in managerial positions and most of them stayed in house looking after babies and doing housework. But just after several years, more and more women become white-collars and get high-leveled jobs. Organizations realize women have better performance than expected. In 2005, the number of women ascent into top management positions in large companies has increased nearly 60 percent over the last decade. In both the UK and Ireland, women represent more than 45 percent of the workforce (Gurdal I., 2005). From the data we can see, the speed which women moved into top positions is very fast. Nowadays, it is common to see female leaders in organization, although they are still the minority. Since technology develops rapidly, what the company concerned most in the future is for people. Interactive management, creative problem handling method, and effective communication skills are more valuable for an organization than other aspects. All these characteristics as important for future development and success are the qualities female leaders have. So to some extents, it seems that female leadership style is more and more suitable for companies. Women have the ability to create brand new corporation culture, which is different from male leaders produced. The structures that women establish seem to be flexible and these structures can help to create more interactive environment for a company. Since women also tend to discuss problems more openly and utilize group-think to seek solutions, such solutions are often more acceptable to teams (Gutià ©rrez M., 2008). According to what mentioned above, female leaders have many advantages outweigh than male leaders. But this does not mean male leaders are not good. There is still much superiority which male leaders have. Many studies show there are not lots of differences between the qualities of men and women leadership styles. Each genders leadership styles have their good points. Since male leaders are more masculine, they are good at solving problems, delegating, and influencing superiors. Female leaders are more feminine, they are more likely to be supporting and rewarding others, building team and consulting. Interestingly, some male leaders are better at networking, which generally is seen as a feminine behavior. Some female leaders are better than males at solving problems, an ability regarded as male leadership style. 4. The Trend of Leadership Style 4.1 Feminine leadership style is growing The general perception of business management before was a structure dominated by males whose leadership style was hierarchical, tough, action-oriented, and even autocratic. In most peoples mind, the ideal leader should be regarded as an independent, tough, individualistic hero. But today a new generation of women is bringing to business a different style often described as more consensus-building, more likely to encourage participation by others, more open and inclusive, and even more caring than that of many males. Now a new wave revolution created by women is coming. Many females begin explore their own way to top management positions. The way is not sitting down under old rules and habits that have proved effective and suitable for males, it derives from womens own experience and their unique understanding of the world.T he World YWCA Secretary General Kanyoro says attitudes toward leadership changing mentioned this: These newly admired leadership qualities of shared leadership; nurturance and doing good for others are today not only sought after but also indeed needed to make a difference in the world.A feminine way of leading includes helping the world to understand and be principled about values that really matter (Kanyoro M., 2006). In modern society, domination is no longer a popular leadership style. Todays work force is better-educated. Nowadays, more and more young professional workers are joining into the organizations. They demand to participate and contribute. In some cases, they have knowledge or talents their bosses dont have. Normally, these kinds of workers are likely to respond more to interactive leaders. They hope their leaders can be flexible, interactive, trust and encouraging rather than rigid, right-wing, serious, and restraining. Todays company requires leaders who not only are risk takers, but also are capable of hearing the ideas of others and really give them the power to use some of the ideas in changing business making them successful. Listening, encouraging and sharing information with people are the keys to success for best leaders. Just like the President of the nearly $500-million-a-year magazine group of Meredith Corp. said: Companies that try to manage in the old top-down, hierarchical, drill-sergeant way is just doomed (Nelton S., 1991). Many experts agree that women are more likely to have the ability to deal with the complicated problems existed in the company. They are more active in building networks, listening, resolving conflict, and getting people to work together. In addition, women can help companies be more competitive because they see business opportunities as a result of their own experience. Many female leaders have the confidence that they can help company grow very well in an international market. Although men still run the world, more and more people realize that it might be in better shape if women were more often in charge. Female leadership characters can help companies solve three major problemsthe need for better customer service, the demand for higher quality, and the need for leadership itself (Nelton S., 1991). Gradually, many male leaders start to use the so-called feminine tools of leadership without embarrassment. Being more male than male is no longer effective for women leaders on controlling a company. Women leaders have more opportunities to use the styles that are more natural to them as individuals, whether soft or tough. As never before, the world is seeking capable women as being the female leader. Its happening most quickly on the entrepreneurial side, as well as on the corporate side. A large growing pool of women will have the chance to show their executive talent. According to the research on Google, in United States, more than 4 million of women have already started at the top by launching their own companies. In order to nurture the development of women leaders, many companies encourage mentoring for women. They create situations that facilitate informal, on-the-job advice for women. Some companies also add women to board of directors. 4.2 Different leaderships blend together Although there are many advantages by using feminine leadership style, smart companies are making room for a diversity of styles, encouraging the development of women leaders along with the men. Male leaders are better at giving orders, while female leaders like to build the bridge between employees and her. They enhance team work more than male leaders and they more focus on the detailed things during the process. On the contrary, male leaders always lead in a macro point of view. Men and women can learn strengths from each other. Many women are combining the best of the traditional styles, such as focus on performance, into their leadership style, while men are adopting the so-called soft management approaches that women use effectively. For the fortunate businesses, these different styles should be complementary rather than confrontational. If two men or two women work together, it may not be more effective than men and women work together. At the top of the company, if different genders work together, they can produce harmony and comfortable environment and develop the companys potential to higher point. For an organization, in order to fully realize its potential, it is vital to meld different leadership styles together. No matter what kind of way the leader uses, the critical thing for the leader is to know the strong and weakness the style they use most frequently. To be effective in the workplace, the leader must also realize that switching between different styles can make his or her company have better performance. Dilemma Faced by Female Leaders in Todays Society: Stereotyping Leadership When we talk about the two types of leadership -one is predominantly masculine and the other is predominantly feminine, we would think about two different kinds of figures: men in the military and on the playing field to train soldiers, and women in the home to manage the house and nurture husbands and children. Since many women have been married and have children, most of them spend higher average hours of housework than men per week. The competitive pressure is growing higher and higher in todays society, women have to strive to balance their professional careers and family roles. Some people think female are not suitable for being leaders because women always consider their family a lot and can not spend all efforts on work. Womens inability of being leaders is not because they lack adequate leadership characteristics; it is because they do not have time and energy. Widely shared gender stereotypes are in effect the genetic code of the gender system, since they constitute the cult ural rules or schemas by which people perceive and enact gender difference and inequality (Carli L., 2001). Male and female management styles are distinct. In many cases, managerial stereotypes fit with gender stereotypes. People stereotype women as being better at encouraging, supporting and taking care; while men are stereotyped as being more direct, kinglike and taking charge. Many people think if the leader is a female, she is more likely to discuss with their employees when making a decision. To the contrary, if the leader is a male, he would decide by himself and influence superiors to follow him. People always consider man can better achieve a solution than women. Today, the number of men in top management positions is still much higher than women. Only a quite small part of women can enter top management field, let alone being CEOs. No matter what leadership style female executives choose, they are more likely to be perceived negatively than men. Female business leaders act consistent with gender stereotypes are considered too soft. But if they go against gender stereotypes, they are considered too tough. To explain these, when a female leader exhibit traditionally valued leadership behaviors such as assertiveness, she tends to be seen as competent but not personable or likable. If she adopts a more stereotypically feminine style, people like it but not see it as having valued leadership skills. So there is a double-bind dilemma for women in leadership: Damned If You Do, Doomed If You Dont (Study, 2007). So todays female leaders are really at a deadlock. Even though they tried very hard to become leaders, they still have limited positional power. Many people do not agree women become leaders because they regard all of women as a whole, and all of them have the same characteristics in other words, womens character flaw. In those peoples mind, since most women are sentimental, they should be tender and shilly-shally; since they are approachable, they do not have the determination to make punishment or criticize; since they are likely to support and encourage others, they do not have the power to influence superiors, etc. Stereotyping is strong and horrible, it gives women more and more pressure when they pursuit higher positions. Although many women have diversity trainings before they enter into executive positions, they still feel powerless to eliminate the stereotypes. The effect of gender stereotyping can be devastating, it block the way they pursuit their career, whittle down their confidence, bury their talents and potential and increase the huge gap in business leadership. One day women will be fully accepted in senior positions, but before this day comes true, women still have much further to go. Many companies have already realized the bad environment and unequal opportunities for women. In order to help women achieve their advancement and argue for their rights, some organizations have already taken active measure to avoid and resist gender stereotyping. Women leaders performance should be shown and supported, especially when they are in the fields dominated by male. Company should also create a gender-sensitive workplace, to give women the same opportunities to take part in the work discussion. Another way is to give managers, executives, and even employees the education about stereotyping. This can give them the idea that it is important to improve gender quality and let women have more confidence to strive for their rights. Furthermore, objective standards must be used when evaluating peoples achievements. It is sure that with equitable and supportive business environment, the organization will have better-educated workforce, enjoy better business performance and become more compatible in the market. 6. Suggestions for Good Leadership Style Regardless of the size of the company, both men and women business leaders have a lot they can teach one another about leadership, as well as the members of their own sex. As they learn from one another, they can bring strengthened leadership abilities to their companies. Here are some suggestions for good leadership styles. 6.1 Listen Carefully For this point, women leaders tend to be better listeners than men. Listening is the key because leaders can learn from the people who work for them by listening. If followers know their leader is open, the leader even hears the downside directly. Listening to others is a kind of way to gather information. It enables leaders to keep making changes to improve the organization. However, listening doesnt always mean agreement. Listening to a person doesnt mean you should decide it in his or her way. Leaders should be good at filtering useful information. Some leaders meet with a different group of 15 or more non-managerial employees for round-table discussions every month. By talking with those employees, leaders can get to know people at levels they might never see. The purpose of the round-table discussion is communication, but a wise leader makes a point of listening more than talking. 6.2 Being Decisive Decisiveness is defined as being characterized by firmness and decision' (Being decisive, 2007). Being decisive doesnt mean having a closed mind or being bullheaded. A good leader should know when to stop building consensus and gathering information to make a decision. Decisiveness is an area that women could probably learn something from men. 6.3 Be Willing to Express Your Emotions In fact, there is always a wrong perception about management. People always think soft management means the leader is sensitive, caring and supportive, and hard management means the leader is tough and draw the lines. But actually, a lot of the tough guy is really cowardly and ineffective management. Managers who take the hard approach sometimes are hiding behind a shell, they are afraid to confront their own emotions and feelings. They scare to show it in public. Dont be afraid to show your feelings to your employees which are important for both male and female leaders. Because it is a way to show your faith and honest, and it is also an opportunity to build the bridge of trust among people. Many leaders find when they stop hiding their emotions, their reputation among employees is higher. Instead of considering being soft, they receive more respects from their employees. Cry doesnt mean you are wimp. Leaders who cry for their employees outstanding performance or regret for their own leading mistakes convey that they take employees performance and achievements seriously. 6.4 Doesnt Let Your Ego Get in the Way No matter you are a man or a woman, you have to learn that there is no place for ego in leadership. Only one person can not make a company successful. Running an organization its a team effort and a team attitude. If something is good, both leader and followers will all take credit. But if it is bad, they all take the blame. Leaders should not be too proud of them and focus on making profit for their own, since it will be found sooner or later and followers will not trust the leaders any more. Dont be egotistical does not mean you can not get to the top if you want to. But what the leader should make it clear is that the more people you try to take along with you, the faster youll get there and the longer youll stay there. 6.5 Be Yourself Dont try to force yourself into a certain style thats not natural to you, even if you think its expected of you. Leaders should aware that different people have different expectations, you can not satisfy everyone. Do not lose yourself. Female leaders are strong professionals, but they can still wear dresses instead of masculine-looking suits. They can also keep a jar of candy in the office, which is regarded as a typically female touch. Believe it or not, such little things can produce an environment of communication and friendliness. You can learn to draw on other leaders styles, however, to enrich your choice of tools. Leader should build on his or her strengths in terms of the personality, and it basically comes down to what works best for him or her. 7. Does only sex determine the leadership style? Most of the male leaders can set legible responsibilities, but that does not mean women leaders can not. So all of these characteristics described for male and female actually do not have clear boundaries and are not the unique ones just aim at one gender. The leadership style is not just influenced by gender, the style also develop out of personalities and life experiences. Each leader has a predominant style, but the other aspects of leadership must also be present as tools to use. If men do not feel embarrassed to show some kinds of feminine ways of leading, they can also use them directly and effectively. In some cases, female leaders are also comfortable to show use some male leadership styles when necessary. In very difficult and dangerous situation, there may be just only one right decision. The leader should use it, no matter what gender the leader is. For many successful male and female leaders, their partners (have different gender) are linked by neither marriage nor romance. Men and women in senior management all work for long hours and are motivated by the achievement they made. Leadership style is also determined by the types of operations executives run. If the leader oversees design and production, he seems to be more low-key than the other one who is responsible for sales, marketing, and finance. The second leader needs to be more intense and aggressive so as to increase the performance of apartments which he or she charges. If leaders responsibilities require more structure, they should be more strict and rigid. On the contrary, if they need to deal with creative people, they should be more fluid, spontaneous, and flexible. From a get-somebodys-attention standpoint, it is beneficial for the leaders to be direct, no nonsense, and get on the table what they want. 8. Conclusion In retrospect, males tended to be more task-oriented; females tended to be more relationship-oriented. Women tend to employ a more democratic, participative style while men tend to take a more autocratic, directive approach. Self-selection and adaptation are factors common to female leadership, while delegation and controlling are factors common to male leadership. Female leaders are more likely to be supporting and rewarding others, building team and consulting. Male leaders are better at solving problems, delegating, and influencing superiors. Human flexibility combined with cultural experiences allows men and women the ability to do more or less what they choose versus being locked into stereotypical behaviors. For example, men are capable, although maybe not comfortable, working within organizations currently identified with womens styles. Also, women can and do adapt to military leadership styles when required. Although there are lots of differences between male and female leaders, they can still successfully work together, to communicate effectively, and contribute equally to the work place. Nowadays, more and more leaders become introspective but decisive, caring yet competent. Companies seem to understand giving the chances to a variety of leaders to grow and shine is good for business. All in all, whether a style is masculine or feminine, the best leadership style depends on the organization. A nontraditional leadership style can be effective in organizations that accept it. The most competitive organizations will take leaders wherever they find them, no matter what sex they are. Thats not only the essence of capitalism, but also the law of survival of the fittest.
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