Saturday, August 31, 2019
Do a detailed critical analysis of the opening of Coetzee’s Foe
A successful analysis of an opening to any novel can not occur without taking into consideration what sort of journey the author is going to take their audience on. Openings can be deceiving and the point of close is needed to successfully determine the true meanings behind the foundations that the author lays at the start. This is definitely the case in Coetzee's Foe. Hindsight is the analysists greatest ally when looking in detail at the devices and subtext that Coetzee is employing to open this novel. In opening it appears to begin as an alternative story of Daniel Defoe's classic, Robinson Crusoe. However as the novel unfolds it becomes clear that it is an allegory for many pressing issues of today's society such as gender, race, politics and power. But not stopping there Coetzee has also created a piece of metafiction attacking the way in which fiction is created. It can also be seen as an attack on the claimed father of the novel Daniel Defoe. With hindsight all these issues can been seen in Coetzee's opening however I will begin by giving some ideas as to what Coetzee possibly wanted to achieve from the entire novel as it will help shed light upon the structure, devices and meanings that lie in the opening. Coetzee is questioning realism in novel writing, throughout he is proving that, just as Defoe did, he can create realistic characters and setting but he is showing that he too has the power to destroy them. As a piece of metafiction, Foe looks inwardly on its self as a novel and questions itself throughout. Coetzee creates things just to break them down. He is out to prove that Defoe and other authors are, as Paula Burnett described, â€Å"the giver of false witness†and in effect the enemy of reality thus the title and pun ‘Foe'. The attack is on Defoe, the so-called ‘father of the novel', perhaps because he tried to sell Robinson Crusoe off as a real life biography. Coetzee is trying to show that even if Crusoe was real the writer of the novel he would still hold the power to create and destroy what the want to, so fiction can never be taken as reality. The key central issues in the novel are the themes of gender and racial difference and power. Throughout the book there is a strong feeling that Friday represents a lot more than just the slave of Robinson Crusoe. It is through Friday and his treatment in the hands of his white masters that Coetzee is addressing the way the white people have handled there relations with the Negro race. Coetzee probably wrote this particularly with South Africa in mind as it is where he is from but it can be related to any time in history when the whites have tried to help or enslave the black race. Through Susan Barton he also addresses women and their struggles for equality and recognition. A feminist reading of the text would to claim that Coetzee in providing a narrator is showing that the novels has ‘mothers' as well as fathers such as Defoe and Fielding. Also, her struggle to establish herself as the main character of the story and the only true story teller can be seen to represent women's struggle to establish themselves as credible novelists in the early periods of novel writing. So with these underlying issues in mind the structure of the novel is also worth briefly looking at so the opening can be put into context. It must be taken into consideration the stylistically the opening chapter is very different from the rest of the novel. The first chapter is set on Crusoe's island and is a written account as to what occurred. The style is very realistic and detailed. The second chapter is slightly more removed and is written before our very eyes in a set of letters to Mr Foe. The writing style is still detailed and realistic however towards the end of the chapter a few questions are raised as to who Susan Barton is and who is the child following her around. The third part of the novel is set at Foes house and is again a first hand account but has a very different feel to the opening. It becomes slightly more surreal and raising many questions as to whether Foe exists or is a creation of Susan's or whether Susan is a creation of his. The final scene is set in a room and under water. It could not detach the reader any more as we lose who is narrating. We know its is not Susan as she appears to be dead. This is Coetzee destroying the realistic world he had created. Out of the four parts the opening is extremely significant as it crucial for creating the world in which Coetzee can put across the points that he is raising. So what is Coetzee beginning to create at the start of the novel? With his opening chapter he creates the foundations for his attacks on Defoe and the cultural and gender issues of today's society. However my use of the word attacks should not be taken too literally because directly no issues are addressed however it is clear in the subtext what points he wants to throw into debate. The main function of the opening is to throw Defoe's apparent true novel of Crusoe into debate and also to create a realistic foundation that can crumble in on itself as the novel develops. Anything self-critical has to reflect on itself inwardly and the opening sets Coetzee up to be able to do this. From the very opening it is clear that this is a vivid realistic account. â€Å"There I lay sprawled on the hot sand, my head filled with the orange blazing sun, my petticoat (which was all I had escaped with) baking dry upon me, tired, grateful like the saved. †‘ It is clear immediately from this quotation that the narrator appears to physically feeling what she is describing. The opening few pages include many of these vivid descriptions which lay the setting for Defoe's attack on Crusoe's story. The reader can not doubt her version, as it appears so real. His first attack on Defoe's novel appears early on. †For readers reared on travellers' tales, the words desert isle may conjure up a place of soft sands and shady trees where brooks run to quench the castaways thirst†¦ But the island on which I was cast away was quite another place: a great rocky hill with a flat top†¦ There were ants scurrying everywhere, of the same kind we had in Bahia, and another pest too, living in the dunes: a tiny insect that hid between your toes and ate its way into your flesh. †‘ This account is a great example of the realism used to put the whole of Defoe's work into question. This is a direct attack by Coetzee on how realistic Defoe's island really is. The reader will of course believe Susan Bartons account as it appeals through realism. It is a clever device used by Coetzee because he knows himself that what he is writing is not true. Another area that lays doubt upon Defoe's story is the figure Crusoe. His name is depleted to Cruso to show he is nothing like the man that Defoe creates. Not only is he a shadow of the main that Defoe created he is also unsure of his own history. ‘ ††¦ he stories he told me were so various, and so hard to reconcile one with another, that I was more and more driven to conclude that age and isolation had taken their toll on his memory, and he no longer knew for sure what was truth†¦ †‘ This throws again Defoe's account into doubt and would make a reader believe Coetzee's version. Another example of Coetzee trying to strengthen Susan's account is her repetition of the line: â€Å"Then at last I could row no further. My hands were raw, my back was burned, my body ached. †This repetition of the same account to both the reader and Crusoe shows that she knows her story and uses the exact same wording both times she tells it. This is a clever device used by Coetzee to show that Crusoe's story is fragile and various where as Susan's is stabile and unchanging. The other main instrument used by Coetzee in the opening of the book to express his subtext is the use of Susan as the narrator and the way she perceives things. Through realism he sets up his attack on Defoe and novel writing but through the narrator he brings in the allegorical themes such as gender and race. From a feminist point of view Susan Barton is, as Patrick Corcoran stated, â€Å"a representative of her sex who has suffered at the hands of men and who struggles to assert herself in a male dominated society. †To expand upon this comment, she does definitely appear to represent the women of society and how even though she shared the island with Crusoe she always felt that she was not there †When I reflect upon my story I seem to exist only as the one who came, the one who witnessed†¦ †She feels that it is Crusoe's story despite the fact that she is as easily as active as Crusoe and manages to escape, which he does not. Upon arrival she assumes that she is his subject. â€Å"With these words I presented myself to Robinson Cruso, in the days when he still ruled over his island, and became his second, the first being his man servant Friday †She does not even question the fact that he is the master of the island she just excepts that Friday and herself are under his rule. This is put in by Coetzee to question the role of women in Defoe's novel. There is no place for women in Robinson Crusoe and Coetzee provides us with an idea of what Crusoe would have been like with a woman on the island. Also Coetzee leaves it to the audience to decide what type of woman Susan is. He gives us no social background so we expect nothing from her. Throughout the book it is unclear what she is, whether she is a lady, a whore or a gypsy. This uncertainty is thrown into confusion many times, as she seems very educated and full of ideas ‘ â€Å"You are mistaken! †I cried †I do not wish to dispute, but you have forgotten very much, and with every day that passes you forget more! †‘ This extract shows that Susan Barton's type of language is not uneducated and her ability to speak up to and man and disagree shows strength. This may be a result of her life experience gained on her travels. However it is more likely that it is Coetzee toying with the idea of how putting a female on the island would effect Crusoe's power. These power battles are an important theme in the novel and Susan faces them throughout first chapter with Crusoe then Friday in the second and then Defoe in the third. The other major issue raised by Coetzee is the idea of slavery and race difference. Friday is a shadow that hangs over the story throughout and cannot be ignored, as his silence is perhaps the most telling and powerful factor in the novel. The majority of these issues are raised in the second and third chapters in Susan's handling of Friday. However they are present in the early stages of the novel in Crusoe's approach to Friday. ‘ â€Å"How many words of English does Friday know? †I asked â€Å"As many as he needs,†replied Cruso. â€Å"This is not England, we have no need of great stock of words†. ‘ Dispite Fridays disability this shows that Crusoe has no intention of making a companion of Friday and only wishes to treat him as an inhuman slave. Crusoe's views on Friday can be seen to represent the whites treatment of the African race in the early part of the nineteen hundreds. When Susan takes over the role of master she can be seen to represent the white liberals in South Africa who tried to help the Africans but only tried to help them by trying to make them like white men and by doing so enslaved them further. RM. Post's view on the political level of the novel is that Crusoe represents the stubborn and corrupt Afrikaner government, with Susan Barton the white sympathetic liberal and Friday the black people. He even goes as far as to compare Susan to Mother Africa as she is searching for a child who is searching for her. He justifies his claim that Foe is an allegory of contemporary South Africa by pointing out the crucial fact that Friday is of completely different race in Coetzee's Foe than he is in Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe. †The fact that the latter Friday is a black man helps us see Foe, set primarily in England in the eighteenth century, as an allegory of contemporary South Africa. †Defoe's Friday has olive skin with straight long hair; Coetzee s Friday is black with a â€Å"head of fuzzy wool. †There are other hints in the opening of the story to suggest some link with the treatment of the blacks in South Africa. The removal of Fridays tongue is perhaps one of the most obvious symbols in the book. He can be seen as having no voice like the Negro's in post colonial Africa. Susan and Crusoe's failure to communicate with Friday successfully is of course down to lack of understanding of his culture. However the fact that Crusoe manages to communicate with Friday better than Susan could be seen to flaw RM. Post's argument as could the fact that Friday was apparently happier on the island before Susan tried to free him. The opening to Coetzee's foe is a vital part of the novel. As discussed it lays the foundations for all of Coetzee's allegorical meanings. The opening is essential to understanding the race, gender and power struggles that are central themes in the novel. In terms of realism it sets Coetzee up to question the fundamentals of the novel and how far can an author go in terms of making a book appear an accurate reflection of real life. From this foundation he also highlights the author's ability to create and destroy there own work no matter how realistic it may appear to be.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Communications Essay
1. What is an implication, in general, and what are specific implications of the presence of the U.S. flag, Constitution, and Bill Of Rights in all the classrooms at the University of Arizona? a. A general definition of an implication is an assumption that can be inferred from a given scenario that is not obviously specified. The US flag, Constitution, and Bill of Rights are all important symbols of freedom in the United States. The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments to the Constitution that preserve the liberties and freedoms prevalent in the United States. The Constitution sets forth the structure of the government we created after rebelling against the British monarchy. The US flag contains a representation of the original 13 colonies that rebelled against the British monarchy as the stripes and the current 50 states as the stars, this representation holds a strong symbol of Americanism. A specific implication of having the U.S. flag, Constitution and Bill of Rights in all University of Arizona classrooms is to help remind students of the freedoms that are available to them in the United States. These symbols of personal freedom promote one’s ability to be an outspoken individual, go against the grain in everything they do, and maintain an individual spirit. 2. Problems in business, government, and relationships are frequently blamed on a lack of communication or a failure to communicate properly. Use the Tubbs communication model on page 9 of your Human Communication textbook to diagnose a communication problem and suggest a recommendation for fixing the problem. a. Tubbs’ communication model involves two communicators and contains three main components of communication: the messages, interference, and the channel. Communication problems can exist across all three components of Tubbs’ communication model. Messages can be intentional and unintentional, when we send an unintentional message we give a message that we didn’t intend to and will usually not find out about the error until we receive feedback from the receiver. Communication problems in channels can occur when sending a message through the wrong channel, each channel serves a primary purpose and sending the wrong message through a channel can lead to a breakdown in communication. Interference is what causes a sent message to become misunderstood or missed completely, usually due to a distortion in the message or the receiver becoming distracted. A fairly common problem that has become more prominent in communication since the rise in popularity of electronic messaging is the inability to relate sarcasm, irony, or other emotions effectively. Usually when someone says something sarcastic it can be taken as a serious statement and the receiver can view the sender as ignorant or senseless. To fix this the person either has to relate the message through a more emotionally efficient channel, such as a telephone call, or include a signifier that allows the person to realize the text should be taken as sarcasm, such as including the tag /sarcasm afterwards. 3. What subject matter is at the heart of the field of communication? To answer this question, imagine that a friend or family member asked you what ‘communication’ as an academic subject was about. How would you respond to that person so that they had a clear understanding? a. Communication has changed a great deal over the last 2400 years but has always maintained a primary center to its study while adding more and more elements. In ancient Greece, Socrates and Plato used communication (then called Rhetoric) as a means to discover the truth and draw it out of their students. Aristotle took Plato’s view and expanded onto it that truth is not always absolute and humans must therefore ascertain the â€Å"probable†truth. These early understandings still hold relevant today and create a framework for the contemporary study of human communication. At the heart of communication is the need for understanding, the need for people to be able to help others understand what they’re saying and understand what others are saying. With this need for understanding Plato stated that rhetoric would be used to promote falsehood over truth while Aristotle saw that either falsehood or truth could be promoted and it is the duty of the citizen to use rhetoric to defend the truth. Communication covers the central topic of providing information to other people through multiple channels in an efficient and effective manner. As communication progresses it will continue to hold its central subject matter while adding more and more relevant areas of interpretation. 4. How was the ancient Greek city-state of Athens involved in the history of communication? What connections exist between communication in ancient Athens and communication in the world today? a. Athens was home to the three scholars who created the two primary views to what we currently know as communication. Socrates, Aristotle and Plato provided a strong foundation for the study of communication while coming from two different views of rhetoric. Socrates and Plato were credited to creating the view of â€Å"Divine Truth†which sought to use reasoning and dialogue to â€Å"draw out†knowledge and understanding. Where as, Aristotle viewed that truth is all around in the environment and must be taken in through the senses. Much of what Socrates, Aristotle and Plato put into communication (rhetoric) is still valid today; Aristotle stated communication is â€Å"purposive†and can be evaluated on whether they accomplish their purpose. Socrates demonstrated a strong relationship between communication that would result in the discovery and appreciation of truth and beauty; this gave a precedent to the value of ethics in communication. Each view puts value into a different way of viewing the truth that surrounds us every day; one sees that there is truth in everything and it’s up to the individual to find that truth while the other views that truth is dependent on the person and can change depending on a persons view. These two views from ancient Athens will continue to lead the study of communication and help shape the continued understanding of the field.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
A Moment That Changed My Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7
A Moment That Changed My Life - Essay Example Some may be extraordinary events or moments while others may be ordinary situations that all over a sudden have a great impact on how you perceive life. About seven years ago, I almost lost both my brother, Raphael and my best friend Sonia. Call it a double tragedy. This was one of the most devastating moments in my life, and I still remember the events of that fateful day, seven solid years after it happened, like it was just yesterday. My life was completely changed.It was that chilly January afternoon that my little brother, my best friend and I decided to take a trip to the beach to have our dry suit certification for underwater ice diving after we completing a long tiresome but enjoyable training. Little did we know of the events that were later to unfold. We had everything ready, we went through preparations as usual and had our gear packed as we embarked on our trip. My uncle Joseph, who had been with us throughout our training sessions, had already gone ahead of us and was al ready at the beach waiting for us. Our parents had instructed him to take care of us while at the beach.At the beach, there were about nine or ten other people who were also eager to get the event started. We teamed up with my uncle, who was working with the instructors in giving us all the information we needed to get started. We quickly changed into our gears ready to dive into the cold water. In pairs, we began jumping in to the water as the instructor and my uncle watched carefully. My turn came and I dived in with my brother. While in the water, Sonia left her partner and came to swim with my brother and I. We went deep to the level that we had been instructed. At this time, the air in our tanks was almost ending and we started swimming upwards looking for a way out for fresh air. I signaled my brother and Sonia to go first while I followed them up.Â
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Unemployment in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Unemployment in the UK - Essay Example To understand more about the unemployment in the United Kingdom, it is of vital importance to elaborate the different types of unemployment. The types of unemployment indicate the causes of unemployment in any country. There could be many reasons or causes for the unemployment. In this paper, the causes and types relevant to the unemployment in the UK are discussed. Below are three common types of unemployment: Cyclical/Keynesian or Deficient-Demand Unemployment: This type of unemployment is associated with the Gross Domestic Production (GDP). In this type of unemployment, the rate of unemployment goes up when the GDP goes negative. Seasonal Unemployment: As obvious with the name, the seasonal unemployment refers to the seasonal opportunities. As the businesses related to the hotel reservation have some peak seasons. Their businesses are at peak in vacation months like December. February is mostly their off season. Hidden Unemployment: People get frustrated when they constantly struggle to get jobs but unfortunately, they fail to obtain suitable positions. After some time, frustration makes them hopeless and government do not really count them so they are not reflected in the statistics. Such state refers to the hidden unemployment phase. The claimant count and the labor force survey are the most successful and accurate ways to measure unemployment (Gillespie, 2007, pp.347-60). The claimant count refers to the number of applicant applying for the Jobseeker’s Allowance. However, it is not possible that all clamant applicants get successful. Due to the rigid requirements, one can fail to claim. Such applicants cannot be reflected in the total claimant count therefore, it is necessary not to just rely on this record. Another way to measure unemployment is the labor force count (Worswick, 1991, p.15). This way is quite reliable than the first one, only because this way, interviews with the help of people in measuring individuals who wish to do some
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Learning Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words - 1
Learning Theories - Essay Example Learning Theories Learning involves various aspects, including motivation, environment, attitudes of learners, and other factors (Ryan, Cooper & Tauer, 2010). In order to promote learning, teachers should look into the different aspects that affect learning. As a teacher, I see to it that learners are well motivated, the environment is conducive for learning, students are relaxed and comfortable, and they receive enough time to rehearse and apply the concepts or skills learned. Putting all these considerations together, I would say that I combine three approaches to learning. These approaches include behaviorism, constructivism, and cognitivism. However, I lay more emphasis on behaviorism because it guides me in my classroom management. There cannot be any learning if a classroom is not managed. Classroom management is one aspect that a behaviorist teacher focuses on. Students have different personalities but when they come to school, they act in uniformity according to the policies and regulations set by the school and its teachers. Establishing classroom rules is thus the first step to a well-managed classroom. Teachers should make it a point to establish rules at the beginning of the year and have them posted. In particular, classroom rules may be memorized by students and recited as part of routines. Rules may be posted on the bulletin board to remind students of their responsibility. In terms of assignments, it is best to make contracts for parents or guardians to sign. There should be an assignment notebook where students will write all their assignments. The teacher signs the assignment page, whether it was completed or not, and students will ask their parents to countersign the page so as to monitor students’ effort in doing their assignments. Practicing routines is another beneficial aspect of the behaviorist classroom. Routines help to make students become organized individuals. Students who learn routines in school will learn to keep a routine at home and eventually, in their professional field. With routines, performance and processes will be perfected. As part of everyday routine, students should greet the teacher and their classmates, check attendance by counting off (each should be assigned a class number), recite classroom rules, and report current news. The re porting of current events should be done in turns, based on the class number. These routine activities are supposed to prepare students for the day ahead, and to condition them to behave the way they should in school. Setting the mood of students is a must in the behaviorist classroom. In every lesson, the teacher should always give students some idea on what to expect for the day. This gets the students in the mood for activities, games, etc. For example, if the teacher says, â€Å"Today, we will play a game.†The students will know how to behave or react, and they will respond accordingly to the situation. If some serious activities need to be accomplished, then the teacher could say, â€Å"
Monday, August 26, 2019
The working class of Indian mens working in the field of Fashion Dissertation
The working class of Indian mens working in the field of Fashion - Dissertation Example The study "The working class of Indian mens working in the field of Fashion" talks about The working class of Indian fashion Industry. With industrialization and mass production fashion got a new shape in the western world. Fashion industry has became more popular when combined with visual effects, that is through the art of photography which brings the outcomes of the designers to the doors of common people through different print media forms. on one hand photography makes the dresses and models all the more attractive and famous, while on the other, it makes the conceptual loopholes quite prominent. The 16 page editorial published in the Vogue Issue of August 2008 in India sees the new nation as a place where even the poor class takes to expensive brands and carries it off gracefully. Hence Vogue attempts to make fashion reach out to all classes of people instead of the wealthy ones or celebrities. The magazine published some photos of lower middle class people flaunting expensive branded clothes and accessories. However this kind of portrayal drew lots of controversy because the people modeling in the magazine belonged to the similar class, which witnessed suicides and poverty. What becomes prominent in this discussion is the strong influence of western culture or the cultural dependency witnessed by the Indian fashion industry. Yet, the same fashion trends which has been a pride of the glamour seeking people of the upper middle class and wealthy sections are now imposed upon. those working class people who are merely able to cover their cost of production of labor hours and some who are not even able to do so. They perhaps belong to the class of contractual or casual workers who thrive to make both ends meet. When we think of the designers and fashion photographers a finger might be raised at their sensitivity towards the human dignity. It hurts when one sees the contrast between the social status and the expensive brands. Why would a person thriving for ba re survival want to use a Burberry umbrella? Even if we assume this might one day become an economically viable option, the individual might not decide to flaunt his money through these brands even if he can afford it. The middle class people working in the fashion industry (photographers, designers and editors of fashion magazines) need to be sensitive to the ethical viability of any form of art which represents fashion trends. This prompts us to ask the question: Can Vogue’s way of representing ‘new India’ support Realism or it is an example of Aestheticism in fashion photography? II. LITERATURE REVIEW This section attempts to discuss the theories of Realism and Aestheticism in visual art and how they apply to fashion photography in particular. Reviews of different literatures are covered to learn about the evolution of fashion industry in India and the works of different fashion photographers including the way they portray fashion in the daily lives of the soc iety. The study incorporates details regarding the middle class people working in the fashion industry of India and how they portray culture and economy through their works. How the trends change along with the impact of globalization and economic upgradation. At the end of the review one might raise questions about ethics and priorities while portraying
Sunday, August 25, 2019
What do Happiness Studies Study Does Happiness Change After Major Life Essay
What do Happiness Studies Study Does Happiness Change After Major Life Events - Essay Example He also went furhter in dissecting the etymology of the word â€Å"happiness†by tracing to its root word â€Å"hap†, meaning chance and luck whether it is good and bad in his effort to find the true meaning of happiness. The other study of Lucas that our set point of well being or our normal selves is predominantly biologically determined and our response and how we adapt to happiness life changing events in life fluctuates around that levels but will ultimately settle back to this normal state of well being. Griffin in his study about happines begun by assigning a value at the beginning of his argument particularly when Griffin cited eudaimonia†referring to â€Å"having a good guardian spirit†because that defined the trajectory of his argument. He begun associating martyrdom with happiness and formulating imaginary mathematical equation that being â€Å"happy now†and â€Å"more happy instances†vis-a-vis lesser unhappy instances would net to a happy life that made the paper problematic. The analysis was quite simplistic particularly when Griffin added Hume’s standard of taste because it required putting standard to happiness that can be likened to the concept of right and wrong in being happy. Any modern student of philosophy can refute this argument because we already know that there is no universal formula or standard of happiness. What makes one elated with happiness may be a casual circumstance to another. The bottomline is, what makes one happy will not necessarily make another happy. This test can easily be applied to refute the paper’s argument by also using one of Griffin’s example which is the woman from India who is â€Å"badly oppressed and what from the outside looks like a miserable existence†(2007:141) and might be content with small improvement of which such contentment, Griffin argued, would not necessarily mean she has a â€Å"happy life†. The trouble with Griffin ’s line of argument in this example is he already put a qualifier in the his hypothesis by framing it as â€Å"pathetically content with a small improvement in what from the outside looks like a miserable existence†(141). There was already a value judgment in the hypothesis which was supposed to be in the conditional because it is yet to be argued. Such, the conclusion is certain to arrive that she will not be happy because the line of reasoning did not provide room for refutation. It can be contended however that the woman, as opposed to the paper’s contention, is happy to the slightest improvement that will come in her life and not necessarily pathetic as what Griffin has framed. With how Griffin framed his words, it seem that he has not experienced poverty because it became an automatic reaction to him to say that a poor woman despite being content of having little will still be unhappy. It is like refuting his own argument because in his words, Griffin also mentioned that â€Å"one’s life is happy if one is content that life has brought one much of what one regards as important†(2007:140). Perhaps in his value system, slight improvement is not significant to be considered important but for those who were already exasperated with poverty, a moment of relief and the slightest of improvement is already bliss. Griffin is arguing from the point of view of a rich man who has not sufferred deprivation of his basic need such that, the provision of basic material
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The UN involvement in the war in Syria Research Paper
The UN involvement in the war in Syria - Research Paper Example When an issue concerning a threat to peace is proposed, the UN first advises the involved parties to come up with a peaceful agreement and even takes up mediation and investigation in some cases. It may request the Secretary General or special representatives to help find a peace solution in other instances. This essay looks into the recent UN intervention in Syria. The UN in an unusual demonstration of unity among the powerful states consistently adopted a resolution that ordered the fighting parties in Syria to stop barring humanitarian aid (Borut, 6). The UN, however, failed to establish a punishment for those that went against this order. This resolution was lawful and sought to address the war that has been going on for the past few years resulting to the loss of lives and displacement of families (Barnes 9). This resolution required the Syrian government to allow relief organizations to the citizens. The UN also condemned attacks on the citizens by the government using governme nt aircrafts and barrel bombs. This action was referring to the rebels and militia groups that were fighting to overthrow the regime that was present at that time. The Secretary General was required to submit reports on what the UN was doing to deal with the situation. While it did not threaten sanctions against Syria; however, it promised to take stern actions against those that failed to comply with the UN stipulations (Thakur 22). France and Britain heavily criticized however criticized the UNSC and stated that it was not doing enough to solve the crisis in Syria.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Fashion 1980 - Grunge Fashion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Fashion 1980 - Grunge Fashion - Essay Example The essay "Fashion 1980 - Grunge Fashion" concerns the grunge in fashion. While the 1990s Grunge clothing has retained some elements from the previous decade, the influence of the â€Å"sophisticated, uptown aesthetics†becomes prominently pronounced, especially in designs of eminent designers such as Dries Van Noten. On the other hand, designers like Philip Lim have focused on blending the â€Å"nostalgic and modern†and combining the aesthetics of floral patterns with silk material and graphic T-shirts with printed skirts. Outfits like these epitomize the modern women’s zeal towards a carefree life that softens the recalcitrant zest of the females of the previous decade. Grunge fashion thus challenges the conventions and allows women to make their statement against the traditional male dominance. Style icons like Kate Moss have brought evolutionary changes in Grunge style by transforming it into a â€Å"modern wearable style†. Thus, what once has been co nsidered as outrageous has become a norm in fashion, allowing women the freedom to express themselves through their dresses and apparels. Grunge, the â€Å"uniform of alternative rockers†and the young adults of the previous two decades returns with all its popular appeal in the 2010s and celebrated designers begin to â€Å"serve up grunge on the catwalk†. Many women, who cherish the nostalgia of this cult, view it as a â€Å"natural order of things†that the passion of their young age has come back with a firm statement to take their teenage daughters by storm.
Strategy Recommendation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Strategy Recommendation - Research Paper Example In addition, businesses sell their products through various online platforms such as e-bay and Amazon. Nike Inc began its operations in September 8, 1969.The Company engages in design, development, marketing and worldwide distribution of apparel, footwear, accessories, equipment and services. The company mainly focuses on manufacturing athletic apparel and footwear. The corporation’s major products offerings include football wear, running gear, and basketball uniform in addition to training and boxing apparel. The company also produces sports apparel for children and other equipment for sport-oriented recreation activities such as swimming, golf, lacrosse, American football and outdoor activities. Nike also manufactures sports accessories like bags (Carty, 2010). The company’s marketing strategy entails promotion activities such as event sponsorships, billboards and television advertisement. It also promotes its products through placement in various reality TV shows across the world. Nike is the largest designer and manufacturer of sports apparel in the world. The company initially specialized in the production of sports footwear. Its current line of production comprises of various types of sportswear such as swimsuits, footwear, training wear, boxing gears and its accessories, football apparel and basketball gear. The company utilizes the internet to market and sell their products. Moreover, it communicates with the consumers on various social network platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace. Nike Inc also uses Instagram to highlight various updates on their products such as Nike shoe customizations and the enhancement of comfort in its running gear. The internet enables the company to communicate, sell and market its product s easily. Nike Inc uses the internet to enhance its operations in the apparel market, which makes it an excellent case study for the proposal (Knight, 2000). The internet is
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Academia and Classroom Essay Example for Free
Academia and Classroom Essay Question 1 1. 1 Conflict The practice of recognizing and dealing with disputes in a rational, balanced and effective way. Conflict is an expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scare resources, and interference from others in achieving their goals. †1. 2 Decision- making Is the choice of the most suitable way of solving a problem or handling a situation . 1. 3 Communication Is a means by which the teacher and pupils’ different needs, feelings and attitudes are conveyed to each other in order to establish cooperation and achieve goals. 1. 4 Motivation Is the process by means of which motives are provided by, amongst others, a manager or situation in order to bring about certain actions and thus to achieve certain goals. 1. 5 Leadership Leadership consists of actions that help the group to complete its tasks successfully and maintain effective working relationships among its members. Leadership is a set of skills that anyone can acquire Question 2 2. 1. 1 AUTOCRATIC CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT STYLE When dealing with pupil behaviour the teacher will intervene and try to control the behaviour of the pupils. The teacher is mainly interested in the pupils completion of tasks and learning performance . Pupils participation in the classroom situation is limited to listening, working and doing. The following are some advantages of this approach: ? Some pupils may feel secure in this kind of situation. ? Because the teacher lays down fixed rules and procedures, pupils know what is expected of them and what they can expect in the classroom. The following are some disadvantages of this approach: ? The classroom atmosphere is characterised by competition, unwillingness to work together and poor discipline when pupils are left unsupervised. ? Creative thinking is suppressed. ? There is no cooperation. ? Pupils may develop a negative attitude towards the subject. 1 Student no : 43713009 EDA 201W Ass no : 2 719493 2. 1. 2 DEMOCRATIC CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT STYLE A democratic style of classroom management correlates with an interactive teaching style. This teaching style requires that teachers should have a sound knowledge of their subject and of human nature so that they can encourage their pupils to participate actively and meaningfully in teaching and learning activities. The control of pupil behaviour in the classroom is jointly controlled by the pupils and the teacher. As a management style it requires the teacher to maintain a balance between the task aspect and the human aspect of the classroom situation. Teaching and learning tasks are completed with the pupils willing cooperation and co responsibility which are the hallmarks of democratic classroom management. The following are some advantages: ? ? ? Pupils participate confidently in classroom activities. It encourages initiative and creativity. The classroom atmosphere is relaxed, yet productive. ? Pupils feel that they are involved in teaching activities. 2. 2 Five styles of conflict management ? Avoidance: avoiding conflict is a short-term solution because the conflict will not go away. Sometimes, however, avoidance could be a temporary measure to calm emotions. ? Giving in or accommodating: teachers who badly want the pupils to accept them use this style. With this style the real differences are underemphasized. Sometimes teachers have to give in to avoid hostility in the classroom and to ensure that the work can get done. ? Domination: teachers who want to impose their will on pupils use this style. In the long run this style is seldom effective, although teachers sometimes have to dominate. ? Compromise or settle: this style is marked by a search for compromises and settlement. The teacher will try to meet everyone halfway and to let the majority view prevail. Because a settlement might not satisfy everybody, the dissatisfaction could again cause conflict at a later stage. ? Integrate or collaborate: this style is also known as the problem-solving approach. The parties cooperate in order to find a satisfactory solution. 2. 3 A proper balance between the: task-oriented and the human relations aspects, required in every teaching-learning situation , enables teachers to create a teaching-learning situation with a positive atmosphere. Maintaining a balance between the structural (formal) and human relations (informal) aspects requires a holistic approach to classroom management. The combination and integration of these two dimensions represent the actual structure of the classroom situation, which includes all areas of the teachers management task. These studies revealed a clear correlation between classroom atmosphere and pupil performance of grade 9 and grade 10 pupils in 12 secondary schools in Ontario as follows: ? Classroom atmosphere has a significant influence on pupil performance. ? Although the personal and social characteristics of pupils are important factors in their school performance, classroom atmosphere is sometimes more important. ? The psychosocial and academic aspects of teaching are interrelated. 2 Student no : 43713009 EDA 201W Ass no : 2. 719493 ? Variables that relate directly to teaching-learning activities in the classroom have a special, unique influence on pupil performance. The following are the guidelines for teachers to cultivate positive attitudes in their pupils: ? Put the pupils in the centre. ? Respect pupils opinions and treat all pupils respectfully. ? Give pupils a group feeling. ? Help pupils to feel secure in school. ? Make sure that pupils understand their assignments. ? Realise that pupils are children, not adults.? Deal with individual behaviour problems in private interviews with the pupil rather than in front of the whole class. ? Involve pupils in decision making where appropriate. ? Do not label pupils. 3 Student no : 43713009 EDA 201W Ass no : 2 719493 2. 4 CLASSROOM POLICY 1. In all instances, civility and respect for classmates and the instructor are expected. 2. Book bags, briefcases, etc. are not allowed on your desk during class. They must remain on the floor near your chair. 3. You may not use cell phones in class. a. All ringers must be turned off. b. You may not text message, place or answer calls. c. All earphones, headphones, headsets or any other accessory for your cell phone may not be used in class – that means, out of sight and not on your head or in your ear. 4. You may not use any device (for example, IPod, MP3 player) to listen to or view music or other programming in class. 5. You will be asked to leave class if you disregard classroom policy. ATTENDANCE / WITHDRAWAL POLICY 1. Since the course is conducted in a seminar format, your attendance is mandatory. 2. You will sign the Attendance Signature sheet at the beginning of each class. 3. Your class participation points may be reduced from if you are late in class. 4. You may be withdrawn from COS 133 if you are absent from 20% of the class. LATE WORK 1. No late work will be accepted. MAKE-UP QUIZ POLICY 1. There are no quiz make-ups. No exemptions. GRADING POLICY 1. Your grade for COS 133 will be based on the points you accumulate for assignments, quizzes, and class participation. 2. Your grade for COS 133 is calculated as follows: Topic 1. Assignments 2. Quizzes 3. Classroom Participation Weight 30% 55% 15% 4 Student no : 43713009 EDA 201W Ass no : 2 719493 Topic Weight A 94 -100 1. Assignments 30% A- 90 93 2. Quizzes 55% B+ 87 89 3. Classroom Participation 15% B 84 86 B- 80 83 C+ 77 79 C 74 76 C- 70 73 D+ 67 69 D 64 66 D- 60 63 F 60 1. Assignments = 30 Points COS assignments consist of a variety of activities designed to promote a successful college experience at MCC. Your assignments will consist of reading textbook chapters and answering related exercise questions. In addition, you may be using your MCC student email to submit Web assignments. Assignments are due at the beginning of the class. However, you may submit your assignments before the due date. Distribution of points are as follows: 10 textbook assignments (3 points each) = 30 points 2. Quizzes = 55 Points Quizzes are based on your chapter reading assignments. o You may use your textbook to answer the questions. However, be well prepared for a very challenging quiz. o If you are late for class and miss the quiz, you will receive a zero for the quiz. Distribution of points is as follows: o 11 textbook quizzes (5 points each) = 55 points 3. Classroom Participation = 15 Points Classroom participation points are earned by behaviors that demonstrate o prompt attendance for class 3 o active listening o positive involvement in small group work o thoughtful contributions during whole class discussions o civility and respect for classmates and the instructor Distribution of points is as follows: o 1 point per week = 15 points o You cannot earn classroom participation points if you are absent. MCC REGULATIONS AND POLICIES Academic Honesty Policy In the academic process, it is assumed that intellectual honesty and integrity are basic responsibilities of any student. However, faculty members should accept their correlative 5 Student no : 43713009 EDA 201W Ass no : 2 719493 responsibility to regulate academic work and to conduct examination procedures in such a manner as not to invite violations of academic honesty. Such violations consist mainly of cheating and plagiarism. For more details regarding MCC’s Academic Honesty policy regarding definitions, disciplinary action, and procedure for appeal check the MCC Catalog and Student Handbook or MCC Website. Policy Statement on Sexual Harassment 1. Monroe Community College strives to recognize human dignity and therefore does not tolerate sexual harassment or any other type of harassment within or connected to this institution. 2. Sexual harassment is illegal and unfairly interferes with the opportunity for all persons, regardless of gender, to have a comfortable and productive education and work environment. 3. We are committed to taking all reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment and to discipline those who do harass. Code of Conduct The following actions or conducts are prohibited. 1. The obstruction or disruption of any College function or activity, including the classroom instructional environment, administration of the parking program and service functions and activities. 2. The detention, physical abuse or intimidation of any person, or threat thereof, or any 4 conduct which threatens or endangers the health, safety, or welfare of any person on College-owned or operated property or at College-sponsored activities. 3. The use of obscene or abusive language or any other means of expression, language, or action which may reasonably be expected to provoke or encourage physical violence by other persons. 4. The refusal to obey any reasonable or lawful request, order, or directive of a College public safety officer, a teacher, College administrator, or any other identified representative of the College. MCC LEARNING CENTERS 1. Monroe Community College has a number of Learning Centers at Brighton (for example, Accounting, Math, Psychology, Writing, the Electronic Learning Center, etc. ) and at Damon (for example, the Integrated Learning Center, Electronic Learning Center, etc. ). 2. Learning centers are staffed with instructional personnel and may be equipped with computers and software to assist students. 3. It is recommended that students use the Learning Centers to get additional help with concepts learned in the classroom and with their homework. SERVICES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES 1. Students with a documented learning difficulty should make an appointment with the Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities on the Brighton or Damon Campus to arrange for support services. 2. All deaf or hard of hearing students should contact the Counseling and Advising Center. 3. You must provide the instructor with appropriate documentation regarding accommodations within the first two weeks of class. EMERGENCY CLOSINGS 1. If the College is closed due to inclement weather or some other emergency, all Rochester area radio and television stations will be notified no later than 5:30 a. m. 2. In addition, the homepage on the MCC website (www. monroecc. edu) will display a message indicating the College is closed. 3. Please do not call the College to avoid overloading the telephone lines. 5 6 Student no : 43713009. EDA 201W Ass no : 2 719493 CLASS CANCELLATION To access a list of daily class cancellations, you may 1. Call the Public Safety Department (292-2066) at MCC, press 1 for a list of cancelled classes at Brighton and press 2 for a list of cancelled classes at Damon; 2. Go to the Internet, access MCC, go to the A-Z listing to C for Class Cancellations and see the list of cancellations; 3. Check your student email for a cancellation notice from your instructor 6 COURSE SYLLABUS AGREEMENT Detach and return this signed sheet to Professor Rodriguez. ______________________________________ M00______________________ Student’s Printed Name Student MCC College ID Number COS 133 Section Number: _________ Semester / Year: _____________ The Course Syllabus 1. The Course Syllabus (course information sheet) is a written legal covenant between you and your professor. 2. It clarifies the professor’s expectations and your responsibilities. Your professor expects you to meet deadlines for assignments, papers, projects and tests. 3. It is your responsibility to review the course syllabus and clarify any aspect of the syllabus. Therefore, read it carefully and ask questions you may have about its content. Check the appropriate box. I have read the course information sheet for COS 133 Introduction to College Studies. I understand my responsibilities for this course. I do not have any questions. I do not understand the requirements stated in the COS 133 Course Information Sheet. I will schedule an appointment to discuss my questions with my professor. List your questions for discussion here: ______________________________________ _____________________ Signature Date 7.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Placement at a mental health rehabilitation centre
Placement at a mental health rehabilitation centre The purpose of this write up is to explore and analyse how learning theories informed knowledge development and competence in promoting health and psycho education in clinical settings. I will examine the principles underpinning the facilitation of learning and assessment. I will demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of the theoretical concepts in an episode in which I facilitated learning to clients while on placement at a Mental Health Rehabilitation Centre. Finally, I will use the reflective model by (Gibbs, 1988) to reflect on the strategies used within the episode and discuss the implications in relation to my future role as a nurse. The NMC (2008) stipulates that as nurses we must maintain our professional knowledge and competence regularly. You must keep knowledge and skills up to date throughout your working life and that you must take part in an appropriate learning and practice activities that will maintain and develop your competence and performance. In view of the aforementioned this essay is aimed at enhancing my knowledge and competence in facilitating learning through understanding of the underpinning concepts. I observed most residents having fast foods such as burgers, kebab, and chocolate as well as fuzzy drinks which are rich in saturated fatty and sugar for lunch regularly and they were also smoking a lot. I was really concerned because of my duty of care as a nurse (NMC, 2004) and due to findings from several researches for example (Bottomley and Mckeown, 2008 and Hallpike, 2008) which shows the risk of malnutrition was commonly associated with people with psychosis which predisposes them to host of physical health problems. I had a chat with my mentor of my intention to use the weekly communal meeting to carry out a teaching session to raise awareness and sensitise the residents on the effects of fatty foods and fuzzy drinks on their body chemistry and the need to improve and develop a healthier eating habits and life styles, considering the fact that most of them were on various antipsychotic medication which predisposes them to becoming obese. Timms (2008) said that a huge majority of people with mental health problems are most likely to have weight issue due to side effects of their antipsychotic medication. My mentor agreed to table it before the resident in the next meeting to gain their consent in compliance with NMC (2008). The residents consented to it and were quite interested because some them were really concerned about their weight and really wanted to do something about it. We agreed on a date for the teaching. The onus was now on me to facilitate the learning process that will empower the residents to take responsibility for their health and make a positive change. A vast majority of physical health problems are caused by people life styles and their failure to see the risk associated with their daily habits. Kiger (1995) defined health as state of balance between different facets of life suggesting that it is a dynamic concept which he termed movable. What this means is that our life styles can alter the balance resulting in an adverse effect on our health. As facilitators it is essential that we have a clear understanding of the different learning styles in order to tailor our teaching to meeting the varied approach of our learners. This is because learners are intrinsically different and preferred different ways of learning. Teaching is an act of imparting knowledge, a purposeful intervention aimed at promoting learning and causing learning to happen. Kemm and Close (1995) defined teaching is an act of assisting others to learn and putting it to use in their life. While Kiger (2004) defined teaching as a process of enabling people to learn through the dissemination of information and advice; it creates room for people to express their feeling, clarify their thought and acquired new skills. Learning is the acquisition of knowledge through education and experience. It is essentially important because it enable people to make informed choice about their own health. Roger (1996) defined learning as a kind of change often in knowledge but also in behaviour. Reece and Walker (2002) stated that learning brings about change and that teaching and learning proceeds pari passu and cannot be considered in isolation. I spent time engaging with the residents so as to build a therapeutic relationship based on trust whilst observing their behaviours as I gather information to facilitate the learning process. This was to enable me identify their preferred style of learning so as to increase ease of transmission of knowledge. There are a host of approaches available in health promotion. Ewles and Simlet (2003) identified five approaches which include medical, client-centred, behaviour, education and societal change. In his word all these approaches must be taken into cognition when undertaking health promotion to clients. Kolb (1984) developed the experimental learning theory (learning by doing) by this he suggested that learning is not fixed but formed from previous experiences. Kolb learning theory which is cyclical affirmed that people have different learning style and he identified four distinct learning styles as shown in figure 1 below includes concrete experience (having an experience ), reflective observation( taking time to reflective on their experience from different perspective), abstract conceptualization ( drawing their conclusions) and active experimentation ( putting theory into practice). For effective learning to happen Kolb said all this four must be taking into context when planning a teaching session. Honey and Mumfords learning cycle is slightly different from Kolb system. Figure 1 Honey and Mumfords variation on the Kolb system Honey and Mumford (2000) said that there four different types of learners which must be taken into consideration when planning a teaching session as shown in figure 1 above. These include the activists, like learning situation that presents them with new challenges, problem solving, and role play and uses the first opportunity to experiment; reflector like brainstorming and learning activity that gives room for observation, thinking and reflecting on they have learned; theorist like to research into fact before taking it onboard, they prefer a step by step approach and pragmatist like practical based learning and been given the opportunity to try out techniques and getting feedback in return. In view of fact that people have varied approach to learning considering the fact that its a group teaching. I intend to present my teaching to my mentor first to get feedback on whether I have considered all the four learners identified by both Kolb and Honey and Mumford. As nurses the education of our clients about their health is a vital aspect of our nursing process. It is important that we use an approach that encompasses congruence, empathy and respect in assisting our client (Roger, 1996) instead of coercing them to change their life style. Therefore it is imperative that we aware that teaching the client requires consent and that the client has the right and autonomy to refuse any intervention even when it can result to death provided they have the mental capacity to make informed decision (Mental Capacity Act, 2005 and NMC, 2008). DH (1996) states that the client must be provided with vital information about their health, so that they can make informed choice about the treatment options, life styles changes and behaviour. The subject was brought before the residents for them to make informed decision with regards to the teaching and they consented to because they wanted to do something about their weight. Kemm and Close (1995) wrote that there is high tendency for client to learn if teaching is directed to meeting their needs, interest and within their ability. Effective communication plays a vital role in facilitating learning. As nurses the way we communicate and the kind of rapport we build with our client plays an essential role in empowering or disempowering them (Brown, 1997). Good communication skills act as therapeutic tool in delivery a holistic and person-centred care (Burnard, 1992). Our role as facilitator should be to explore and support our client to build that intrinsic motivation to make a change in their life, strengthen their commitment to change and then develop a plan to fulfill that change (Miller and Rollnick 2002). The responsibility for change lies purely on the client however as facilitator we should use an approach that confront the client with the idea of need for change without been persuasive and argumentative rather we should create an environment that show a sense of genuinity, respect and empathic understanding through collaboration and working in partnership with the client. Based on my assessment of the residents needs and considering the fact that they were adult learners capable of self-directing their learning, I decided to use andragogical instead of the pedagogical teaching style so as to enhance collaboration and for it to have a positive impact in residents lives. Pedagogy is the art and science of teaching children, it is a teacher- centred education and the teacher decided what, how and when it will be learned while andragogy is the art and science of assisting adults to learn and it is learner-centred education. Andragogical approach help learning to take place because of the clients own effort or willingness and it helps learners to learn what they want to learn (Knowles, 1990). Over the years educational psychologist and educationalist have developed models and learning theories (Hincliff, 2004). These include the behaviourist, cognitive or humanistic. Three domain of learning exist; Cognitive, psychomotor and affective (Bloom, 1972). The way we learn is however dependent on some other factors even though these three domains are the dominant. Individuals personal values, beliefs and altitude are motivating factors for self-directed learners. I decided to use the humanistic approach in facilitating the awareness and sensitization of the need for them to improve their diet and life style In order to meet the residents learning needs. The humanist theory as explained by (Maslow, 1943) is concerned with individual fulfillment and self-actualisation. The influence of the environment on the residents and their relationship with others is explained by the socio-cognitive theory. Bandura (1977) stated that learning take place as a result of social interaction throu gh observation and mimicking others whom the learner look up to for example family , peers and health professionals. To facilitate learning; a conducive learning environment, learning material suited to the learners need and their literacy level must be considered (Quinn, 1995).In view of this, I gathered all the necessary resource taking into account the residents individual learning styles and planned the teaching in such a way that it is tailored to meeting their varied learning styles. Based on my engagement with the residents I identified that majority of them belong to the theorist, pragmatist and reflector learning styles from (Honey and Mumford, 1982). Prior to the start of the teaching session I made sure the environment was conducive for leaning, spacious, quite and with the right temperature. I introduced myself to the residents and my mentor and other member of staff present. I explained the rationale for the teaching session. I gave them handout I prepared for the session which contain literature and pictures, which were simple to understand and which they could keep with them and refer to later at their convenience and I also use video from YouTube to explain the potential side effects of fatty food and fuzzy drink on their heath and I highlighted the main topic, which is the makeup of the food they eat and its functions in the body and the calories recommended daily. I brought in several fatty foods like ground oil, butters in different make to explain to them the difference between the good product and the bad product. I explain to them that the one that contain high saturated fat and low unsaturated is not good because the body find it difficult to break down the saturated fatty into small unit which is used by body instead they are gradually deposited thereby raising their cholesterol level. The deposition of fat gradually blocks the artery wall which could lead to anterosclerosis, stroke and heart diseases while product rich in unsaturated fats and low saturated fats are better. I encouraged them to always check for this information on the food product whilst shopping. I asked them if they know what cholesterol means and if anyone has check out their cholesterol level. I then brought out some more products for them to point out which one was better to check if the understood the lectures and they did perfectly well in identifying the good and the bad product and I offered them praise f or a job well done. I then showed them they kind of food that is good for the body from you Tube and what constitute a balance diet. The teaching session was an interactive one and as facilitator I suggested and encouraged them to adopt a healthier lifestyle by eating more fruit and vegetable instead of chocolate, drink more water instead of fuzzy drink and to cook their meal which was more nutritious and economical and to exercise by going to gym or taking a light work every day. I suggested that we could contribute one pound to cook for the weekly communal meeting and then see how it goes from there and the feedback was positive. I gave room for question and answer session. I thanked them for their collaboration and for making the teaching successful. Their willingness to learn was quite beneficial. I provided information on what make a balance diet and some activities aim at dealing with weight issues in the communal loung e. As nurses its imperative that we take time to reflect daily on our professional and clinical practice. Gibb et al (2005) stated that constant reflection allows learning to occur at every given opportunity and it improves practice. I felt competent though initially nervous teaching the residents on the need for healthy eating and life style change. Ewles and Simnett (2003) stated that health promotion is the process of empowering people to take proactive action over and improve their health. I was able to facilitated residents learning by building a rapport and through process I observed their learning styles and knowledge base which made it possible for me to tailor the teaching to their varied approach of learning. I believe the teaching session had a positive impact in enlightening the residents on the need for them to improve their diet and lifestyles change from the feedback I got at the end of the teaching. I use the humanistic approach clearly stating the rationale for the sess ion because I wanted them to have the knowledge so that they can take responsibility for their own health. The session was collaborative and interactive with the residents fully involved in the discussion and asking appropriate when seeking clarification. During the evaluation Amos felt that the learning outcome had been achieved and also said that the handouts and leaflets given during the teaching session were very useful and helpful. My mentor suggested that I could have done more and it would have been good, if I had used an overhead projector. But his feedback was encouraging. I had to rush towards the end of the session due to time factors. But I realised that as a student nurse, my professional development is still in progress and as my course develops I will become confident in dealing with this type of situation. My experience of teaching on this occasion will improve my professional practice. During the session I adopted a personal counselling approach based on the Beattie (1991) model, (cited in Ewles and Simnett 2003), which is a combination of the educational and client centred approach. According to Rogers (1983) people experience the world differently and know their own experiences better than anyone else. Amos ability to take responsibility for his actions helped to be more independent. In conclusion, I have been able to facilitate a teaching session by building a therapeutic relationship with Amos and through achieving effective communication. I found out from this experience that empowering clients does not mean that nurses should enforce decisions on clients but rather that; they should encourage and motivate them to achieve a desired result. I feel the experience was an interesting one. Looking back on the teaching skills demonstrated and the assessment of the clients need, I think the aim of the teaching was achieved. The feedback received from the learner and my mentor has given me an insight on how to improve in my teaching in future. I hope to use video clips and overhead projector in future teaching and to continue using the lecture learnt in taught module to enhance my skills and knowledge in my future role as registered mental health nurse.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Goal Setting And Time Management
Goal Setting And Time Management Goal setting tools is definitely recommended. It doesnt really challenege show up were talking about. But goal setting tips is very important on the subject of time management. When you are aware your goals, you are in a better position to accomplish all the jobs that you should accomplish. The first thing is always to gain an understanding of tips on how to reach the best time management skills goal setting. Ahead of starting your goals, you should give some thought in regards to what it is that you will need for getting done. Exist many tasks in front of yourself on the day? Would you enjoy making better technique time youve in front of you? Are you interested in creating more a while that you could put to personal use? Questions honestly will let you build your goals properly. It is when youre conscious of what you look for to complete the actual goal setting tools should commence. Deal with your short-term goals to start with. Is it possible to do multiple of those with a given day? If you do, do this. Keep things simple. That is going to assist you to keep motivated but not get bogged down by details. Once these short-term goals are accomplished, its time to visualize your long-term goals. Dont be bogged down by too many short-term goals at the same time. You wish to have a good reason for staying motivated while you are wanting to accomplish something which requires longer than normal. Time management ideas goal setting tips means, among other things, ways to challenge yourself but not to begin making things look impossibly difficult. A lot of easy chores can undermine your motivation, but goals which may be too formidable may pave the way for failure. So make sure that your ultimate goal is realistic. This can be always a good idea. One other good idea is, needless to say, to make it rewarding when you fulfill a certain task. The reward ought to be like the goal achieved. A compact task done might require you can forget reward than an soft serve ice cream cone. If its been a big deal, purchase to something you might have been wanting for many years, something like a whole new computer. Time management skills setting goals is amongst the things that can make your life more stimulating in a very general way. Knowing tips on how to create your goals, you will stay away from the miseries that a great many people experience if they are not managing their time in addition to they need to. Personal time management and Setting goals the proper way There are numerous elements that distract you as long as youre working online. It is usually quite challenging to aim to juggle numerous things all at one time. One great tip that I learned in one of my mentors was the concept of using a timer. Which has a timer tracking your worktime, you can quickly notice where you are spending your serious amounts of learn to not allocate your time and energy to non-critical activities including reading email or finding new products. Present have you ever discovered you are in a situation that needs you to definitely do something extremely importantto discover youve convinced you to ultimately delay? Truth be told, every one of us procrastinate to some degree or another. When procrastination is starting to become portion of your everyday routine then procrastination grows more compared to a minor issue within your business. It is really an obstacle to success. Thankfully you curently have more control of these forces than you may realize, and you have to work and practice a few simple but incredibly strong techniques to boost your drive minimizing your resistance. One workout is to comprehend that procrastination is situated your brain. It is advisable to replace these thoughts of putting things off into empowered thinking habits instead. Keep an action journal to keep yourself accountable for the unfinished work, in order to find an accountability partner! Somebody is someone who holds you accountable for tasks as well as meeting your goals. Time management skills Analysis Questions: 1. How do you keep track of your goals? 2. Have listing of daily goals? 3. Do you plan your week, month or year? 4. At the end for the daySometimes you may feel you could have accomplished your goals? 5. Will you take any breaks in your workday? In that case the amount of? 6. Do you think youre a victim of trying to multitask an excessive amount of? 7. The amount of will you look at your email? 8. How often do you meet your deadlines? 9. Is there a first thing you choose to do in the morning? 10. How will you decide whats important? Solution: 1. Write things down (Carry a journal) 2. Prioritize your list be responsible for reaching/not reaching goals (find an accountability partner) 3. Learn how to say no to time wasting tasks (negative people included) 4. Check email daily or once weekly 5. Set weekly, monthly yearly goals (Target Monthly/Yearly Income) 6. Implement an occasion management system (break tasks into manageable daily/weekly or monthly tasks) 7. Identify your improper habits and try to illuminate them 8. Determine what works and get over it magnify your strengths 9. Make it rewarding for completing goals(take mini-vacations) 10. Outsource as much as possible 11. Automate Everything 12. Know your financial limits (keep track of everything arriving on and on out) Productivity Tools: 1. Journal/ Planner 2. Calendar 3. Robo Form for Password Management 4. Reminders and Alarms/Timers 5. Outsourcing Services/ Virtual Assistants 6. Organizational Tools (helpful websites next page) Take an inventory of all the so-called key components required for your web success, which weve discussed throughout this chapter and which can be outlined within the list above. This list above illustrates some extremely important ways to detect the urgency of your respective tasks. Upon having your list, make adjustments in accordance with your schedule. Organize your ideas and stay open to coming up with some new ones at the same time. Now, rather than list you have a road map of sorts, and that is just a strategy for putting structure down on paper. Effective Personal time management and Goal setting tips For your Overwhelmed Entrepreneur What emotions do these words evoke? Hows that phrase make you feel? If you are an overwhelmed entrepreneur likelihood is it does not provde the warm fuzzies! Whatever it can be, the one thing is made for sure; not all of us are born effective time managers! Most people wish we 25 hours, and up, daily to install our to dos in. However, it is actually very possible to become more designed in A shorter period once you give attention to being effective or perhaps prioritizing those to dos rather then cramming them within this elusive thing we call Time. If you feel about this, and dig a little deeper, personal time management is usually a mere figment in our imagination! Effective Time management skills EQUALS Effective Goal setting techniques Essentially, time management techniques for entrepreneurs is dependant on focusing on developing effective goal setting tools skills to make essentially the most almost daily that is available to us (just one day)! For being more appropriate at time management operator must talk about or herself: Have i got the focus, clarity and purposefulness to be aware what activities I ought to prioritize in order to assist me to advance in reaching my offer and time management skills goals? If i was to: Prioritize Limit Focus We may succeed time managers. Prioritizing, limiting, and working on a few things helps us feel more accomplished and productive together with helps us progress in reaching our business goals. Though the million-dollar question then becomes How can we become effective goal setters? How do we develop that sense of purposefulness making sure that we become entrepreneurs who manage our time effectively? Panic disorder thats: Find YOUR PASSIONS and know your STRENGTHS! Before setting goals, we must first ensure that i am truly following our personal passions! Find out what youre passionate about, awesome (just skip to next subheading)! If you do not know very well what youre excited about, determine the following questions. 1) What work/activities get me most excited? a. Can it be serving others by marketing a unique services or products? b. Will it be an actual task like instructing others? c. Would I enjoy work with others locally or globally? (Offline, Online or both!) 2) What am I best at? What skill sets are my strongest? a. Writing b. Presentation c. Instructing or Teaching? d. Coaching? 3) When am I MOST looking forward to using my talents and time effectively? Once you know your passions and what your strengths do you think youre can develop clear and effective goals. Apply the 80/20 Rule to Everything Everyone understands that 80/20 rule can assist you to improve your personal time management. So, what on earth is 80/20 rule? An Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto had found an unequal distribution of wealth that 20% of individual own 80% on the money. This principle is usually put on other industries. This principle is additionally called vital few and trivial many. 20% of something is usually to blame for 80% in the results. So, how much does this suggest for you? And what is the 80 20 rule in time management skills? Think way: 20% of the work may cost 80% of their time. It seems as if a whole lot waste energy, fine? Meanwhile, we can easily consider at another angel, that is 20% from the tasks you need to do could lead to 80 % with the result. Bingo, this is actually the 20 80 rule in time management! So, to use your time effective, you should target the 20% in the tasks that may end in 80% on the result. With this way, you can find far better work result by focus on those 20% work there. When you have learn the duty participate in 20% which create for you high benefit, you need to pay attention to them. And, here fit coming. Tips on how to evaluate which sorts of task will belong to 20%? This is some question you need to ask you: can you usually implementing urgent tasks? Do you cost a lot of your time to dedicate yourself other folks, and the ones people have no priority in your case? Tasks take to much time than you anticipate? Are you complaining during the most time of ones work? Would be the tasks your are performing just isnt what youre effective in? Plus it takes an excessive amount of time? Well, if your answer above is absolutely. It could determine that youll be doing tasks within 80% and so they are only able to bring about 20% effectiveness. You should do a reveres here: The duty that you are implementing is actually what you want to accomplish? The activities you do now will send you to your goals? Do you feel happy in your working? If suggestions some task you want to do, but you are negative at it, will you delivery those tasks to people? Could it be highly relatively for a long-term goal that when the position your are performing is just not that which you like? Ok. If the fact is positive, well, your task is owned by 20% and which will result in 80% result. Today, you ought to make list to write down all your task that youre going to do during in the future. And divide them into two parts. One is 80% and just one more is 20%. Here now, all your good working time should be cost around the 20%. With this way, youll be able to achieve greater than before. Living the 80/20 Rule Where do you need the 80/20 rule out your work and life? A single section of gaming Regularly being a consultant inside public sector. In another Regularly as being a coach; with both life coaching and corporate clients. Also i produce other businesses in completely unrelated fields including pet supplies, parenting products, and food supplements. The opposite regions of my entire life are put in leisure activities with my family. I would not consider myself a jack of all trades/master of none, though: these endeavors counseled me chosen deliberately and executed carefully. Having a lot of things out and about satisfies my should stay diversified and busy (yes, Image told they have ADHD) i love (almost) everything I really do. Importantly, I additionally have time for everything I actually do with some to spare. For the reason that from the 80/20 rule. Simply speaking, I attempt to focus on the twenty percent of my entire life and work which gives me the most results and enjoyment. And i also attempt to say no to or outsource the opposite 80 percent whenever and wherever I could. Basically, I only work and spend time with the folks I wish to be around, and i also only work on what I have to focus on. I understand that saying these items is controversial: you will be convinced that this does not sign up for your life along with your particular situation. You dont possess the luxury to easily outsource what toddler do. You have commitments and responsibilities Weve commitments and responsibilities too, obviously; and naturally you will discover some tips i cant outsource or say no to either. But its exactly about where I choose direct my energy while keeping your focus: I understand I can not always live gaming inside 20 percent but Also i understand that if I try, Ill consistently be considered a lot closer than plainly dont. (You should say that the chance to do only what one wants depends on circumstance and luck. This is true to some large degree but Furthermore assume that luck is to be based in the intersection of preparation and opportunity) Therefore the aim of this chapter should be to encourage for you you prioritized the points you want in your own life, and that which you really need to be doing regular then looking honestly at where you can unload many of the 80 % that does not fit with the eyes. To get started on, hunt for those big-lever changes you can make that you experienced. They do not need to be complicated or overwhelming: they include any adjustments, big or small, that have a major impact. A large-lever change could be described as a change of careers, as an example, or it could be something much smaller which has a domino-effect in your lifetime. A straightforward big-lever change could possibly be something as elementary as outsourcing the duty of unloading the dishwasher: when it reduces stress towards the end of the busy day, and give you time for something more pleasurable, then its certainly worth the extra 5 dollars in allowance! That is just one small example there are lots of. Where else can you use the 80/20 rule in yourself? Where else are you able to pinpoint the twenty percent of your life and work which gives the biggest results and greatest satisfaction? And where could you set out to unload others? Applying the Beneficial 80-20 Rule to Your Business The majority of people who built their unique businesses from your ground-up think that the business is their child. They need to protect it with everything else they have. They want to be sure that everything around the clients are accomplished just perfectly. This constant daily focus to every little detail could be the primary reason that a small business becomes stagnant. There may be only a great deal time in the day and if youre spending your whole day ensuring that it is all totally done ideal, there are no time left to inflate your online business and lift to the next level of success. It is advisable to continue to apply the 80/20 rule on your business. Stay, do a list of other nutritional foods that you do all day long in running your company. It could be looking to close sales with customers, ensuring youve got people from jobs or projects that are doing what they are meant to do. Being confident that you get invoices out once they need to be out. Being sure that the payroll is going punctually. Soon after days, go through the list and try to figure out how some of these things helps you increase and expand your online business. When the activities you wrote down dont help you in this way, hire a roofer as part of your organization that you simply feel you can rely on and delegate these every day tasks to them. You dont need to completely surrender control of the daily business activities, this is where the 20% comes in. You have to spend 80% of energy on other business expanding activities. An individual will be out of under the way of life you will soon find strategies to spend your time which are a lot more productive in the long run. Now you can fill the shoes from the CEO of your organization. It somewhat to have acquainted with the newest role, but start every morning convinced that today your job is to use new strategies to improve the revenues at your company beyond methods you already use It will not be a long time before you will be able to waste most of your time and efforts with this new role of CEO. Just think of the benefits it will give you, your household along with your employees whenever you can take a step back and discover the forest even though the trees, it will be easy to more clearly pick which is best direction for the business growing in. By trusting others who are qualified to control the day to day tasks of your business it is possible to generate an even better business for every individual concerned. Apply the 80/20 Rule watching Your own Productivity Soar During the early 1900s, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto observed that 20 % of those in Italy owned 80 % with the wealth. Over 3 decades later, Dr. Joseph M. Juran, who worked in the field of Quality Management in the United States, recognized the same occurrence, namely, a large number of things in life are unevenly distributed. He referred to this trend as Paretos 80/20 Principle, and that is otherwise referred to as the 80/20 rule. Basically because of this a percentage (roughly 20%) of the overall activity yields a greater percentage (roughly 80%) with the result. Applying the 80/20 rule for your personal productivity will let you prioritize your job from most critical to lowest and then to budget your efforts accordingly. For making prioritizing your tasks easier, estimate how long you will need to complete each task. You will end up more productive should you give attention to completing the main tasks first in case you finish time-sensitive projects before tackling other tasks. One survey revealed that while people spend 60 hours weekly within their offices, they actually under 20 hours of actual work. Applying the 80/20 rule, with all the aforementioned suggestions, could send the common office-worker soaring to employee with the month before you know it! With your priorities set and also a definite plan in position as to what work you have to complete as well as the time-frame you must complete it, you are well on the right path to improved personal productivity. Again, the 80/20 rule points too in a amount time you could end up very productive. Therefore, dont use becoming side-tracked by non-essential intruders like procrastination. Consider the existing adage, why defer tomorrow you skill today! Also, be mindful that throughout a day, unexpected things purchased up and require our time. However, its usually the exception and never the rule. If you need your productivity to soar, focus on one goal around the goal of completing your tasks on-time! Now you know that you strive to be, its a good time and energy to determine in which you are now pertaining to reaching your goal. Do you think youre already inside 20% of efficient, productive workers, are you currently inside 80% of not-so-productive workers, or are you somewhere in-between? How much does your annual or quarterly review reveal about your personal productivity? So what can your peer reviews show? Regardless of your present standing, take a genuine glance at the work you have done lately. You might not demand a full overhaul of ones work habits but instead you could only need to fine-tune a couple of areas. Feel free. Why not start today? Apply the 80/20 rule at the office and in some cases both at home and just watch your personal productivity soar! Time Management Principles Essentially the most fearsome things facing consumers s all of what which seem to conspire to distract use from what we should are supposed to be doing. From mobile phones on the internet to TV, irrespective of where we go there will be something to try and do aside from our assigned tasks, and it is so easy to goof off and obtain nothing done. Here are a couple principles to help you manage your time to help you utilize it as effectively as possible. First off, it is important to recognize that we as individuals have a fixed length of time and a large number of stuff we can easily do by using it. Thus, weve got to prioritize and use our time for it to do the things which may help use to obtain our goals and accomplish the tasks which might be most important to us. An important time management planning skill will be the capability to break big tasks into more palatable pieces. We often are facing huge projects or jobs which will take many the perfect time to complete. Thankfully that lots of times were given a lot of amount of time in order to accomplish these projects. The bad thing is the fact that often we have been intimidated by the these big projects so we dont start them until the eleventh hour, which means that we are left racing to acquire whatever to control your emotions in time and still having a poor taste in our mouth. So, work out how much of your livelihood youre able to do everyday every week, basically exactly what is going to take to accomplish it, and then choose a day to begin. This leads into your significance about making a plan and sticking to it. Understand what have a plan that you simply follow, you will be disorganized and you will probably struggle to maximize your time and energy. You will have a seat to function on something but you wont have a clear concept of things to do, and quite often which means the next occasion, you wont possess the hear by sitting and you will probably loosen up in any respect. This might be prevented by proper planning. These are just a couple of personal time management ideas, they must be enough to get you started. The main thing is you remove whatever is distracting and find down to business with anything you should achieve. Determing the best Time management planning Principles Doing your best with your time and energy is usually essential if you would like be truly successful in your everyday living while still having some balance in every your roles. You cannot obtain the time that you just spend, or waste, on something back. Instead, you should ensure that you spend every possible moment being as productive as possible. People who find themselves not really acquainted with time management principles might find it challenging to maximize from a time. However, when you get accustomed to seeing your time slowly tick away, you will want learn how to take advantage of out of your time. Learning the best way to prioritize your everyday To Do list will be the number 1 time management skills skill you could have. Being aware of what tasks have to be completed first can help you get everything carried out in your little friend length of time you have. It does not matter a high level be home more mother, someone working full-time in the job, an executive or CEO, a make money online entrepreneur, or perhaps a retired senior, you will always should make one of the most of each hour of your respective day. The most wealth in life is being able to take enough time to relish all of your activities and being liberal to have a ball with your leisure along with your daily work activities. Likewise, if you do not manage your time and effort well, you will discover yourself overwhelmed with activities to do without extra time to get them completed in. Time is surely an equal opportunity employer. Each man has the exact same variety of hours and minutes each day. Rich cant buy additional hours. Scientists cant invent new minutes. So you cant not waste time to shell out it on at a later date. Having said that, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. Regardless how enough time youve wasted in the past, youve still got a total tomorrow! ~ Denis Waitely ~ Another biggest time management principle that one could have is to find added time. This might seem impossible, but is in fact very possible. You will find added time by spending a shorter period doing menial tasks. Keep a journal to see what we spend your time on every single day a week or two weeks. Then determine if youre centering on the tasks that bring you joy or successes you might be targeting in your everyday living. Should you may spend to much time on activities that are not working toward your longtime or lifestyle goals, you possibly can review when your need to do them, at least review how much actual time you will allocate to the task. You dont need to clean your car each day, and also you does not have to proceed to the store daily either. Simply combine all of your repeated tasks whenever feasible into just getting done a couple of times 7 days. This can help you save hours of your time in just a few short months. Furthermore, it mandates that you adjust several levels in your daily schedule. The 3 Principles Of Productivity Are you aware? The tendency for most people is always to assume that the subsequent software program them to buy, your next computer they purchase, the subsequent smartphone them to use, will suddenly grow their productivity due to advanced technology. The truth is that this technology itself will never allow you to be more productive. What will allow you to be more productive is definitely the technology in a manner that is dependant on timeless principles, principles that never change no matter advancements in technology. One of many important principles you simply must bear in mind is to carry your calendar, your contacts as well as your tasks to you wherever you are going. Whether you employ a smart phone or maybe a paper planner to accomplish that, it matters not just as much as the commitment you will be making to live that principle. So, next time you think that purchasing a new tool will make you more productive, take into account that theyll only allow you to productive if you live good principles of good time management planning and productivity. This chapter will familiarizes you with those principles. Its inside habits you develop in places you will experience a long-lasting change. The 3 Principles of Productivity and Personal time management: 1) Space 2) Mind 3) Time 1) Space: What this means is your workspace: the physical items around you. How well will you be when using the physical space that youve? Look for gathering points: piles of papers, stacks of bills, drawers stuffed with miscellaneous items, even telephone voicemail box, your email inbox and receipts stuffed on your bottom line are extremely deemed as gathering points. We have to reduce the quantity of gathering points youve got so as to lessen the number of switches that occur within your day. Remember, every gathering point you make makes you be less efficient, make more mistakes and increase your stress levels. An illustration: Suppose you and I have been in a competition, an orange gathering competition. We need to both gather oranges from trees and them into one basket. Us both have to get together 100 oranges each and set them into one basket. The first one to complete the task wins. Now, assume you have to gather the oranges from 20 different trees i ought to gather oranges from only 5 different trees. Who is going to win competition? Its very simple right? When you have to make more trips forwards and backwards between all those trees to have the oranges into that basket, youre going to possess a lot more switches. You will waste a lot of time and energy moving back and forth between the many different gathering points (1 tree = 1 gathering point) for oranges. I must make less trips planning to fewer trees (less gathering points). So, I am going faster and I win other sellers. The same principle happens in your entire day. If you have lots of gathering points, you will spend a lot of time and heading back and forth with shod and non-shod. By reducing the amount of gathering points you have, you gain precious time within your day helping you to target more essential plus more valuable activities. 2) Mind Stop with your mind to be a gathering point. If you utilize your brain like a gathering point, this means you allow many to-dos, tasks and projects to swirl around in your head. Think about the last hour. Offer did you interrupt yourself each time a new thought popped in your thoughts? All of those little self interruptions became a switch. A switch causes things to be more difficult time, makes you make more mistakes and itll raise your stress levels. A mind stuffed with to-dos and action items is constantly in a state of switching which can be terribly inefficient, stressful to cause plenty of mistakes. Possess seen instances of folks who damage their personal relationships mainly because their thoughts are loaded with too many unresolved thoughts. We have also seen those who dont get enough sleeping hours given that they hit the sack during the night time contemplating everything that they need to do and awaken each day thinking about all the jobs that they have to do. Solution: Empty the pockets of this mind when you go to bed. 3) Time Your third and final principle that you simply have a home in order to master your time and energy, works with the way you view time itself. Especially, never pay interest with your time. So what can What im saying is when I say interest on time? Perhaps youve heard the phrase time=money. Im not sure if time always is cash except time certainly behaves like money because its a scarce resource. Lots of people have observed first-hand, the negative consequences of commencing debt with money. The absolutely no.1 results of visiting debt with money is that you have to re-pay it with interest. Put simply, if you buy something on credit, in lieu of budgeting for doing this and paying cash all upfront, you can be paying additional ultimately. Would you be surprised if I mentioned you could borrow time? In reality, Id personally reckon that so many people are borrowing time each day. Now, I am not stating that youll be able to magically get 25 hours everyday
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